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no fasting here LOL that would cause stress induced tic waxing in my son :) )

but yes, there is lots of info in many threads on the benefits of the epsom salts detox baths


My son got sick last winter (I believe January?). He had a high fever and stomach upset. We did not give him fever reducers because of his corn allergy, but instead my husband and I took turns laying with him and giving him ice chips, cold compresses, etc... Prior to the onset of the illness he was a little ticcy (Something I believe other mothers have noticed on this forum). During the fever and fast period and afterwards for a very long time, he was completely tic free and in great health.

So to answer your question, yes. I think that a fast can help reduce tics when the cause is toxic overload or dietary issues. I also believe that in our case the fever was instrumental in helping his body sweat out the toxins too. I'm not sure I would be comfortable forcing my child to fast for tic relief (as I'm sure most parents here probably feel the same-- a lot of us have younger kids), but there is a correlation.

On the flip side, you could look at Carolyn.N's archives for her documentation on using N-Acetyl L Cysteine to stimulate the liver to detox better. It is another way to go. I do believe that the crux of the tic problem for these kids is a sluggish liver. Toxins are a problem for all of them, it seems, whether they be viruses, bacteria, fungus, intolerant foods, vaccines, etc.....

A healthy liver is the key.

Acupuncture is good too. We started down that road but ds was too young and couldn't handle the weekly treatments. Cheri can tell you more about how acupuncture helps.




I can tell you that I, myself, have done the Maser Cleanse (where you only drink about 10 glasses a day of a lemon/maple syrup/cayenne pepper in water concoction, no food) for 10 days last year. While I am here for my son, I, myself, have some compulsions and tapping type tics. While I did this mainly for a cleansing and quick way to lose a few pounds for an upcoming wedding, I did not notice any benefit for me for my own compulsion while on this diet though.



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