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My daughter was on on Nasonex a bit back and the same day I installed a Hepa filter in her room.

We were tic free for quite a bit there (Sure some of you remember)

Tics came back afterwards and when she was prescribed Nasonex for the 2nd time it did not have any effect on her tics?


Do you think it was the Nasonex to begin with that first time? Wonder why it didn't have the same effect that 2nd times we tried it.

The hepa filter was still in place the secind time around also.


Stumped on this.....Her nose is plugged again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and now I am afraid to use Nasonex.....


NOTHING works with her nose anymore, its becoming chronic. Time for ENT maybe????

Only thing that works is Afrin and we all know how bad and addciting that is! I won't even buy it anymore! Its so hard to see her like this. She can not go to sleep when its plugged. I have tried cold air vapor, steam vapor, little noses, saline, head elevated, vix on feet and under her nose. The list goes on and on. Every over the counter medicine never worked! Even the samples from the doctor never touched it. Its going to be a long week I guess.....


My Rose,


Sorry about your week. My guy has pneumonia so I'm having a long week too.


What was the first tic that went away on Nasonex?


What is the current tic that isn't going away?




She eye blinked for a short bit when this all started Dec 06, and then the face thing (like trying to push the hair out of your face)

They both were very short and never came back.

The body jerk and foot stomp (or whatver you call it) came along a short time afterwards and it never changed.

When she started the Nasonex the body jerk stopped. (Her body jerk is like when someone scares you and you jump)

It came back a short while after stoping the nasonex. Then when we started it back up ahortly after that, it had no effect on the body jerk. I was just curious if there would be an explanation to it or if it was even connected to begin with.



FYI--- my daughters tics never change. Either they are here or not. When they are its always the body jerk and foot stomp thing. The foot stomp thing is only when she is walking though.


I hope they both get better soon!!!!!!!!! As if they have not enough going on!


I don't have an explanation. I hoped I would. I have a theory that my kid tics where his stress points are. For example, over-tired, too much tv = blinking; swollen lymph nodes = neck tic; cold = throat clearing tic.


If her first tic had anything to do with what Nasonex treats (either a sniffing or blinking or throat clearing tic) I would have assumed it removed the stress or sensitivity causing the tic to emerge in that area. But she seems to have very stable tics, whereas my son seems to develop a new tic specific to where he needs relief.


He had a cold several weeks ago. I thought he developed a coughing tic. Turns out it was pneumonia. Bad Mommy!


Have a good night, My Rose.


Have you had her checked by an ENT? My son was always plugged up, he has allergies so we always thought that his allergies were the cause. On being checked by the ENT, he had 100% blockage of his left nostril airway from his adenoid which contributed significantly to his "clogged" nose.. he still gets a bit stuffy from his allergies...but is much better since tonsil/adenoid removal.


P.MOM...That is our next step. What do the ents do to check? Xrays? Thanks Also if anyone can suggest a good one in Florida please do! Its hard to find good and kid-friendly docs for me.


hi again


did u ever check out that Orlando pediatrician info I PMd? If ENT is needed, Dr Franz may be able to refer, but may also be able to provide direct help for this. The fact that she is a conventional MD who also has homeopathic/alternative qualifications is a big plus!




Did you say you checked for food intolerances/allergies? Chronic sinus problems are definitely a sign of allergy/intolerance. I had nasal surgery about 13 years ago. Your daughter's symptoms sound similar to mine. I got to the point that I could not lay down on the couch or my nose would get immediately stuffed. I had a polypectomy and the doctor also widened my sinus cavity and corrected a deviated septum (crooked nose).


I was then put on steroids long term to help with inflammation and to also assist with allergy symptoms. I then did the allergy shots for a year afterwards. I then quite the steroids and went on allergy meds. Claritin gave me headaches, so I then began to have sinus problems again. Funny thing, my nose was never stuffed after the surgery, but I still was having sinus pressure and sinus infections, though not as frequent. During that time I was constantly pregnant or nursing so I was told to use natural remedies: alphalfa capsules, etc.... The doc put me on a high protein/high fruit and veggie/low grain diet and I improved.


