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Detox/die off reactions – to Heather

Guest Jean

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Guest Guest_Heather



We do the water boiling thing at our cottage where the water comes from the lake but it is just so much work to keep up with it. I really don't think I could keep up with it year round.



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Compared with the cost of bottled water we feel the reverse osmosis unit is most cost effective, even tho it uses more water because of the amount that is "lost" when the waste products are discarded.


We use reverse osmosis as this was identified to us by all the "health" doctors, therapists etc as being the ONLY truly pure water, except for distilled...which, as that good link posted by efgh shows, is not good for longterm human consumption


here is some info on RO:

What Is Reverse Osmosis 


  Reverse osmosis, also known as hyperfiltration, is the finest filtration known. This process will allow the removal of particles as small as ions from a solution. Reverse osmosis is used to purify water and remove salts and other impurities in order to improve the color, taste or properties of the fluid. It can be used to purify fluids such as ethanol and glycol, which will pass through the reverse osmosis membrane, while rejecting other ions and contaminants from passing. The most common use for reverse osmosis is in purifying water. It is used to produce water that meets the most demanding specifications that are currently in place.


Reverse osmosis uses a membrane that is semi-permeable, allowing the fluid that is being purified to pass through it, while rejecting the contaminants that remain. Most reverse osmosis technology uses a process known as crossflow to allow the membrane to continually clean itself. As some of the fluid passes through the membrane the rest continues downstream, sweeping the rejected species away from the membrane. The process of reverse osmosis requires a driving force to push the fluid through the membrane, and the most common force is pressure from a pump. The higher the pressure, the larger the driving force. As the concentration of the fluid being rejected increases, the driving force required to continue concentrating the fluid increases.


Reverse osmosis is capable of rejecting bacteria, salts, sugars, proteins, particles, dyes, and other constituents that have a molecular weight of greater than 150-250 daltons. The separation of ions with reverse osmosis is aided by charged particles. This means that dissolved ions that carry a charge, such as salts, are more likely to be rejected by the membrane than those that are not charged, such as organics. The larger the charge and the larger the particle, the more likely it will be rejected.


and here is a very good link to explain how it works and why the RO systems use more water


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Hi Heather,


Thank you very much for taking your time to write the detail information. The information is very useful and helpful. You mentioned that your son had snoring after the Threelac. Were those vocal/motor tics that you son had (after the Threelac) existing before or new set of tics? My son hasn’t started Threelac yet. Per our naturopath, there is a possibility of overgrowth yeast in my son’s body. We’ll wait for the test results.


Hi All,


My son started the fish oil (given by the naturaopath) 2 days ago. He took 1 teaspoon after the dinner. His tics became noticeable by the time he went to bed. In last 1 ½ months, his tics were very mild or not noticeable. It’s been his 3rd time to have reactions to the oil with rich Omega3. The first time was Flax seed oil (1 tablespoon/day). That time, his reaction was immediate and very strong. I stopped it after 2 days. A week later, his tics became much better until I introduced Body Bio (1/2 tablespoon/day). Again, I stopped the Body Bio after my son took it for 3 days. 3 weeks after, his tics were very mild. Now, after taken 1 day fish oil, I have to stop it again. However, the later time reaction was always less strong than the previous one. I talked with my naturopath, she agreed to stop it if his situation gets worse. She said if she’s assured that my son is intolerant of the fish oil, she will run the essential Fatty Acid test for my son.


I was wondering if anyone had similar experience? If my son indeed is intolerant of rich Omega3 oil (i.e., flax seed, fish oil, or body bio), What could be the possible deficient or body imbalance? I will discuss with my naturopath next week. Your opinion is also appreciated.

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Guest Guest_efgh

Chemar, thanks for your good article on reverse osmosis.


A lay man question - What is the difference between DISTILLED water and BOTTLED water??


Jean, I always notice that my son does better with omega 3's. he is much calm and less hyper with omega 3. His tics too are pretty mild for the past one month. Could be due to so many things like "NO DAIRY", NO TV, NO SUGAR, NO CHOCOLATES, CAKES ETC or the typical waning... As I mentioned I gave soy milk for two days and his tics suddenly increased SO much for two days and once I stopped it, he is better.




Do you all NOT give cakes, biscuits or chocolates to your son? I just dont give chocolates, cookies or pastries to my son (due to the sugar, caffeine, possible artificial stuff) and I feel so bad about it. any suggestions/advice on this??would appreciate if you can let me know some specific varieties which I can try with regard to this..




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Distilled water is boiled and then condensed so that the water is "reformed" from the condensation.


