Guest Liz Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 Hey, I am a 15 year old female, already on Lexapro, and I was recently prescribed Adderall XR (20mg) for ADD. I just began yesterday and so far I am experiencing some pretty unpleasant side effects. Of course, there was the insomnia. Drymouth, excessive sweating, leg aches (I am pretty sure this is from the Adderall, as I have not done any real physical activity), slight nausea, apetite loss (although this is a sort of good thing). My dad has been taking Adderall XR (30mg) for several years and he really seems to enjoy it. He says he only remembers experiencing insomnia. I am really enjoying the positive affects of this drug, the relief of anxiety, stuff doesn't feel as chaotic anymore, everything feels more natural, I feel more integrated into my environment... my mood is (so far) much more even, I can actually process thoughts... and the Euphoria. But the more I read up on this the more concerned I become... it seems a bit dangerous, what with addictions and depending on it and all that, and developing a tolerance... And the side effects for me are less than enjoyable (I also have marks all over my tongue and inside of my mouth from constantly chewing on my mouth/ grinding my teeth... I can't imagine what this would have to do with Adderall but I never experienced it before yesterday when I first started taking it... I suddenly feel very aware of my mouth and am constantly unintentionally moving it around... my teeth ache...). I was wondering if the side effects should go away after a while? How long before I would know what it is going to be like? I was previously trying out Concerta but stopped taking it after a few days because it made me irritable and sick to the stomach, and it just got increasingly worse. Any advice or comments appreciated.
Heather Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 Liz, I am no expert on supplements for ADHD but I do now you won't find anyone on this forum who advocates the use of prescription drugs for anything. There are some who have had severe side effects. The mouth chewing and teeth grinding could very well be side effects and they could possibly get worse. I am sorry I can't help you with specific supplements for ADHD, however, a good vitamin/mineral is a place to start. I would recommend you seeing a naturopath/environmental doctor to help diagnose your nutritional deficiencies. If you read some of the tourettes posts you will see many threads with different supplements that people have tried. You will also see where Chemar's son sufferred severe side affects for a couple of years while taking prescription drugs. Since he has been taking natural supplements, his symptoms are minimal. ADHD is considered to be on the same spectrum of neurological disorders so you may benefit from some of the posts under other titles (Aspergers, autism, tourettes, etc.) There are many successes you will read with the use of natural supplements on this forum.
Guest Guest_joan Posted May 18, 2004 Report Posted May 18, 2004 hi i take adderall too and i am always biting the inside of my cheeks and my lips...but, other than that, no side effects, and it really works well for me! I can tolerate that side effect...........all meds have some side effects and this seems pretty minor compared to the chaos in my life before meds1 :)Joan
Guest Angel30 Posted August 21, 2004 Report Posted August 21, 2004 I too have a 10 year old. I was never for the meds in the first place but the schools would bug me all the time about he needs on meds. My son has been diag. with ADD, ADHD and ODD! He has taken Ritalin, Concerta, Focalin, and Stratera and non worked, he looked drugged up all the time. He lost his appetite everyday. His 8 year old brother weighs just as much as the 10 year old. The effects on him were bad. Hes skin and bones. They also tryed concerta! I pulled the plug on that one because he was conplaining about always being sleeping and the teachers thought it was good him falling asleep in class, one less kid to yell at! Last year we had him in special ed class and they put him on adderall! His mood swings were unreal! I kept him off meds all the summer and he has spells where he just is very hard to control! His issues are behavioral one not learning ones. He respect fear and hurts those who show weakness. What do I do! I want him with no drugs in his system at all. How does the nutrition thing work? I have never heard that before ever!!!!! I need help badly!!!! I love him so much but hes on the verge of going and living with his father because he is making me loose everything, my job, my money, even close to my second marriage!
Guest Steve Posted August 23, 2004 Report Posted August 23, 2004 As we know most medications have side effects - this is the main drawback. Neurotherapy or Neurofeedback is a very effective option that is non drug and can be very effective for essentially all kinds of ADD, with or without hyperactivity.
