Marretts Posted January 13, 2004 Report Posted January 13, 2004 Hi, Everyone, I have been reading this forum and braintalk for months and would like to start by thanking all of you. My son started body tics in September after several bouts of sickness, which I believe weakened his immune system. Anyway after reading all your input, I took him of all dairy, went to a Naturopath and had hair anaylsis and blood testing done. We started a multi-B vitamin, Salmon Oil, and Probiotics, and followed a low allergy diet. We have already had lessening of symptoms, no more loud sniffing, and head bobbing and shoulder shrugging much less obvious. He still has some eye-rolling but much improved. His hair an. showed high aluminium, lead, nickel and a bit high for mercury - any suggestions?? We started Vit C to help this for lead and a multi high in magnesium. We also only have spring water as not sure where high levels coming from. We also had new carpet installed and scotchguarted before this started, could this be it - should we pull carpet up? Newcastle Australia
Claire Posted January 13, 2004 Report Posted January 13, 2004 Hi Maretts, I HATE carpets! when we stayed somewhere with carpets, my son really reacted. It was like night and day. Robins son had a reaction to them too I believe. My EM doctor thinks they are so bad also (as does Doris Rapp) except oriental wool area rugs carpets. Doris Rapp's book discusses places to analyze your carpets. Can you go somewhere without carpets for a week--it often takes a week to notice some improvement. You didn't say his age. Or... Do you use an air filter? Try vacuuming his room really well with a dust-free vacuum like an Oreck, and running the air filter all night and keeping him outside all day. Hardwood isn't a bad investment, if you can afford it--definitely if you uncover evidence that carpet is bad for your own son. Claire
Marretts Posted January 13, 2004 Author Report Posted January 13, 2004 Thanks Claire Yes I have read a lot about carpets being toxic, and read a really good book about poisioning our children with just everyday things. I just wasn't sure if carpet looses the toxity as we have had it for 6mnths now. But I am seriously considering ripping it up and having hardwood done in beeswax. My son is 8yrs old.
Guest Jean Posted January 13, 2004 Report Posted January 13, 2004 Hi Marretts, Your son’s symptom very much like my son. He started his tics Sept. of last year. About a week ago, he started his sniffing while his other symptoms are much less noticeable. Would you please let me know which brand of Multi-B vitamin that you gave to your son? In what dosage? From which doctor/lab that you had the hair analysis and blood test done. Sorry for many questions. I’m a bit upset about our Ped. as he refused to make such order and thought we had no reason to ask for such test. Thank your very much in advance for the information!
Claire Posted January 13, 2004 Report Posted January 13, 2004 Hi Maretts, Please tell me about the beewax for hardwood? We are going to have oak hardwood floor put in upstairs next week, and 2 weeks from then, the coating. Is beeswax a non-toxic coating. If you read Doris Rapp, you will see that 6 months is not enough for the carpeting to be okay, if it was a problem. Worse, is that if the exposure continues, they can develop a sort of supersensitivity to it over time. I know this is worst case scenario, but it is food for thought. Claire
Chemar Posted January 13, 2004 Report Posted January 13, 2004 Hi Marretts Chlorella is an excellent supplement for mopping up heavy metals especially mercury. It comes in capsule form. It may cause initial nausea and so it is good to start at the lowest dose and work up from there. We are currently moving from a home that has mold in the attic and behind a wall, and other toxic problems. When we moved in 3 years ago, my son developed a seriously injurious tic within days, and had to be hospitalised, Although things have improved enormously thru his supplement/diet regimin plus my attempts to make the home as environmentally fit as possible....still we felt it was causing problems for us healthwise and are leaving.
Guest Guest_efgh Posted January 13, 2004 Report Posted January 13, 2004 Hi Marretts good to know that things have improved with your supplements. Can you please tell me what is Salmon oil (is it the same as fish oil). what is the dosage that you give your son? Did you do an allergy test for foods?? Is it a blood test?What brand and dosage of probiotics do you give? Was it adviced by a doctor or you just started probiotics on your own? You said the hair analysis showed heavy metals. What did the naturopath advise for this ?? Any remedial steps that you have taken after the hair analysis report? Now that you have removed him off all dairy, how do you compensate his calcium? Did he start getting motor and sniffing (vocal) tics at the same time? Thanks.
