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Hello all,


I would like to start by thanking everyone who contributes to this forum -- it is an incredible wealth of knowledge and support to all of us parents who are looking for answers when our kids are blindsided with tics or TS. I have been following the forum for a number of months as my 6 year old son developed motor tics in May this year. He has the head/neck tic and some shoulder shrug style tics. We have added a magnesium supplement and it really helped alot with the head/neck tics although we recently have had a flair up. I believe he also has significant ADD issues and significant anxiety issues as well. Interestingly enough I believe the tics bother my wife and I more than they bother Zack -- but the ADD probably causes him more issues. We have modified our diet quite extensively and that has not seemed to make much change although if he gets into candy or sugar snacks it can amplify things. Just had Zack to a homeopath and a naturopath appointment is in February, I would be interested in feedback on experiences with those professions. I am also thinking about ordering the TS-control supplements from Bonnie Grimaldi and was wondering what people mix the supplements in (no way he handles capsules) and if anyone uses any of the other products she sells. By the way I am a Chiropractor and am going to post on the TMJ issue, if anyone has questions about chiropractors or our treatments I would be happy to answer. Thanks again to the amazing members and contributors on this site.




welcome Craig :)


my son was very recently checked for TMJ probs but does not seem to have issues there,


he does benefit greatly from careful chiro adjustment, primarily along his spinal cord, but also cervical. Our chiro is NUCCA certified


re Bonnie's supplements...many people *who have TS* find them very helpful as they are specifically formulated for Tourette tics

I based my son's supp program ( see the link in my signature below for details) on her original research years ago and it really has helped him. He has hereditary TS and has been on natural treatments since 2001, which has helped his very severe tics and OCD become manageable

In addition to chiro, he finds acupuncture very helpful as well


parents mix the ingredients in the Bontech supps with apple sauce, peanut butter, yoghurt, smoothies etc to get them in. Also, for some reason people who struggle to swallow pills seem to find it easier to drink liquid from a straw when swallowing the pills


we look forward to getting to know you


Thank you for such a quick response. NUCCA is an upper cervical specific technique that I find very fascinating, specifically in cervical assessment. I treat children with a mechanical adjustment which I can set for a very light manouver -- due to the high level of cartilage that children have structurally. Children generally respond very quickly to treatment. My son is adopted and we have been unable to determine any heredity for TS to date, although I do anticipate that being his medical diagnosis come next May. Do you use any of Bonnie's other supplements?


we have never used Bontech supps as I had already formulated a plan for my son based on Bonnie's original plan for her own child prior to her coming out with her supps and so I was reluctant to change what was already working


others here have used them with much success (altho a very few seem to not tolerate them)




Regarding the Bonnie Grimaldi TS-Plus, my son has been on it for about 3 years now. The ONLY thing I figured out for him that hid the taste was peanut butter. I would mix it in it and make tiny little peanut butter balls and he would eat them. I would also roll the peanut butter balls in raw sugar and that helped hid the taste even more. I think it is the B vitamins that make it taste so bad.


I finally was able to convince him to not chew the little ball but to swallow it. That is all it took and all of a sudden he could swallow the pills.


I know some have mixed the TS-Plus in smoothies. That may work for some but my son would just gag on it.


But it has been a great product and I really do recommend it.




Cheri --


Thanks for your post. I went through your supplements that you use and found it very fascinating. I was at a conference a few weeks ago that went over a number of those supplements and I will have to re-read my information to catch up on all the different mechanisms. I was interested with the epsom salts bath bit at the end. Last February my son was in a hockey tournament right after he had turned 6. We had not noticed any tics yet as they surfaced in May, but Zack had significant ADD issues for quite awhile. After the 2nd of 3 games that Saturday we went home and my wife gave Zack an epsom salts bath and for the 3rd game he played his best game of the year and got the 'Hustler' award from the coach after the game. Also we put Zack on a fish oil omega 3 supplement when we were trying to combat his low iron levels before his tics -- I might look into the flaxseed or borage alternatives.



Carolyn --


I was very impressed with your histamine theory post, I read it via a link in another thread, I believe you said vitamin C will reduce histamine levels -- have you noticed any other supplements reduce histamine levels?





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