Guest Rachel Posted August 31, 2004 Report Posted August 31, 2004 I too have a 10 year old. I was never for the meds in the first place but the schools would bug me all the time about he needs on meds. My son has been diag. with ADD, ADHD and ODD! He has taken Ritalin, Concerta, Focalin, and Stratera and non worked, he looked drugged up all the time. He lost his appetite everyday. His 8 year old brother weighs just as much as the 10 year old. The effects on him were bad. Hes skin and bones. They also tryed concerta! I pulled the plug on that one because he was conplaining about always being sleeping and the teachers thought it was good him falling asleep in class, one less kid to yell at! Last year we had him in special ed class and they put him on adderall! His mood swings were unreal! I kept him off meds all the summer and he has spells where he just is very hard to control! His issues are behavioral one not learning ones. He respect fear and hurts those who show weakness. What do I do! I want him with no drugs in his system at all. How does the nutrition thing work? I have never heard that before ever!!!!! I need help badly!!!! I love him so much but hes on the verge of going and living with his father because he is making me loose everything, my job, my money, even close to my second marriage! Angel30...I can't imagine how hard it is of what you are going through with your child. I am 27 years old and currently taking adderall. I am a nurse and Adderall is helping me but I just hate being on a narcotic due to the side effects. I have been looking into alternative means other than narcotics and other medication to control my ADD. I too came accross the diet plan for ADD. It is a high protein and low carbohydrate diet. Along with the diet an intense physical activity is nessesary. The last bit of helpful information was to take an asprin product to help increase bloodflow to the brain. The best advice I can give you is to take your son to a dietician. If you can not do this then look online for the diet I meantioned above. Please make sure this type of diet is not preventing any needed nuteints your son needs.
Guest Nicole Posted September 11, 2004 Report Posted September 11, 2004 Today is day one for me and Adderall (time release) All I can say that is feels really great to have a clear head for once. I have a slight almost unmentionable taste in my mouth but nothing else. No biting, sweating, or anything else. I am a firm believer in the physological aspect of medications and their effects. I think that checking into the side effects of medications is not only your right but the smartest thing to do, however manifesting side effects based on what you have read or have been told is possible not only hindering your recovery or ability to persevere, it is creating an uncureable disease. A disease that is not to be treated with medication but that with a mental health professional.
Guest Christy Posted September 18, 2004 Report Posted September 18, 2004 Hi, my name is Christy, I'm 16 years-old. I'm pretty sure that I have either Manic Depression, or a Bipolar Disorder. Everday I have major highs and lows, and I have no idea what to do with myself anymore. I want to tell my parents but I really don't think they will understand. They know that there is something wrong with me becasue of my intense mood swings and temper tantrums, but other than that, they have no idea of the depressive states i get into. Now to me, temper tantrums at the age of 16 are absolutely ridiculous and they need to be ended, but how is my question? I was thinking about taking Adderall without telling my parents but i keep on reading the side effects and everything and it gets me kind of scared. I had just gone to the doctor about 2 weeks ago and she said that I can take an antidepressant for the mood swings but I think I weigh enough already and they make you gain more weight as a side effect. I really have no idea what to do so if anyone can help me on this that would be great. You can also email me at . Thanks for listening!
atkinson42 Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 Hello, my son is 5 years old and just got diagnois with ADHD his doctor gave him adderall rx 10mg. For the past 2 weeks we have been struggling with him taking it (cap form). The doctor said it also comes in a tablet but only has a 6 hr release time. He would have to take twice a day instead of once. He had a good day yesterday and swallowed it but I softened the cap before hand. Then today he spit it up twice so I tried another one and he stomped on it. If anyone has any suggestions please reply. It looks like we may have to go with the tablets you can dissolve. The school nurse said they would administer the second dose at lunch time. The teacher cannot monitor his behavior or see if he needs further testing for learning disabilities until the meds are stable in his system. He also has a speech disability in which he sees the speech therapist twice a week. Sorry this is so long but I'm in need for feedback. I wish they had a local support group where I live. Thanks, atkinson42
Guest Guest Posted October 8, 2004 Report Posted October 8, 2004 well my mom used to crush it up in didn't taste very good but it made it real easy to take down.
