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Can anybody recomand a good probiotic. My daughter is already taken one, I bought it from the doctor for $70.00 , should last anywhere between 20-25 days. He said he wants her to take it twice a day but half the time she only takes it once. The bottle says one time a day so it's alright with me.

I don't mind spending that kind of money on my daughter but now I need one and I jus't can't afford that kind of money. I hope one day the insurance company's pick up some of the Tab. I know some give you money towards going to a gym. thanks Maryann

Can anybody recomand a good probiotic. My daughter is already taken one, I bought it from the doctor for $70.00 , should last anywhere between 20-25 days. He said he wants her to take it twice a day but half the time she only takes it once. The bottle says one time a day so it's alright with me.

I don't mind spending that kind of money on my daughter but now I need one and I jus't can't afford that kind of money. I hope one day the insurance company's pick up some of the Tab. I know some give you money towards going to a gym. thanks Maryann



hi! if your child has tics.. you can have her exercise like playing or doing something else.. anyways, it will just decrease when she or he gets old.. :wacko: take care..




That sounds like a whole lot of bucks for pro biotics to me.


We use one called Gr8Dophilus that I buy locally at a health food store. It's $17.99 for 60 capsules. It contains 8 strains/4 billion potency. Unless this Dr. has one awesome product, I might think he is ripping you off royally. I sure hope I'm wrong :wacko:



That sounds like a whole lot of bucks for pro biotics to me.


We use one called Gr8Dophilus that I buy locally at a health food store. It's $17.99 for 60 capsules. It contains 8 strains/4 billion potency. Unless this Dr. has one awesome product, I might think he is ripping you off royally. I sure hope I'm wrong ^_^

Hi kim Thanks I looked that up on iherb and it cost 10.99 check it out. She is on the ones that goes in the refrigerator. He put her on two different kinds. Each bottle had 60 pills and he said to take two twice aday. I actually thought there was only 30 pills, but still cost alot. The ones that you recommend sound fine after she is done with this and im going to take it too.. Thanks kim



If you like the ones that have to be refridgerated, we use Klaire Labs pro-biotic complex, the 5 billion. I usually do two capsules a day (like capsules so I can empty into a shot of juice). They also have a 10 billion too, and a powdered form (not capsules). They are in refridgerated section of our local health food store, but you probably could order it on-line. It is 100 capsules for about $20.00. Kirkmans's is also a good brand, I know our DAN doctor uses those, but so far I've been using these.




If you like the ones that have to be refridgerated, we use Klaire Labs pro-biotic complex, the 5 billion. I usually do two capsules a day (like capsules so I can empty into a shot of juice). They also have a 10 billion too, and a powdered form (not capsules). They are in refridgerated section of our local health food store, but you probably could order it on-line. It is 100 capsules for about $20.00. Kirkmans's is also a good brand, I know our DAN doctor uses those, but so far I've been using these.



Faith , Im using klaire labs also, bottle 60 pills NAME: ther-biotic comple 25 billion and 60 pill of Saccaromyces Boulardi 3 billion supplement. 100 pills,Thats a good price too. Thanks

The ones that I saw from Iherb the 10.99 also sound good. You think they can work just as good if there not refrigerated? It got very good reviews.




Just wanted to share we use a Probiotic called Mindlinx. Here is a link to a company on the Internet that sells it http://www.rockwellnutrition.com/product.asp?itemid=1458 . This is not the only company that carries it. I just liked the information they had about it on this site. Note it comes in both powdered and capsules. When they ship it to you they pack it with an ice pack to keep it cold although they say that is more for peace of mind. I believe it can be unrefrigerated for at least a week without loosing its potency but you should keep it refrigerated at home.


I really like this probiotic. It seems to do real well and for someone who has issues with gluten intolerance it really helps with that aspect.


The only problem is it is pretty expensive.


Have a good one!




Per previous post on how expensive probiotics were, if there left out of the refrigerator are they still good? Left out from 7:30 AM until 4:00PM. It was about 65 degrees in house. Put them back in the refrigerator but I told my daughter not to take them this morning. What do you think? Thanks Maryann


I think im going to buy her new ones and ill take those.




My understanding with probiotics is they would not necessarily "go bad" they would just loose their potency being left out. But A LOT of probiotics are sold not being refrigerated. My gut level guess is you could still use them and they would still be rather effective. Could you call the manufacturer and ask?



Can anybody recomand a good probiotic. My daughter is already taken one, I bought it from the doctor for $70.00 , should last anywhere between 20-25 days. He said he wants her to take it twice a day but half the time she only takes it once. The bottle says one time a day so it's alright with me.

I don't mind spending that kind of money on my daughter but now I need one and I jus't can't afford that kind of money. I hope one day the insurance company's pick up some of the Tab. I know some give you money towards going to a gym. thanks Maryann



hi! if your child has tics.. you can have her exercise like playing or doing something else.. anyways, it will just decrease when she or he gets old.. ^_^ take care..



Exercise follows the mode of thinking of the oxygen tents in that you are placing more oxygen in your blood as well as increasing your blood flow to hopefully help fix damaged areas of the body.


Right now, I feel that pro-biotics are making the biggest difference in my child's progress by helping to restore the balance of his intestinal tract and research shows that this is a treatment that really must be maintained or the yeast overgrowth would come back.

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