Guest Guest_efgh Posted January 13, 2004 Report Posted January 13, 2004 Marretts - Does any one else in your family have tics?? Chemar, GOODLUCK WITH YOUR MOVE TO YOUR NEW HOME. I am sure things will work out great for your family !! I know you generally use a lot of probiotics. Do most people with tics need probioitics in general. How do probiotics help tics as such?? thanks.
Guest Guest_efgh Posted January 13, 2004 Report Posted January 13, 2004 Jean, have you re-started the body bio oil for your son . I just got the oil but when I approached my Naturopath, he said "I am unhappy about this balance since most people have omega 6 already and this may further increase the level which is not desirable. " He said FISH OIL is more suitable for tics, anxiety as such and the next best would be flax oil. He seems to know a lot on Dr Mercola, Dr Patricia Kane , etc. All this is so confusing. I have decided to trust my instinct and start off on a trial and error basis. Jean, did you discuss about your son's sniffing with your Ped. What does he say? How constantly does he sniff? Is it more during any particular activity? My son's motor tics are much under control now but his sniffs/murmurs are what that is bothering. His tics started in June 2003. Good luck to all of you!!
Guest Jean Posted January 13, 2004 Report Posted January 13, 2004 Hi efgh, I have not re-started Body bio yet nor flax seed oil. I'm sort of putting everything on hold until I'm clear about his body balance. His sniffing is noticeable especially when he is reading or sitting in the car or he has nothing to do. He has no T.V/Computer/games these days. I am glad that you found Naturopath who has the knowledge of tics, etc. Good to hear that your son's motor tics are getting better. At this point, I'm looking for a doctor who is willing to discuss with us about my son's situation as the Ped. just asked us to ignore my son's symptoms.
Claire Posted January 13, 2004 Report Posted January 13, 2004 Jean/efgh Jean, how long with no TV/computer--do you notice any results at this time, either "no change' or improvement (hard to imagine it would ever make it worse! Jean/efgh It is just that kind of intense debate on the ratio of Omega3 vs Omega 6 ratios that made me decide to get my son a fatty acid test before proceeding, even though both are in my fridge. According to Jennifer, Dr. Kane said that for many kids, the Omega 6's must be in balance before starting the Omega 3's--thus the body bio formula. Well, how can you know if your child's is or isn't--Jennifer did some testing as I understand it--in any case, this is anecdotal, and wouldn't apply to everyone. If that were the case, my son having zero tics from no computer or TV would apply to everyone. Jennifer raised my awareness on this and my gut says that fatty acids are a factor for my son. I don't like experimenting on him, when so many think the improper solution can actually be bad for them. I am even afraid of the fish oils, after what my doctor said about pcb's. I am happy that he has done the research. Though getting fish oil into my son (he won't swallow) will be a major challenge, I suspect that the flavor is fishy? As to just ignoring the situation, certainly not letting your son have a clue that you notice is important. When my son had them, pointing them out was torture Just to note, since that lip biting tic for 5-6 days after the movie, my son is back to being tic-free. ie it is still just the computer stimulus. The carpet reaction when we were visiting wasn't tics, it was fears. I think I told you that since we put in the air filter, they are almost eliminated, and I don't think it is coincidence. Plus we found black mold in the beams upstairs (topical only thank goodness), and of all places, I think in our air filter. It had a second filter we didn't know existed. So for 3 years of cleaning the other filter, this one was circulating dusty mold! My husband and I sleep with an air filter, which may have helped us. I am still trying to get a mold specialist in, but I am super hopeful! Claire
Marretts Posted January 13, 2004 Author Report Posted January 13, 2004 Thanks for all your replies, I hope I answer all your questions. My son is taking Tresos-B (Multi Eagle brand given to me by Naturopath and same for the Probiotic called Ultra Flora DF by Metagenics both made in Australia. The Naturopath thought my son had digestive problems hence probiotic 2 tablets a day. Multi B started once a day now am and pm. Salmon Oil is a Fish Oil from Golden Neo Life (GND) which has EPA 55mg and DHA 45mg, I hope this is not where he got the mercury? As I took this and a multi when pregnant. As for hardwood floors I'm pretty sure Beeswax is all natural, also tongue oil would be much better option than polyurathene finishes also need non-toxic glue when laying floor. Golden Neo Life is an American product and they have a web site not sure how to list this but do a search, thats how I found it. I'm very interested in the Body Bio stuff and hope anyone posts if helpful to them. To guest my son gets plenty of Calcium from green leafy veggies broccoli and kiwi fruit have high calcium, he has goats milk also. Its a myth that milk has much higher calcium. The bookin Poisoning our Children by Nancy Soko Green is very good. I am changing to all tea tree oil cleaning products and natural soaps, shampoos etc.
