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Please just let me add that I was instructed ONLY to purchase our supplements from Nature's sunshine. Not sure why but she did say that they had the most benefits when using this particular brand. Not sure what that is all about but I thought I would just mention it.

Please do not follow this program. It is specifically for my daughter...everyone is different. I just want everyone to see this....

Our insurance dropped my daughter because they feel her condition was pre-exsisiting. So even paying out of pocket this test was only $125.00. There are pages 3 to 11 not sure all will fit in one post so I will continue it on another.

I hope this is the way to do it.....Forgive me Cheri if this is not allowed....I am just so excited about it and would love poeple to read it and pick it apart with me.


Lastly this test was done back in August (it takes a bit to come back) at the time my daughter was on most of the supplements recommended here. As you will see, this is picked up in her blood but her body was not using them properly. Maybe thats why we never saw any results. Okay here goes....wish me luck!






The primary issue in this blood sample appears to be heavy metals, with corresponding issues in the digestive system, including the liver, as well as the lymphatic system.

There also appears to be some embedded viral activity in the upper respiratory tract.


The first drop on the slide is the one that we discuss at some length, for it is here that we are able to work most effectively, as it represents the first cell layer of undealt with issues that the immune system did not have the “tools” to deal with at the time they were in the accessible place to deal with them, which is in the bloodstream. Each of the successive drops reveals other issues in the deeper cell layers, and they also provide additional information as to what else is occurring in the body that may or may not relate to what is seen in the first cell layer.


The first thing I noticed about this blood sample is that this child’s lymphatic system appears to be quite active, particularly in her digestive area, which is portrayed in the center of the picture above. The yellow color seen here indicates that carbohydrate foods she is eating are being redirected from the digestive system, which means she is either not digesting them, and the immune system is interpreting them as toxins, that it, in turn, is directing the lymphatic system to get rid of, or there is an organism of some kind living in her body needing carbohydrates as a food source to continue its existence. In the opening paragraph it is mentioned that there is an embedded virus in her upper respiratory tract, and that is where I suspect the carbohydrates are going – to feed the virus. More on this later.


The next pictures were taken from the same blood drop. The picture on the left is taken from just above the digestive area, and the picture on the right was taken from just below it. Here you can see more of the yellow color outside the digestive area. Both pictures contain what we were refer to in dried blood assessment as “PPP’s”,


Which indicate that there are unusable proteins present, which the lymphatic system has gathered up into these formations in order to protect the body. Whenever PPP’s are observed in the blood sample, we want to take a look inside them to see if there is any viral matter there, which looks like small black dots and short black lines.



The next two pictures are magnified versions of some of the PPP’s above, so that you can see inside them better. The larger, darker black dots are the ones you can see above, in the unmagnified version. The viral reproduction is what you are unable to see there, so this version helps to see them better. What will happen overtime is that the PPP’s will grow larger to accommodate the continued reproductive activity of the virus, causing the underlying inflammation in the lungs. Viruses that are tucked away inside the PPP’s are referred to as “embedded” viruses. It is possible to extract them, and instructions will be given on how to do just that.



And, note all the yellow color surrounding the PPP’s is that yellow color referred to at the beginning of the report, so it does appear that carbohydrate issue may be directly related to the feeding of the embedded virus.



Next are the perimeter views of the same drop, and what we are looking for here is consistency at the outer regions. Views #3 and #4 appear to be very similar, but views #1 and #2 do not. You’ll see more clearly in later pictures while this is so, but it is related to the heavy metal activity observed in this blood sample.



The yellow color around the perimeter of the drop indicates that circulation to the skin is not efficient as it could be, therefore limiting the ability of the lymphatic system to use the skin as an effective means of elimination.



The lymphatic system is regarded as the garbage eliminator of the body, and this system has four channels of elimination at its disposal to rid the body of waste: the colon, kidneys, lungs and skin. When one or more of these channels is not working efficiently, more energy must be expended by the others that are. We can see the lungs and the skin are weakened, and so more energy is called upon from the colon and kidneys.



When trying to rid the body of anything that doesn’t belong there you want ALL eliminative channels working properly.



