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Dear Claire,


Sorry to hear what your son has been experienced today. It must be very stressful to you. Hope his leg will be back to normal soon. Introducing new things one at a time may be a better approach. When our naturopath prescribed the remedy, fish oil, and Juice Plus gummies at our last visit, I did ask her if it's ok to introduce them to my son one at time. So I’ll be able to isolate (or monitor) issues

(if there is any) then. Speaking your son’s situation, I hope it’s just a “die off” reaction which should be a good sign of the treatment (if it's the case). I’ll put your son in my prayer.

Guest Guest_Heather



Sorry to hear about the scare you had. As you know it is my son who has the tics but I also am using some of the supplements on my daughter as she has a lot of mood swings, rashes and other signs of yeast. I started to give her the supplements to detox as well and I had a similar experience. The other night she couldn't move her legs as she went to bed. They were very numb and her neck was sore. I was very freaked out just like you. My naturopath said the same thing and to back off, that she was detoxing too quickly. Anyway, keep us informed about his progress.


I can't imagine how stressed you are with trying to keep up with work during this stressful time. Its too bad we all couldn't connect in person and offer each other a shoulder to cry on when needed.




Glad to hear that your son is ok now. I'm happy for you. On the other hand, it's good to know the possible detox symptoms. Thanks for sharing!

Guest Guest_efgh



Congrats to your son on his new role.. It was quite scary to read the detox effect. Good to know that things are fine now. What are the supplements in all that you gave your son that night??

Can you please explain the alpha lipoic acid deficiency ? I just dont understand that stuff when you said you were relieved that the alpha lipoic acid deficiency can cause some damage ??? (all this sounds so new to me!) would wait for your explanation.

thanks and goodluck to your son.

I didn't know that yeast could cause mood swings.

The yeast overgrowth can set off many different issues, and mood swings plus irritability/restlessnesss etc is very common in Yeast Syndrome induced illness





So glad to hear your son is doing better!! What a scary thing to have happen! It's nice when your able to find a good doctor to guide you through these kinds of things.


Also, thanks for the SpectraCell info. That is actually the same test our son did a year and a half ago. They must have added several more vitamins to the test since then.



  • 1 month later...

Hi Claire


sorry you got a scary result...but better to know and deal with it than flounder in the dark!


When my son's mercury came back high (hair and blood tests) I was astonished ...as he had no mercury or any metal fillings and i have always been careful about the source of seafood,(no regular canned tuna either!) never used tap water etc etc....


when I asked the naturopath, he suggested that it was probably primarily from "in Utero" as i had a mouth full of mercury fillings while carrying him!!


As to elimination.... the specific biofeedback coupled with the antitox homeopathic drops plus chlorella treatment did reduce his levels to what the lab called "negligible"



Just a point of warning here.......I truly do have a concern about metal braces .....for many reasons. This is a personal dislike for metal orthodontics as I honestly dont feel they are healthy!


Specifically relevant here....have you asked for a full analysis of just what they are made of?

Our "natural" dentist told us that some of the metal combos used in conventional dentistry and orthodontics are...errr....not nice! I am not saying that there is any mercury in them, but I would still check to be sure that there isnt, and also as to what else could be leeching out from them into his system...especially as you have mentioned that he has had injury from them...so opening up the blood to infection?


Dont want to be an alarmist....but I mention this because of known problems that friends of mine had with this.


Much prayer being lifted for you to have great success in eliminating the mercury levels.

Guest Guest_efgh



Goodluck to you. I am sure things would smoothen out. What was the test that determined the high mercury level called?

Please keep us posted as to what the doctor suggests to reduce the elevated mercury (something like NDF which Heather uses probably...)


thanks and best wishes.



Guest Guest_efgh

Sorry, forgot to add this in my previous post.


Heather , what was the level of mercury that your doctor detected for your son initially and did you use hair analysis test?




A quick question...


If when we are pregnant our children are affected by the mercury in our fillings in our teeth (I also have a mouth full of cavities from when I was a kid)...is it a matter of some people having a genetic susceptibility to mercuy...I have thought about this theory and I am currently reading a book about it. I guess I just wonder why my other 2 children are fine and Kurt has so many problems...I probably took the best care of myself when I was pregnant with Kurt and he was my baby I breastfed for the longest.


BTW...I never ate tuna when I was pregnant and I hate the taste of it...





both my children had high mercury levels when tested.......however, only one of my sons (the younger) has TS and therefore the effects were more pronounced in him.



As mentioned before, in some individuals the effects of the mercury (if left untreated) are not seen until they get older.

We would not have thought to test for it in either child had the younger not started ticcing! And certainly, none of the conventional docors ever even mentioned it!!

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