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I spent a TON of money on all the supplements, magnesium etc before we resorted to topamax for my daughter.

Anyhow right now she gets nothing other than eating healthy...TOO scared to put anything else in the mix right now.


I was doing some cleaning out of our OVER STUFFED supplement cabinet and decided to at least get some of our money worth and start using some of them for myself before they all expire.


I started just with the probotics and magnesium....just a few times on the magnesium but everyday with the probiotics (just one a day)

And my question is....well I am quite embarrased here but.....I all of a sudden have been having terrible gas! I am not talking pains or anything but the aroma is so bad I try to get away from my own self!!! So sorry for the lack of better wording while on this subjest LOL


I was on a three day course of Zpak for a sinus infection. I started the probiotics about a week later.

My daughter also had a bout with the gas...in her case the problem was that she just could stop farting! It was quite funny here a bit with her. She was also on antibiotic for a sinus infection as well.


Can anyone tell me if this flatulence could be caused by the probiotics and why???? I am laughing so hard and again so sorry to ask but its really driving us crazy!

Hope everyone is doing well.....




i had a similiar experience when i took the magnesium supplement, natural calm. i took about 1 tbsp daily to elevate my stress and it gave me very smelly gas too, and i don't usually smell. it was very unusual for me. it took awhile for the smelly gas to go away. and i thought i was the only one!






I'm guessing the combo of mag and probiotics might be kind "cleaning out the old gunk" which I'm guessing would obviously be foul smelling if hanging in the gut for a while? The mag citrate does have a laxative effect if given too much. I know when i give too much natural calm to my son, he does get softer stools and has to go right away sometime, then I know to cut back. I havn't exactly tracked this, but I've have to move away from him a couple times too, and he is a little guy!







I am going to guess it is INDEED the probiotics. I have taken the Natural Calm before along with my daughter (I used to try everything with her) and it never gave me anything like this! LOL

I did NOT take a probiotic since yesterday and things semm to be slowing down LOL

I just started back to work after the new year and I will tell you that I thought I was going to EXPLODE today at work.

I couldn't even hide that stuff in the bathroom LOL The whole buiding would have needed air freshners.

Then again it probably would have been blamed on one of the guys (for it was THAT BAD)


I guess maybe I will just let this brand expire in the garbage! I will wait a bit before I try the second brand and also may invest in yet another air purifier for my home.


HILARIOUS Myrose....I started "Goodbellies" today and you have just solved my mystery! Thanks for posting, as I know now not to drink this before I ago to teach for 7 hours :lol::lol::lol::P

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