This next series of pictures were taken consecutively down through the remaining cell layers, with pictures #1 representing the intestinal area of the deepest cell layer we have to observe in this blood sample.



The puffy appearance to the cells in pictures #1 and #2 indicate that there is most likely a fungal presence here, which is not uncommon when heavy metals are involved. Again, note the lymphatic activity in pictures #3 and #4 throughout the intestinal tract.


Also notice how much darker in color the cells are in the deeper cell layers here. The darker color to the cells generally indicates that there is congestion present, interrupting the flow of the workings of the middle digestive tract, which is in the small intestine, where the absorption of nutrients occur.


The other thing to note here is how different the color of the cells is from the first picture above. There seems to be a significant amount of red color to the cells in the first picture, but then the color seems to be brown in the deeper cell layers. When I see this drastic of a change between cell layers, that is usually an indication that sort of supplementation is already on place, and it is beneficial, but it is NOT addressing the deeper issues in the body.



The next picture was taken from the top of one of the drops. A few of the drops look like this. The body of the drop is at the bottom of the picture – what I want to call your attention to is the black matter outside the perimeter of the drop, representing heavy metal matter. As you can see, the concentration of metal matter is concentrated on the right side of the brain- this is the way the way the metals present in all her pictures.



Although this is difficult to look at, it really is better that any metal concentrations present in the blood look like this – they are so much more accessible to extract.


The important thing to note here is that this particular area of the drop is where the brain is represented. With the concentration of metals where they are, she may be experiencing difficulties with reading, comprehension and creative arts, as well as entertaining herself creatively.



The next picture was taken from the bottom of the same drop. As you can see there are no metal indicators here. What would be beneficial here is to bind the metals in the head area, and then redirect any remaining metals that may not be appearing in the blood sample down and away from the brain area. More on how to do this on the recommendations page.



One last thing to point out in regards to the metals. A few of the drops look like this one in the picture, where it looks like there is an explosion of metal activity out of one of the sides.


The pictures need to be looked at as mirror image, so that the picture on the left is seen

as the right side of the body, and the picture on the right is seen as the left side of the body.


On the right side of the body the major organ there is the liver, with one of its many responsibilities being to detoxify the body from environmental toxins. On the left side of the body the major organ there is the spleen, with one of its functions being to recycle the

blood and strengthen immunity.



Whenever there is substantial matter outside the perimeter on one side or the other, we want to see what the body is trying to communicate. In my office we have tested this out hundreds of times with accurate results every time in regard to this type of presentation. Based on what is seen here it seems as thought her body is indicating that the liver is in need of further nutritional support to carry out the detoxification process of the metal load she is carrying.



I will be recommending a 3 part program for this child, first to build the nutritional core of her body so that she can move through the process of extracting the metals with more efficiency, though she is actually doing a pretty good job of it -- she needs additional help with binding the metals that are outside the perimeter of the drops..



Second I would recommend that the embedded viral matter be resolved in the respiratory tract before metal extraction, so this eliminative pathway is clear, and there isn’t this type of stressor in the body, thereby strengthening immune function.


Then we will be ready to go into the metal extraction program, which is where the majority of the work will take place and the most consistency must occur in regard to being sure she gets the nutrients she needs to facilitate this. Timely blood follow-up blood samples must be sent in during this program so that we can tweak her program when needed, as the needs of her body changes.





Before breakfast (15-20 minutes before, if possible) AND Before Dinner time:


1 Probiotic 11 (to populate the digestive tract with beneficial bacteria)


1 Proactazyme Plus Enzyme (to assist with the digestion of all foods)


2 Ultimate GreenZone (as a plant based multivitamin – very nutrient dense



Recommended number of weeks on this building program is 2 weeks



Next 2 weeks:



1 Probiotic 11 (to populate the digestive tract with beneficial bacteria)


1 Proactazyme Plus Enzyme (to assist with the digestion of all foods)


2 Ultimate GreenZone (as a plant based multivitamin – very nutrient dense




2 drops prevention homeopathic (to penetrate the walls of the PPP’s)


2 VS-C (to address the viral activity inside the PPP’S)




Note: Please add the prevention homeopathic drops to the water she will sallow her pills with.