Bottled water is VERY variable, and it's purity depends very much on the manufacturer.

Some bottled water (like Aquafina) is fully purified by reverse osmosis, some is just filtered etc etc.......there was a big scandal a while back as in a country in South America someone was found to be filling the bottles from the tap and then selling it!!!! :wacko:

Some bottled water is just natural spring water, which is only good if the environment of the Spring is unpolluted...a rare thing in our modern world


efgh, I give my son cookies cakes pastries etc......I just try to stick with healthy ones that have no artificial stuff. I otherwise make my own.


I also would not ever try to prohibit my son from TV/Computers.....I know there are some kids that have serious photsensitivity issues and i can understand where some restricitions would be needed there........but for my son, we have reached a balance based on the type of games and TV shows that are more likely to be tic triggers and he simply HAS to use the computer for schoolwaork ( he has increased tics when doing a lot of writing, which, in the higher grades comes with the territory, and so one of his school accomodations is that he is allowed to type out his assignments.

He also can use the Alphasmart in class to take notes etc and then download to the computer at home.


I honestly believe ( verified by my son) that the "punishment" of being totally prohibited from TV/Computer/Videgames UNLESS IT IS FOR SERIOUS PHOTOSENSITIVITY problems, makes some children believe they are being punished for having tics! That is not a good scenario IMHO. My son is very articulate and has expressed the view that he feels that would cause such stress for some, that they may even tic more. he finds the games and some TV to be actually very relaxing, and actually tics LESS when absorbed in it.


This is truly just our opinion, and I can absolutely understand when parents feel the need to restrict for serious reasons.......whether it is TV/computer or food treats.....I just do feel one has to try to maintain a balance where the child does not have that sense of punishment.....that really can cause psycological problems.


It is such a delicate tightrope between doing what helps our kids and still just letting them be kids!! I honestly feel that we should try to be less obsessed with total tic elimination and more focussed on a healthy balance between the right diet, environment etc and a happy, well-adjusted child.......mild tics should not be such a major problem!


ok......I have had my little vent ^_^

luv ya all.. :wub: ...and I know that we all just have our children's best interests at heart,......the parents represented on this Forum are truly the most caring and focussed group I have ever encountered. Kudos to all of you! Your kids are blessed to have you.

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Guest Guest_efgh



Wow! what a reply. I am really thankful to this forum with such great people who really care for their forummates!


Reg. TV, I had just mentioned to my son that the TV is faulty and it would take a month for the problem to be fixed. So, he does NOT take it as a punishment at all. I had done it just to observe his tics reduction or so then.. He plays on the computer all the time and at school too. He is a computer whiz .. computers dont trigger his tics but only the tv is definitely an obvious trigger for him. He tics non stop (only vocal sounds and repeating words) when he watches the TV but not on computers. I will revisit the TV issue in a month or so obviously...


Reg. food, I really want to give him cakes, pastries , chocolates etc. Do you really get something without artificial stuff?? I thought most of that kind of stuff does come with pretty offending stuff ... Even the chocolate(caffeine) , sugar, vanillin (flavour) could be real triggers.. I would appreciate your advice on this since I feel that my son takes no other liquid other than water (due to no milk) and no sugar/sweets/cakes/chocolates. Can you give me some good suggestions on this (good liquids other than usual water and good sweetish substances) with lesser harm.


Thanks again and I really love this forum and ofcourse the people here!

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I buy Ribena (concentrated blackcurrent juice)and mix it with water for my son.

he loves it...also Organic concord grape juice mixed with water...sometimes he mixes it with Sypho seltzer for a soda effect. (The Ribena does have some stuff i am not crazy about in it but overall it is less offensive than most, and he seems to have no bad reaction to it)


I buy pastries and cookies mainly from WholeFoods market and Chamberlins as they are pretty careful with their ingredients and CLEARLY label stuff.....I am truly obsessive about reading ingredient labels as so often even stuff that is branded as "natural" contains questionable ingredients.


Because my son does not have many food sensitivities, my scope is larger and i can use wheat and dairy(in moderation)......I also use Turbinado sugar, maple syrup and honey for sweetening. I use unsweetened dark chocolate with no noticed bad effects. Carob is also a suitable chocolate substitute.

We also freeze our own fruit yoghurt as a tasty treat. and i use lots of cinnamon and allspice to give flavorto the sweet treats i make.


He had a course of homeopathy/biofeedback/accupuncture to "desensitise" his food reactivities and it really helped. plus after the detox and yeast control stuff...he also seemed to tolerate a broader spectrum of foods.