Then my son developed his tic disorder and we did the IgG test. I went gluten free with him and now have not had sinus problems since a year ago in January when I had a bout of flu that turned into laryngitis, then morphed into strep. I will let you all know if my usual hay fever symptoms start up again this spring. So far I have none but we are having a late spring here.


Just something to think about.




Well, I can tell you what our ENT did. He could visuallly check his tonsils,(which he said were huge), but, to check his adenoids he first sprayed a numbing liquid up my sons nose, then he inserted a tiny rubber line with a tiny microscopic camera on the end of it up my sons nose, and then down his nasal cavity to look at the adenoids. We could watch what the camera was seeing on a t.v. monitor, it was pretty cool, actually. I was shocked to see were the adenoid was totally blocking one part of his airway...we would have never known...his clogged nose was alwyas due to allergies.(we were told) He tolerated it well, it does not hurt, just feels a bit funny. He liked the fact that he could see the inside of his nose on the screen.




Before seeing an ENT, you may want your daughter get an IGE food sensitivity test and environmental allergy test.


My son used to have asthma & nasal congestion. He also used Nasonex but didn't bring too much relief and it caused him sore throat and bloody noses.


We had great success with NAET, after desensiting him from his food allergies, he has been asthma free for almost 2 years. His nasal congestion also improved. We have been treating environmental allergies for the past 1 1/2 years, not constantly but spread thru out the year and his nasal allergies is much better, tho he still has allergies symptoms but mild.


I've also been researching about Classical Homeopathy and find that it could be very effective for allergies.


Chiropractic & CST can also be beneficial for allergies.



  myrose said:
My daughter was on on Nasonex a bit back and the same day I installed a Hepa filter in her room.

We were tic free for quite a bit there (Sure some of you remember)

Tics came back afterwards and when she was prescribed Nasonex for the 2nd time it did not have any effect on her tics?


Do you think it was the Nasonex to begin with that first time? Wonder why it didn't have the same effect that 2nd times we tried it.

The hepa filter was still in place the secind time around also.


Stumped on this.....Her nose is plugged again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and now I am afraid to use Nasonex.....


NOTHING works with her nose anymore, its becoming chronic. Time for ENT maybe????

Only thing that works is Afrin and we all know how bad and addciting that is! I won't even buy it anymore! Its so hard to see her like this. She can not go to sleep when its plugged. I have tried cold air vapor, steam vapor, little noses, saline, head elevated, vix on feet and under her nose. The list goes on and on. Every over the counter medicine never worked! Even the samples from the doctor never touched it. Its going to be a long week I guess.....

myrose: My older child has a seasonal tic issue. About two years ago we were sent to an ENT after taking several medications they couldn't get his stuffiness to go away. A CT did show complete blockage in his sinuses. The ENT did a nasal culture that came back with a bacterial infection and once he was put on the proper antibiotic we have not had an issue with blockage anymore. He does have seasonal tics due to allergies that I wish I could find something to help with that!




You mention your child has seasonal tics. Does he tic during allergy season at the same time every year with the same tic(s)? And does he have both vocal & motor tics?



  patty said:


You mention your child has seasonal tics. Does he tic during allergy season at the same time every year with the same tic(s)? And does he have both vocal & motor tics?



Hi Pat! The answer to your question is yes, except we have been lucky to not have a vocal tic. The tic comes the same time every year. It lasted a little longer this year than normal. I did take him to an allergist where we found out he was allergic to grass and molds. They wanted to do allergy shots, but I'm afraid if he starts them the tic will get worse, so I have been looking for something to help(no luck yet). We did try Zyrtec, but it made him very mean and I also read on here that it can cause tics, so I use benedryl when needed. When my middle child first started getting sick(PANDAS) they wouldn't believe me that something was actually wrong because his brother had tics and they said it was genetic and probably allergy related also. I'm at a loss on what to do with him. With my PANDAS chid I have been very lucky to get the PCN daily and his OCD/focus/emotional issues come and go every few months. Trying to help my older child with the seasonal tics is my main concern this month! :)




If your son's tics have a direct relationship with the seasonal allergy. I would recommend you using NAET or any bioenergy type modality to desensitize him from the allergents.


My son has good success with NAET.



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