Recommended number of weeks on this program: 2 weeks




Last 2 weeks:


1 Probiotic 11 (to populate the digestive tract with beneficial bacteria)


1 Proactazyme Plus Enzyme (to assist with the digestion of all foods)


2 Ultimate GreenZone (as a plant based multivitamin – very nutrient dense




1 cracked cell chlorella (to extract metals)


1 Super Omego 3 EPA (to bind metals as they are extracted) **VERY IMPORTANT***


1 burdock (for liver strengthening and blood cleansing)




Recommended number of weeks on TOTAL PROGRAM: 6 weeks




It is highly recommended that a follow up blood sample be sent after the completion of the program so that we can see what the body has been able to do with the nutrients administered. It is highly recommended that the starred supplements be continued while awaiting test results. Please write “PRIORITY” on the mailing envelope so that the blood sample can be processed as soon as possible after it is received.



WATER: Please see that she drinks ½ her body weight in OUNCES of filtered water daily.



I would HIGHLY recommend restricting the use of the microwave oven in preparing/reheating her food during this program, particularly with so much healing that needs to be done in the digestive tract.



When eliminating heavy metals from the body it is helpful to incorporate organic apples, 1 per day, into the diet as they will gently attract metals out of tissues as well, particularly if the cells are strong enough to extract them, which is why the minerals are so important in this process.


If tuna fish is consumed, it is important to limit it in the diet. Chunk light tuna contains 3x less mercury than albacore, according to the FDA, and servings should be limited to 1-2 times per week.



DETOX BATHS: These are very helpful at opening the skin pores so that the lymphatic system can use the skin more efficiently as a means of elimination, particularly for the heavy metals and for other lymphatic system congestion as well.


1 cup Epsom salts + ½ cup baking soda + ½ tsp ground ginger (the kind you bake with) in a bath of as hot of water as comfortable for 20 minutes 2x per week on non-consecutive days is recommended, beginning immediately.


NOTE: Mixing the ginger with the Epsom salts before adding them to the bath will assist with their ability to mix with the bath water.


TOPICAL OIL PULLING: This is yet another way to assist the skin in its eliminative capacities, particularly when heavy metals are involved --- Wet her hair down and using REFINED SUNFLOWER OIL, massage a small amount of oil into the scalp for about 5 minutes. You will start to feel some gritty matter as you massage. This is the metals that the sunflower oil is drawing out. I only recommend this head application when there are metals outside the perimeter of the drop, as seen in her case.







Having said that, it is recommended that the sunflower oil be massaged into the soles of the feet a few times a week so that the oil can draw the metals down through the largest pores of the body, which happen to be the in the soles of the feet. Some lightweight socks won over the feet would be helpful, especially at bedtime, so that the sheets do not become soiled. The oil will eventually soak in and socks can be removed.







OKAY THATS IT! This took me FOREVER TO TYPE!!!!! UGH!!!! I hope that it helps someone!!!!!! I will follow up with our progress, we start on Thursday morning, the baths start tonight!


I STILL cannot find refined sunflower oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hello footballguy,




Dried Blood Cell Analysis works by acquiring a sample of blood (with a small prick from the finger), and viewing the sample through a high-powered microscope to determine the condition of the body. Dried Blood Cell Analysis is not a diagnosis, but a screening tool to analyze the present condition of the body and help access nutritional needs of our clients.




checks the blood sample for parasites, yeast, bacteria, nutritional deficiencies, viruses etc. Dried blood cell analysis gives us an indication of what's going on inside the body. It also signifies what is taking place in different quadrants of the body. We check the sample for free radical damage (degenerative tissue). Dried Blood Cell Analysis is a simple and proven method that has been used for many years by the Bradford Research Institute in California. They work with people combating degenerative diseases such as cancer, AIDS, chronic fatigue, candida, arthritis, allergies and asthma.




