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Well, I guess I should have known not to get to comfortable. This darn illness just doesn't let go. My son has been basically symptom free for over 18 months now, since tonsillectomy and starting daily antibiotics. I thought we had it licked. I noticed last month that he was having some head jerking tics, but they were mild and not anything that others would notice. It has gradually worsened to what I would call frequent. He is still very good at hiding it, and makes it look more like he is stretching his neck. Only one person in my family has noticed, so I doublt that school friends have picked up on it yet. He hasn't mentioned it and I haven't said anything, because in my experience it makes him so self-conscious that he does it more. His mood is still good, no behavior issues. He hasn't been sick this year, no strep in our house in probably 6 months (his brother). I am considering if I should bring the issue up and take him in for a culture / antibody levels. The other possibility was to first try some 5-HTP and see if we get any results with that. I just don't think it is related to illness, because he usually has associated behavior / anxiety issues when that is the problem. I had really good results when I used 5 HTP with my youngest son, but that was more for anxiety and sleep issues, not tics. Anyone have any thoughts?






If you find something that works for the tics, please let me know. We tried the Kavanice and it seemed to work for the tics, then we were around someone who is a strep carrier, and my son got the tics back, maybe a coincidence, but I think not. He had also been around others who had a viral infections, and his tics came back then too, but only for a few days, like 2-3, but the strep carrier, seems to have triggered the moodiness, tantrums as well and this time its been about 2 weeks. What does the 5 Htp do and where do you get it?




Here is a link on 5-HTP. It is discussed more for OCD, and anxiety, but I seem to remember that some people have found it helpful for tics. I could be mistaken. I do know that it worked wonders for my youngest who is not (oficially) PANDAS, but has anxiety and sleep problems that had gotten pretty bad. Within a week of starting the 5-HTP he was a different child. I guess I was hoping for something like that for my other son. Probally wouldn't work the same for tics, but I figured it was worth a try. I get mine at vitacost online, they have resonable prices and I get my fish oil there also, so it is convienent.



Dr. Raysahelian / 5-HTP Review






hi Dedee

I dont know of 5HTP being used for tics per se. Perhaps the relaxant effect of the serotonin that it elevates could have a secondary effect by reducing tics tho.



did the 5htp help your younger son with the ocd? or just his behavior and anxiety? would you mind explaining the improvement a little more? I'm at my wits end with my son's ocd of erasing alot, it is taking him forever to get his schoolwork done.





Sorry to here the tics returned. I know the feeling, it is so hard. My son stopped the toe curling and finger cracking tics for six months only to have them resurface this fall. It seems nerves and illness bring them out full force. I can see the tics finally slowing down after three months. We upped his meds to 5 and a half mg Abilify and this could have helped also. He still can break down at the drop of a hat when frustrated. We are working with the psychologist and psychiatrist to come up with behavior plans and meds. I am thinking about you. I know when the tics are waxing it is all you can focus on.




did the 5htp help your younger son with the ocd? or just his behavior and anxiety? would you mind explaining the improvement a little more? I'm at my wits end with my son's ocd of erasing alot, it is taking him forever to get his schoolwork done.





Thanks for the replies. Michele, you are so right, that when they are having these burts of tics it is all I can think about. I keep running it through my head what could have caused this flare up, what should I do, etc. It seems to have gotten worse with some whispering that is repeatative. Although my son denies that he is having tics, it is pretty clear since they got to the point where it was 4-5 times per minute. Last night seemed to be a little better. I am hoping that the 5-HTP may have started working. We also started a full dose of Augmentin yesterday, that his pediatrician thought might help. Maybe he will be better tonight.


Faith, the 5-HTP helped my middle son who was have a lot of anxiety issues. Constantly asking me if everything was ok. Lots of sleeping issues. No real rituals or anything. Mostly just needing constant reassurance. I started him on 50mg of 5-HTP and he seemed to get remarkably better in about 3 days. I still have him on it and he is a different child. I'm not sure if this is what has helped with my PANDAS son's tics. It may have just been a good evening yesterday. I guess we will see tonight.


Blessings to all - Dedee

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