Marretts Posted January 13, 2004 Author Report Posted January 13, 2004 To Jean and Guest, Sorry I see I didn't get to your questions, we did a live blood test at Naturopath where they pricked both his fingers and the hair analysis sent to a lab in America by our lab in Sydney so I don't know the name but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the Great Smokies Lab. They don't do this test in Australia. We give him Vit C powder to bring down the lead and I give him VIT E as good anti-oxident. My son starting motor tics very suddenly, I think he always sniffed a bit and raised eyebrows. But sniffing got very loud, now its gone, Naturopath thinks that this is from NO DAIRY. Multi B has 50mg BI 20 mg B2 Nicotinamide 220mg Nicotinic acid (B3) 5mg Calcium pantothenate 100mg, Folic acid 150mg, B12 50mg, Vit C 50mg, Vit E 50mg, Vit A 1.37mg, Betacarotene 2.5 m.g, this also has taurine 125mg, Choline Bitartrate 50mg, Glutamine 50mg and Lysine hydrochloride 50mg plus Lecithin, Inositol, Ribonuclei acid, Aminobenzoic acid, Betaine hydrochloride, Biotine, Also many minerals Zinc, Potassium, Calcium as phosate, Magnesium as phosphate, Magnesium and Potassium aas aspartate, Manganese as sulphate, Lithium as carbonate Molybdeunm, Cobalt, Iodine, Rubidium, Copper and Chromium as amino acid chelate. Sorry a lot add.
Guest Jean Posted January 13, 2004 Report Posted January 13, 2004 Marretts, Thank you very much for the detail information. My son started his tics all the sudden as well, so it’s just very hard for us to accept then. BTW, my son takes daily Epsom Salt bath after his shower. I'm not sure hom much it helps though, but he loves it. He feels relax afterwards. Claire, Thanks for your reply. My son has been on no TV/Computer/Games for about 2 months. Computer and games are definitely triggers for him. For TV, he doesn't have tics while watching a program but shows up tics when it’s in a commercial break. I may gradually introduce the TV if he asks. I’ve seen your mold posting on the Braintalk. Where can I find mold inspector? Our house is surrounded by trees and I am wondering if this can be a factor as well. Thanks!
Guest Guest_efgh Posted January 14, 2004 Report Posted January 14, 2004 Thanks Marretts for your detailed info. The multi that you give - is it a children's multi or adults dose. Because I see that the values you give are much much more high than what I give my son. I checked the link and searched for your multi details but could not trace the product that you are giving. I would be interested to know the product details. Can you please give me the link with your multi B product details. for all - I just got magnesium taurate and am starting it on my son from today. managed to get taurate version finally. claire - its not only good for tics but also is a sleep aid. I got it from cardiovascular research. Marretts, did you stop dairy for your son based on some allergy test? does any one else have TICS in your family?Were your son's tics high while watching TV? when were his vocal tics loud in general - I mean, what activities? Jean - with no computer/TV how does your son spend his free time? Does he tic in the school too? Have you informed his school yet about his tics. I haven't yet and am wondering ...
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