Dried Blood Cell Analysis is a wholistic approach to analyzing the blood. There is no guesswork with this process. After the blood is analyzed a detailed program is suggested. Clients will also be given a copy of their DBA (dried blood cell analysis) report. This process is very detailed and it eliminates them taking unnecessary herbs, vitamin, mineral and other homeopathic supplements. DBA helps our Naturopathic Doctors suggest specific programs that will help their clients. One client may require a cleansing program while another may simply need a balanced multi-vitamin/mineral program. A client may have been taking vitamins for years and the question arises whether the body is using these elements or not. If the system is challenged with toxins, it is important to cleanse the body first. This is why it is unnecessary to suggest a program full of building herbs when the body is toxic. With the microscope, we can see toxic substances, so if a specific program is required, individual needs can be met.



Among many things a professional microscopist will be able to observe what degenerative challenges exist and suggest the best approach to alkalize the fluids and tissue of the body and facilitate recovery. Although it has not become widely used yet in traditional medical practice within the U.S., this new science is currently being utilized in Europe all over the world and the demand for qualified microscopists is increasing.



Microscopy is currently the most valuable and accurate analysis in evaluating and demonstrating individual health and dis-ease conditions and the methods of alkalizing offer the most beneficial protocol to achieving the goal of perfect health.


Hope this helps!!


Thanks for all the info..

You sound like me..what came first? the metals or the immune system mess? We may never know but they are sooo related that they both have to be fixed for the body to work correctly. As for my son we were trying to figure out if there was a trigger or some toxin that he was exposed to thus causing the immune dysfunction.


An excellent book on chelation is by Andrew Hall Cutler. He was very sick and no Dr could figure out what was wrong with him until he realized it was his mercury fillings. He has a very safe and easy chelation plan , I have done it with my son.

The book has alot of excellent info on immune system and supplements. Currently we are going to have IV chelation done weekly at our DAN. Yes it is costly....but each week he is testing high for arsenic and lead.

Good Luck...Sarah


Thank you for taking the time to type that all in. Does it contain a company name or contact? Just wondering if I took info. to DAN doc if they could do it.


Hi Myrose,


This is out of my line of expertise! IMO there is nothing wrong with organic apples,probiotics, and omega 3's...


The only downside I see is if your dd is doing well, it might be hard to see if the program is actually helping her?


The yellow color seen here indicates that carbohydrate foods she is eating are being redirected from the digestive system, which means she is either not digesting them, and the immune system is interpreting them as toxins, that it, in turn, is directing the lymphatic system to get rid of, or there is an organism of some kind living in her body needing carbohydrates as a food source to continue its existence.


Does this mean your dd shoud go on the South Beach Diet Phase 1 (low carb)? :huh:

Hi Myrose,


This is out of my line of expertise! IMO there is nothing wrong with organic apples,probiotics, and omega 3's...


The only downside I see is if your dd is doing well, it might be hard to see if the program is actually helping her?


The yellow color seen here indicates that carbohydrate foods she is eating are being redirected from the digestive system, which means she is either not digesting them, and the immune system is interpreting them as toxins, that it, in turn, is directing the lymphatic system to get rid of, or there is an organism of some kind living in her body needing carbohydrates as a food source to continue its existence.


Does this mean your dd shoud go on the South Beach Diet Phase 1 (low carb)? :huh:



EAMOM....We have put off her scheduled EEG again. Intersting enough the report states the heavy metal load seems to be in right side of the brain....this is where the mild discharges and spikes were showing up in her EEG.

The neuro agreed today that we should hold off on the follow up EEG until the metal load is gone. The only way to know if this improves my daughter is to go off from the topamax. We/I made that decision tonight and after she gets cleared of all this stuff inside I am weaning off. I hate to think of doing this to her (especially if things take a turn for the worse) but its the only way to know for sure. I definitely wouldn't want her taking topamax if she didn't to. We have a bit to go here before we get to this point, but thats the plan.

I wish I knew where the heavy metals came from though and wonder why they did not show in her urine. Also wonder why the neuro would not suggest to check for it in the beginning??? TOO many questions again, there are always questions and wonder hows!