Guest Severe reaction Posted October 11, 2004 Report Posted October 11, 2004 I am a 27yr old female, and I just got out of the hospital from a severe reaction to adderall. If you are someone you love plans to use adderall please make sure you understand all of the side effects. It turns out that I really do not even suffer from add. My doctor gave it to me, and gave me no warning of what was in store for me. I told her that I had a bad reaction once to retalin, but she said it was a very different drug. For the first 30 days she prescribed me 10 mg of the time-release adderall. I was told to call her, so she could see if she had to increase my dose. I called her 20 days into it, and I told her I was a little edgy but other then that I was fine. Without seeing me she increased my dose to 20 mg a day. After starting the 20mg I was unable to sleep that night. Since it was the weekend I continued my dose, but I was unable to sleep all weekend. While I was getting ready for work the following Monday I suffered from a panic attack. I called my doctor and we discontinued the medication. That evening I was unable to sleep, and started to suffer severely. It started with tics, which is uncontrolable movement and talking. I was also starting to see things, and felt everyone was out to get me. This got much worse the next day, and increased my blood pressure so high I had to check into the hospital. That is where I spent the next week so they could monitor me. I was actually pretty close to death, and had no since of reality.
Guest Guest_guest Posted October 12, 2004 Report Posted October 12, 2004 Hello, my son is 5 years old and just got diagnois with ADHD his doctor gave him adderall rx 10mg. For the past 2 weeks we have been struggling with him taking it (cap form). The doctor said it also comes in a tablet but only has a 6 hr release time. He would have to take twice a day instead of once. He had a good day yesterday and swallowed it but I softened the cap before hand. Then today he spit it up twice so I tried another one and he stomped on it. If anyone has any suggestions please reply. It looks like we may have to go with the tablets you can dissolve. The school nurse said they would administer the second dose at lunch time. The teacher cannot monitor his behavior or see if he needs further testing for learning disabilities until the meds are stable in his system. He also has a speech disability in which he sees the speech therapist twice a week. Sorry this is so long but I'm in need for feedback. I wish they had a local support group where I live. Thanks, atkinson42 My son is 9 years old and was diagnosed with adhd. we too had a problem taking the capsules. In the beginning we tried empting them into applesauce, they still tasted terrible and I had a hard time getting him to take them. Then one day i got some smarties ( the little candies that come wrapped up in a roll) they are about the size of a small pill, we starting cutting them in half and practiced swallowing them with liquid. when he got the hang of that we worked on full size ones. He would swallow two then swallow a capsule. The smarties were sweet tasting so if they didn't go down right away it wasn't a problem. he gradually worked up to the capsules. It took a little time, but now he swallows the capsules with no problem what so ever. Hope this works for you
Guest Guest_Jay Posted October 20, 2004 Report Posted October 20, 2004 Hey everyone, I'm a college student and most of my colleagues here use adderall and other focus/concentration supplements such as conerta, ritalin to enhance there studying. We'll lately I found myself distracted by the slightest thing. Yesterday I had 3 exams so in the morning I woke up and took an adderall, mind you i'm not prescribed for this medication, I got it from a friend. However, i took the capsule at 9am and I studied str8 till about 1pm and personally I think it made a big improvement in my level on concentration. Now im debating if I should use the drug again when I have to buckle down and do work. Any advice?
Guest Guest_Julie Posted November 15, 2004 Report Posted November 15, 2004 Hi, I am 46 years old, all my life I struggled at being forgetful or I was scattered brain or stupid. I was diagnosed with ADD a little late in my life. I started taking strattera. It made me sick and sleepy. Is it odd that it made me sleepy? Does anyone else out there get that same effect. I also experienced moodiness and being aggetated, being short with my friends and family. Since then my Doctor has put me on adderall rx 20. I do great with my ADD except for getting agitated quickly, and snapping. Before I was put on strattera, I took zolft for depression, the doctor said that it I should stop taking it because zoloft adds to forgetfulnes ect. My question to anyone else is; what other medication could I take or try with the adderall? I now I could ask my Doctor, and I work with seven doctors everyday, they are very negitive when it comes to talking about ADD. I don't feel like a person or Doctor can really give a true answer unless they are experiencing ADD themselves, and so far I haven't been lucky enough to find a Doctor with ADD. Is there anyone out there that can advise me as to what other medication I can take to stop the irritation and mood swings? :
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