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I've finally started the yeast-free diet. Because i don't cook, I have not been as strict as I should be (when I eat out, i try to chose fish/beef with no sauce, etc, but occasionally, it would have something on and I don't check what they are), but eliminating vinegar, chocolate, sugar, cheese, bread, yogurt, mushroom, etc etc etc. Though it's been 10 days since I've started this diet, and I continue to take mag/cal/zinc, inositol, VC, Carnosine/Carnotine combo, and Vitamin B6 and 12, and also Candida Clear, my vocal tics seem to be even worse these days. I eat a lot of rice-related things and I am wondering if I am becoming allergic to it because that's all I've been eating (rice puffs, rice milk, plain rice, rice bread, ...) Other things I eat a lot are potatos (fries) and also almond butter on my rice bread. I am hoping it's not rice allergy because if I cannot eat them, I don't know how I can fill my stomach in the morning. If you have any thoughts by looking at the things I am eating/taking, I would appreciate it if you could share with me. Thank you!




Rice allergy is very, very uncommon.


Rice and potatoes are starches. Whereas they are not sugars or fermentors, they can feed yeast. I am not at all suggesting that you eliminate them, but it sounds like the anti-yeast diet has made you too dependent on them -- which is very, very common.


I put my son on a yeast-free diet, and it took me a long time to fine-tune it. I would suggest variety and moderation as guiding principles. Add a side of cut melon and some protein to your rice stuff. Fresh fruit and vegetables have enzymes in them that rice and potato do not. They are digestively necessary (my opinion).


You said that you do not cook. Some people hate it, but if it is lack of exposure as opposed to a true distaste for it, I would suggest you take a cooking class or go to some websites and see if it is for you. It can be a creative experience. Anyway, even if it is not for you, you can still do some cutting and "nuking."


Try not to do rice on rice on rice. For example, try to use almond milk on rice puffs. Toss some cut strawberries or blueberries on it. Eat a couple slices of bacon or a sausage link for protein. I was just taught to "nuke" bacon. It comes out so much better! and no mess!


What stores do you have access to? Trader Joe's? Whole Foods? Also, what is your exact level of "don't cook"? Are very simple recipes okay?




I have always heard that things get worse before they get better when getting rid of yeast because as the yeast die they release toxins. I don't know how long it takes to turn around for the better.



you were trying out the NAET, right? Still, or did you not see any related benefits? Was yeast one of the things you showed sensitive and could they treat that? Or are you not doing that anymore?






Thank you SO MUCH for your responses.


Tami - you are probably right re rice-on-rice-on-rice not being good. They say that if you keep eating one thing, you can become allergic to it - an integrative doctor I just started seeing said I could be allergic to rice because that is what I grew up eating in Japan. And now, eating it like crazy to fill my stomach, it probably contributed to tics along with the rest of my problems. I have started cutting back on it and trying to eat other things too, starting today. Embarassing to say, I really cannot cook. The most I would do is boil pasta (gluten free), buy ready-made sauce and heat that. Or, I would throw some veggies in water and throw in some bay leaves and chicken and make a stew but that's about it. But I just bought "Feast without Yeast" - I think it's time I 'have' to change myself and learn to cook some things that I will enjoy eating.


Peglem - Though I've just recently started on yeast-free diet, as I do not cook, when I eat fish outside, sometimes they are smeared in sauce and though I scrape them off, that sauce could be containing something I should not be eating for this diet. So.. not being 100% on this diet in that sense, I don't know if I am experiencing 'die off' or not... but thank you. I will keep it in mind.


Faith - I stopped going to NAET only because I started CBT (which has not worked so far ... WAHHH!!!) and $-wise, I cannot do too many things at once. NAET has not helped me with my tics/OCD but it has helped me with my eczema. However, since I have not been to it for 6 months (and perhaps with the new rice allergy), I am getting a weird rash again so, am considering making a few visits again to NAET.


Thank you again for your posts/thoughts. I was quite 'down' last night and was not in a good state of mind. So seeing your replies lifted my spirit!



I continue to take mag/cal/zinc, inositol, VC, Carnosine/Carnotine combo, and Vitamin B6 and 12, and also Candida Clear,


flower, what is VC? Vit C??


dont forget that the *die off* of the candida can cause a big waxing in tics if you arent detoxing well.


epsom tubs, lots of pure water and acupuncture/chinese cupping/biofeedback resonance therapy helped my son have minimal die off reaction




VC is Vitamin C. I do soak in Epsom Salt - at least 4 -6 times a week but I probably should drink more water. Haven't found a good acupuncturist yet but is the acupuncture for 'detox' purpose or to balance things out in your system? I've always been curious re cupping - may try to take this opportunity to try it out! Will check web re biofeedback resonance therapy as I am not familiar with it.


Thank you so much for writing!



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