We still carefully avoid all artificial stuff,especially coloring, sweeteners and preservatives, as well as anything that contains MSG and High Fructose corn syrup.

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Again, you might consider an LCD monitor when you revisit TV. This has no flicker and we have had good luck with it, though my son rarely watches by choice--it just isn't part of his lifestyle. We limited TV/Computer even before his photosensitive reaction to encourage reading, creativite play, and physical activity.



If one has an open relationship with their child, you will know what restrictions bother them. For our son, it is food restrictions which is why I didn't enforce any until he got his test results back. (other than eliminating wheat for 2 days and stopped based on his reaction.)


Even now, the wheat restriction is a tough area of balance for us--we are going on a mini-vacation and no home cooked alternatives. When his doctor said his stomach had 3 times the inflammation of normal and thinks it is due to the wheat allergy, it was pretty clear that the wheat does have an impact on him, including possibly fundamental nutrient absorption. He also won't swallow pills, so I don't make him. I agree with you on over restricting, it is just that every child has a different hot button. My son would not do all the things your son is willing to do, but just doesn't care about TV/computer. I am still struggling with the wheat thing, as I don't want to produce a sadness in him, but sometimes clearing the system and slow reintroduction can work.


Peanuts--he could care less about. And he is adament about eating whatever junk with artificial sweeteners the other kids have. And I can watch him just getting uncomfortable after eating a load of it at school (e.g. Valentine's Day!).


My son won't take trades or bribes either! My only choice would be to tell a teacher not to let him have it, but see, that's where I won't 'punish' him for his sensitivities. Fortunately for him, for artificial 'junk', the effect appears to be gone the next day--unlike computers (and unlike wheat).


Any ideas on the wheat elimination would be appreciated! I buy all the substitutes and found ones I think are great. It is not a problem at home anymore, it is just when we are out at favorite places with the association of the favorite foods. He would balk at my bringing substitutes.



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Hi Claire ^_^


I so very much agree with your point about the open relationship between a parent and child.

It is vital to the wellbeing of both.


And yes, certain things are far more easily eliminated for some than for others...it all depends on our individual natures and the things that we value most as part of our "normal" routine.




That is also why, so as not to offend anyone, I stressed in my post that we, and only we, know what is best for our own families....once we have listened and learned what others have to say, whether proffessional or lay...at the end of it all we are still the best judges of what is right for our children and ourselves....provided we are being objective, of course.


I remember when my son was on the wheat/gluten free period when he was detoxing and with yeast die off, .....he actually started crying one day and I asked

what was wrong and he explained how he would rather not live than have to live without regular bread!! he just wanted a sandwich that tasted like what he considered to be a sandwich. :wacko:


......so I sure can sympathise with your boy (and you) re the wheat, especially when away from home!


I found millet to be the closest tasty alternative to wheat, but I know that doesnt help re being "on the road"......one good thing that happened during that time for us was that my son started really enjoying "other" food like California Rolls and salads and rice dishes etc......but WOW! did he gorge on Pizza when he was finally allowed to :wub:

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Guest Guest_Heather



Yes, my son did have the snorting before he started the Threelac. It just worsened a bit when he took it. It really wasn't a significant worsening, but there was a definite reaction As I mentioned, if you do start it, just start with a tiny amount of powder. You will be able to tell what he can handle. We started with just a pinch. What are your son's tics rights now? What test did your doctor do for yeast?



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Thanks for your input. I should look into these oils and discuss with our naturopath.





Thanks for the tips. The naturopath asked us to run the hair analysis and CSDA (stool) tests first. Have you also run these tests initially? His tics are head nodding with arm opening and eye rolling, but they are mild recently. One thing making me wonder is his strong or immediate reactions to those rich Omega3 oils. There must be reasons behind, and I would like to understand if it’s just my son’s intolerant of Omega3 or “die off” reaction to the oil.

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Yes, that Omega 3 reaction is a mystery. Sorry I have no input there as I haven't researched much in that area.


My son was tested using Electra Dermal testing which is magnetic impulses to test reactions to certain stiumuli. It isn't 100% accurate but used as a guideline and my naturopath has had much success with it. The first time we tested his intestine for yeast it was completely off the scale and the next time (a couple of months later) after using the Threelac it showed yeast gone and the intestine was in balance. His allergy point (on the Electra Dermal screening) decreased by about 30 points as well after being on the Threelac and various other supplements.


If the tics don't disappear within the next few months with the NDF I will probably go to a DAN doctor and have the complete realm of tests done to find more specific deficiencies. Right now they are still at a minimum and seem to be getting better each day.

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