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  abbe said:





Just wanted to update again on Nicholas. He is on vial 8 out of 10 for the mycoplasma infection. I have cut out soy yogurt and beef since the last visit also. He still gets soy if it is in things such as soy lecithan. I am going to muscle test him next monday for that also. What I had wanted to post was about the beef. Nicholas has been a huge, huge fan of red meat his whole life. Since we have always been healthy in our house I havent wanted to serve him alot but he LOVES it. So when Dr. Chung said he was allergic to beef or had to much in his system it was no surprise. So Nick has been 100% tic free since this post started. Last Sunday night we went out to dinner and I let him order a filet (he begged me). We were at a very nice resturant and I wanted to see what happened. Well after eating the meat he had a stomach ache right away and it seemed to me an eye blink tic of some sort. He never had a blink tic so I am only going by others on this site that it is a tic. It resolved and was not bad just an extended blink so to say. Well needless to say meat is OUT< When we were down the shore last month and his tics were out he had meatballs with beef (I usually make turkey) within minutes he had a bad eye roll tic. I thought it was the cheese in the meatballs but I think it was the meat!!! So I thought that I would post in case in helps






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thanks abbe,

exttreeemly interesting. I like hearing observations like that.

So you think that his food sensitivities that you have found seem to be ringing true? when taking those foods out (soy, beef), the tics have resolved? you see no ticcing at all?









No ticcing at all. Like you never even knew what a tic was. Zero zip. Also he is much nicer and more cooperative. Less angry. My new husband always swore up and down the block that Nicholas needed more discipline etc. (which he does) BUT even my husband is astounded by the behavior changes in him. He went from being basically miserable and a ball buster to put it nicely to an appreciative thankful child more in control of his own emotions and temper. I just had to tell him that his babysitter of 3 years is moving back to Texas and he took it normally, upset but able to process it properly.







Just got robert reports (my other son) back from the lab It was a urine test.. He does have elevated lead. I can't believe Dr. Chung picked this up on the muscle testing.....





As far as the muscle testing that Dr. Chung does, ..is it just to test allergies or sensitivities? Then what, you have to eliminate those things? Is it the muscle tesing where you extend your arm and he pushes down on it? That is what we do with NAET, and then they do an accupressure treatment down the spine to try and desensitize the allergen. ... will you be able to keep the food he tested allergic to out? Did he believe that those things were contributing to his tics, or it was just luck or coincidence that the tics stopped?


What was your purpose in seeing this doctor at first?




Hi Abbe,

was just curious what supplements/vitamins Nicholas is on??



  dee45 said:
Hi Abbe,

was just curious what supplements/vitamins Nicholas is on??





Deanna /Faith





the muscle testing that Dr. Chung does he does with an assistant's arm in between the person. He feels that just testing on the patient's arm isnt as effective. I went to Dr. Chung because I didn,t like Dr. Magaziner the big dan dr. in my area. I took Nicholas there so he could figure out why he was ticcing. Was it allergies, metal, lights,or would he just benefit from accupuncture and that alone would make the tics stop. When Nick's tics got really bad in February I opted to put him on 15 mg topamax. He is 8 years old and his neuro said 50 mg. would be the correct dose. My goal though with the topamax was to tame his tics or the intesity so he and I could handle them and get to the root cause. I never wanted to give him a high dose and just make the tics go away and then be back in the same boat once he was off the medicine. That move worked. The topamax worked on him but I could still see him tic when something he either ate or did started them. He had lots of triggers. eating his meals, playing vido games, being under flourescent lights and just any old time he could tic. I have been using Dr. Chung to try and figure out what that something is. Also he muscle tests his supplements to see what ones his body doesn't block for instance he can't have NAC.




So the first big change I reported was these mold drops I put him on. The first ones that Dr. Chung gave him made his tics go wild. The dr. said he couldn't believe the effect and we took him off. Later when we had tons of rain I brought up mold again and we tried other drops and they worked very , very well.


then I wanted chung to allergy test him for foods. He came up allergic to milk, soy and beef among a few other odd ball things. At that point he was already off milk cuz a needle allergy test showed an allergy BUT he was having all of his supps in soy yogurt SO I switched to applesauce and now he has been tic free for 3-4 weeks or so. at all times. Plus I gave up beef which he has always loved red meat , he whines for it.




I give him in the morning forgive my spelling



in the am


1 pro dofilus

1 flora gaurd I buy from candida wellness center

1 half b complex

1 half aceytl l carnitine

1 teaspoon flax seed

1 chewable 500 mg vit c

5 homeo. mold drops


in the pm


1 prodofilus

1 flora gaurd

1 cysteine

1 glycine

1/2 b compex

2 magnesium taurate


topical glutathione







thanks abbe,

the frustrating things for me is that we did muscle testing for allergens thru NAET and altho he did test weak for quite a number of things, it does not seem that removing these things has helped his tics. I do see that some things "increase" it, but taking it away does not exactly "eliminate" it, just go back to baseline. I would still like to test and treat for mold, strep, corn "syrup" (we did corn, but no results from just that), I don't know. I've taken a break from that testing in order to persue other things, I don't want to do too many different (expensive) things at the same time. I had kind of lost any hope with NAET, but maybe I just havn't hit the right thing yet? :mellow:






I feel your pain. I don't know your story, childs age and length of tics but this whole thing has been a confusing nightmare for me. What was so overwhelming to me was the many, many things that everyone was doing. Was it mold???was it low glutathione??was it yeast??was it allergies???on and on and on. So all I did was read posts of people that healed their children claire, phyl etc and copied every possible angle. I don't think it is time to take the topamax out of the picture yet but feel we are close. Since he is on the 15 mg and has ZERO side effects I am not in a big hurry. Dr. Chung said he muscle tested that topamax was no good so we will see. I am not ready yet...




Hi Abbe,

thanks for all the info. what band of magnesium do you use? way back when I tried a bunch of different vitamins his tics seemed to get worse but I was new at all this and was grasping at anything and everything thought I would reintroduce some magnesium. I thought I read somewhere that Taurate could increase tics do ou know anything about that?








Don't know about that. I get my magnesium from bonnie grimaldi's site. The one where some people get the multi vit. If you don't know the phone number I can get for you





sorry to hear that Abbe. I am sure you will get him back on track I can only imagine how frustrating that must be. Hang in there.




Thanks so much for your thoughts.


Nick had an apt. with Dr. Chung today for a follow up. I told him of course about the neck tic showing up I called and drilled my ex and he insisted it wasn't there. Nick was on the computer for one hour before I saw him today I was at physical therapy for my back. Dr. Chung tested him for a reaction to his brothers i pod touch and the emf field . He said he had a bad reaction to the wifi being connected and a reaction even unconnected. We discussed how some kids and adults are very sensitive to these things. We also discussed how he still picks up mercury on him and that he has low glutathione levels. He muscle tested him for a new supplement to help raise these levels I don't know the name but I will post it. Then he tested his brain for blockages and when he found some areas he used a laser light in his ear that cooresponded to the blocked areas. On the car ride home I kept looking in the mirror and could NOT SEE the tic anymore. It was really bad before we left not a Jerk but movement all over the place. He was holding his head in his hands at one point to make it stop. at this point he is in the tub and the tic is still gone maybe one or two movements but it was non stop. I have never had it stop like that it was incredible......



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