Do you know anything of the flu shots? My doctor back in New York talked me into getting my daughter one (if I only knew then what I know now) and when I got there they were out, so she received only the booster. She was about 16 months (at least I think) I will have to look. But my question obviously would be if this could have been the cause for the heavy metal? Any if so then why did it take four years for any of this to show up (if indeed this is her whole issue) High hope I know....

Thanks for your time...hope your daughter is doing well and please say hello to Buster for me!


re flu shots...I was wondering about the intranasal flu vaccine. I don't think the intranasal one has mercury. I know these kids can react to vaccinations. But, I'm also concerned what will happen if dd gets the flu! What would be worse?

I wish I knew where the heavy metals came from though and wonder why they did not show in her urine. Also wonder why the neuro would not suggest to check for it in the beginning???




Many times heavy metals will only show up in urine if a challenging agent is used. My understanding, it will only show in blood for a short time also. Metals settle in tissue, i.e. bone (lead too, it will only show in blood if the source is ongoing), brain, kidney etc. I was asked by one Dr. if I wanted the boys to have a urine challenge. I had every intention of having that done, until I came to the conclusion that removal of metals (even the amt. that would be pulled with that type of test) was tricky business. The body needs to be in a state where it can be escorted out of the body. Pulling it from tissue, without everything else in place and functioning properly can result in redisposition. I would not want it pulled from bone or kidney and ending up in the brain. I know there has been discussion of apples on another thread. Amy Yasko feels that the metals are holding onto intercellular bacteria like strep. She talks a lot about aluminum in this respect. I think it's the pectin in apples that is supposed to help in removal of aluminum. These metals are in so many things that we encounter everyday, however, ingested as opposed to injected is normally not as bad, in regards to a alum at least. I know I have read that mercury, as in the type that may be ingested by eating fish, is said to be attached to protein, and is more likely to be cleared from the body than unbound mercury. I have come to HATE mercury emitting power plants too. Clean coal technology is not a reality yet.


edit to add link to Yasko forum






I was hoping that intranasal vaccines might prove to be a safer administration too, as it seemed more of a natural route of exposure. Then I read some pretty compelling articles against that idea. One concern was that the exposure to the brain may actually be worse. Also, the nasal flu vaccine sheds. It is a live viral vaccine. You can transmit to others. If our fear is autoimmune attack, what is really being accomplished? You still have antibody development. Some vaccines (and I don't know if the flu shot is one or not) can actually suppress the immune system (MMR) making you more susceptable to other illness for at least a period of time. Remember, the strains included in the flu vaccine are not the only ones that can cause "the flu" or "flu like" illness. Please remember, I'm not speaking as any authority here. I will consider (hating it) the 2nd dose of varicella, if my boys don't show immunity. I have a particular fear of varicella at an older age. By giving the vaccine, at least I can control when they get it and make sure that they are in the best shape possible ( I will give a few specific supplements prior to and a very low protein diet for a few days after administration). That is one advantage of a flu vaccine too. You have a little control.


It just seems that if we have to fear immune activation on each and every front, we're really in rough shape here. If it not strep or the flu or pneumonnia, or staph, etc. what will it be that causes a big problem. Can we avoid ALL illness for our kids? What about the common cold, which the same virus can cause flu like illness. How about injuries and allergies? Would love to hear any opposing views that you may have, and I mean that in all sincerity!


Hi Kim,


This is from the flu-mist website:

Children less than 24 months are not eligible for FluMist. The following people may not be able to get FluMist, or may be able to get it only in certain situations: people with asthma or active wheezing, or children less than 5 years of age with recurrent wheezing; people with a history of Guillain-Barré syndrome; people with a weakened immune system; people with long-term medical conditions including heart disease, kidney disease, and metabolic diseases, such as diabetes; and pregnant women.


So, I suppose PANDAS might count as a long-term medical condition? Certainly our kids have "different" immune systems.


Re: chicken pox vaccine. Our 5-year-old got shingles last spring...they think from the chicken pox vaccine she got as a 1-year-old. B/c of that, we decided she didn't need the booster.


