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I posted a while ago about how I started my son on Bontech for a minor tic (facial grimacing) and a few days later head shaking and other tics came back that had been gone since last summer. I called bontech and they suggested I cut back to one vitamin a day and add one more vitamin every 5 days. Well my husband was convinced we should cut out the vitamins for a couple of weeks and see what happens. So I cut out the vitamins for 7 days and didn't really see any improvement- maybe a couple of the days he seemed better, but the 7th day it seemed like there had been no improvement. So I decided to start the one vitamin a day like they suggested- on Wed. this week. I also decided to give him 1/2 t. of natural calm at night. He seemed better at first but then yesterday and today- not so. This morning he started another old tic with his neck, so I gave him a 1/2 t of natural calm hoping it would help and this afternoon he started hard eye blinking! I really don't know what to do anymore.


I have 2 questions. One- Caryn, you thought he might be having a reaction to the soy in the bontech and now I might have to agree. At such a low dose I don't see how the b vitamins or anything else could be causing the problem. What else could it be? I think we are just going to give up on the bontech.


Second, last summer kids calm seemed to work wonders for him! A couple of months ago when I used it, he seemed to actually get worse. So I decided to switch to natural calm - unflavored- thinking maybe he was reacting to something in the orange flavor. Here I am using the natural calm and I'm wondering if it had anything to do with this sudden hard blinking - at the very least it doesn't seem to be helping. Is it possible the magnesium is making him worse? I am so discouraged, my husband is mad I started the vitamins again and I'm just afraid to give him anything anymore.


so sorry you are having these ups and downs TomsMom


we have reports of some people just not being able to tolerate Bontech, even tho a majority do fine on it.


have you ever had his magnesium levels checked?

he may not be deficient, and so not need the extra, or he may need correct specific balancing of supps to achieve optimum for *him*. altho magnesium seems to help many with tics and specifically those with TS tics, yet your child's tics may be rooted in something else


forgive me for not remembering, but does your son have a TS dx?

also, have you had any food intolerance testing done? how about candida? heavy metals?


I do hope you will find answers to help


Tom's Mom,


I re-read some of your old posts and have a few ideas to think about ....


You mentioned seasonal allergies ... is this still a possibility and maybe not the vitamins at all? I'm think your son really started his tics last Spring (as did my son)


You mentioned that you started the digestive enzymes several months back ... maybe you have reintroduced a food that is offensive?


If your son has a leaky gut, could he have a new food sensitivity?


Good luck and keep us posted on how your little guy is doing!


Cheri and Q's mom- thanks so much for your response.

My son does not have a ts dx. He was diagnosed last summer with transient tic disorder- we have no comorbid conditions or family history- but he has had motor tics off and on for almost a year and some clicking (which I assume is verbal?). Since the bontech and magnesium don't seem to be working is this sort of a clue that he may not have ts?


Q's mom I do think that he has some kind of seasonal allergies that may make him flare up a bit. But its really obvious to me now that the vitamins are the problem. Looking back to last week I see now he was doing a lot better. I think I was thinking the tics would be gone completely if it was the vitamins after a week off, but maybe he just needed another week to calm down. He also had soy to eat a couple of times last week so if soy is the problem then that sort of answers my question. He has been head nodding and blinking so much the past 2 days I was really worried about sending him to school today. I hope he gets this out of his system fast.


I hope I am not discouraging anyone from trying the bontech vitamins because they seem to work for the majority. And I think we are probably the only ones on this board that natural calm isn't helping.


Thanks again,


Cheri and Q's mom- thanks so much for your response.

My son does not have a ts dx. He was diagnosed last summer with transient tic disorder- we have no comorbid conditions or family history- but he has had motor tics off and on for almost a year and some clicking (which I assume is verbal?). Since the bontech and magnesium don't seem to be working is this sort of a clue that he may not have ts?


I have found a dr. that I am going to see next week and talk to him about having testing done. He said he has not ever treated a child with tics, but thinks he can. His website is www.primary-plus.com. He is an organic medicine doctor(intergrative?) and is in our insurance plan so I'm hoping the tests will be covered. When I called our ins. company they said as long as the dr. is in our plan any testing he orders will be covered. We did the IgG last year and he uses the elisa and feels that one is better. I am going to also ask about these tests:



heavy metals


fatty acids



Does this sound right? Is there anything I am missing?


Q's mom I do think that he has some kind of seasonal allergies that may make him flare up a bit. But its really obvious to me now that the vitamins are the problem. Looking back to last week I see now he was doing a lot better. I think I was thinking the tics would be gone completely if it was the vitamins after a week off, but maybe he just needed another week to calm down. He also had soy to eat a couple of times last week so if soy is the problem then that sort of answers my question. He has been head nodding and blinking so much the past 2 days I was really worried about sending him to school today. I hope he gets this out of his system fast.


I hope I am not discouraging anyone from trying the bontech vitamins because they seem to work for the majority. And I think we are probably the only ones on this board that natural calm isn't helping.


Thanks again,



We are using Bontech and Natural Calm. We have been since Oct 07 (Bontech) and Calm since July 07. I can honestly say he has not ticced near as bad since we have had him on Bontech. He still tics, but they seem to minor and changing all the time. Currently he is sticking his tongue out, we find stress is the worst for him in bringing out tics.

I don't think taking him off Bontech has anything to do with his actual dx of TS or not, it may just be somthing else, like diet or stress. We do not have any TS in our family history and he is very bright and seems to have no other issues. He is 9 right now, we think he just has transient tics and hope he will grow out of them in a few years. He has had them for two years, and he is so much better now then he was.

Keep up the journey, it is worth it.

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