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Guest Susanna

My son's homeopathic doctor has agreed to do the testing I requested for metals, yeast, sensitivities etc. Claire previously recommended an initial set of tests from various labs, which I passed along to the doctor, as she does not usually do this testing. (thanks Claire!)


I looked at the websites of the various recommended labs (Great Smokies, Great Plains, SpectraCell and ImmunoLabs) It appears as though some labs offer similar testing. What has your experience been? Are certain tests "better" from one lab vs. another lab, or could I expect similar results? The only reason I'm questioning this is because of insurance....in some cases certain labs will bill the insurance directly (which is preferable), in other cases I would have to submit a claim to the insurance myself after paying for the test initially.


Another question, Claire you suggested that the SpectraCell test be done as a second tier test. Does this mean I would only need this test if I get certain results from the first round of tests, or can this be done as part of the first round of testing. I'm just trying to minimize how many times blood would need to be drawn, but I don't want to have to do a test which might not be needed which I'm sure will not be covered by insurance 100%.


Thanks for any info you can provide.

Guest Guest_Claire

Hi Susanna,


I am at a friends, but checking in. I have 'evolved' my view of the tests...(changed my mind!)


I now consider Spectracell vitamin/antioxidant deficiencies and Immunolabs Food Allergy test (Or Elisa/ACT for food allergies--Our doctor uses both) to be a top tier test.


This is because I noticed such a difference in my son (and now myself!) when we eliminated the foods that showed positive on the IgG food allergy test. Basically, if there are issues with the 'gut', eliminating those foods for 4 months and reintroducing them once a week will hlep the gut to heal. Also, if you have issues with the antioxidants or vitamins (Spectracell) it will help the doctor to customize the supplement protocol.


I am not as big on the CDSA test anymore--but my bias is that we were both negative on that test except for low probiotic levels. And since supplementing with probiotics is a good thing regardless, I don't see it as mandatory.


I can't comment on labs, except that it is very important that food allergy tests are done by a lab that does IgG not just IgE. Also that Spectracell really is unique in looking at vitamin function at the cell level, which my doctor feels uncovers vitamin issues more that other vitamin deficincy tests.




Hello all,


I'd like to encourage anyone who is open minded enough (and I get the impression most people on here are!) to seriously look at "Body Talk". While this is not a medical test you will receive indications of sensitivities. Just be sure to find a well experienced practitioner. The one I took my daughter to is a qualified medical doctor who is also trained in acupuncture and and Body Talk Systems. I know definately that for allergy treatment Body Talk works.


Just thought I would pass that along.


God bless,



Guest Guest_efgh

Hi Sherry


thanks for the info on Body talk. I read the details in the website you mentioned and it is amazing. Have you tried it for your daughter - how many sessions did it take for you to see any significant improvement? Do they test for allergies also as a part of body talk treatment - do they check and identify food sensitivities . did the IgG food sensitivity test or the body talk food sensitivity test help you to find that your daughter is allergic to corn?




Have any one of you used Body talk for your kids (for allergies/tics)





Hi everybody. Our current doctor uses Great Smokies Diagnostic Lab for our son's food antibody assessment IGE & IgG. The tests cost over 500 dollars as well as an additional fee of 125 for the entering the doctor's office. I hope we are not getting ripped off for we have tested and are testing for everything looking for a solution or plan of treatment. But that is the name of the lab and that is our cost.

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