Our friends said both their dd's (twins, 10 year old) got chicken pox (18 mo. apart, so they didn't get it from each other) after only having the vaccine as 1 year olds (no 2nd booster). When I asked the mom, she said, that it was strange, just rash on 1 arm, section of the body. Okay, that sounds like shingles to me! So, I do believe that there are cases of shingles that are incorrectly diagnosed as chicken pox! So, perhaps the 2nd vax isn't as necessary as you think? I've heard that a lot more kids are getting shingles nowadays b/c of the chicken pox vaccine.

I wish I knew where the heavy metals came from though and wonder why they did not show in her urine. Also wonder why the neuro would not suggest to check for it in the beginning???




Many times heavy metals will only show up in urine if a challenging agent is used. My understanding, it will only show in blood for a short time also. Metals settle in tissue, i.e. bone (lead too, it will only show in blood if the source is ongoing), brain, kidney etc. I was asked by one Dr. if I wanted the boys to have a urine challenge. I had every intention of having that done, until I came to the conclusion that removal of metals (even the amt. that would be pulled with that type of test) was tricky business. The body needs to be in a state where it can be escorted out of the body. Pulling it from tissue, without everything else in place and functioning properly can result in redisposition. I would not want it pulled from bone or kidney and ending up in the brain. I know there has been discussion of apples on another thread. Amy Yasko feels that the metals are holding onto intercellular bacteria like strep. She talks a lot about aluminum in this respect. I think it's the pectin in apples that is supposed to help in removal of aluminum. These metals are in so many things that we encounter everyday, however, ingested as opposed to injected is normally not as bad, in regards to a alum at least. I know I have read that mercury, as in the type that may be ingested by eating fish, is said to be attached to protein, and is more likely to be cleared from the body than unbound mercury. I have come to HATE mercury emitting power plants too. Clean coal technology is not a reality yet.


edit to add link to Yasko forum






I was hoping that intranasal vaccines might prove to be a safer administration too, as it seemed more of a natural route of exposure. Then I read some pretty compelling articles against that idea. One concern was that the exposure to the brain may actually be worse. Also, the nasal flu vaccine sheds. It is a live viral vaccine. You can transmit to others. If our fear is autoimmune attack, what is really being accomplished? You still have antibody development. Some vaccines (and I don't know if the flu shot is one or not) can actually suppress the immune system (MMR) making you more susceptable to other illness for at least a period of time. Remember, the strains included in the flu vaccine are not the only ones that can cause "the flu" or "flu like" illness. Please remember, I'm not speaking as any authority here. I will consider (hating it) the 2nd dose of varicella, if my boys don't show immunity. I have a particular fear of varicella at an older age. By giving the vaccine, at least I can control when they get it and make sure that they are in the best shape possible ( I will give a few specific supplements prior to and a very low protein diet for a few days after administration). That is one advantage of a flu vaccine too. You have a little control.


It just seems that if we have to fear immune activation on each and every front, we're really in rough shape here. If it not strep or the flu or pneumonnia, or staph, etc. what will it be that causes a big problem. Can we avoid ALL illness for our kids? What about the common cold, which the same virus can cause flu like illness. How about injuries and allergies? Would love to hear any opposing views that you may have, and I mean that in all sincerity!






Kim, thanks for the great info. Helps me to understand more why it did not show in her urine. About the distraction process and the body needing to be working properly before its attempted makes sense to me. Did you catch this part of the report?


I will be recommending a 3 part program for this child, first to build the nutritional core of her body so that she can move through the process of extracting the metals with more efficiency, though she is actually doing a pretty good job of it -- she needs additional help with binding the metals that are outside the perimeter of the drops.


Second I would recommend that the embedded viral matter be resolved in the respiratory tract before metal extraction, so this eliminative pathway is clear, and there isn’t this type of stressor in the body, thereby strengthening immune function.


Then we will be ready to go into the metal extraction program, which is where the majority of the work will take place and the most consistency must occur in regard to being sure she gets the nutrients she needs to facilitate this.



It seems right along the lines of what you were saying about the distraction etc....


Hopefully after this 6 weeks we will have said bye bye to the metals and then get on a program to maintain her bodies response to detox itself.

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