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I am so mad at the treatment of my grandson that I am going to get a lawyer to investigate this hole Chickenpox vaxanation :lol:

I took him to see Dr.....John in Vegas on the 20th he came into the room and he sat down looked at my grandson asked him how he was doing. My grandson said I am just fine with a big smile.

He looked at me and asked me how I was doing, I told him I was ok and I had some info that I thought would help with the diagnosis of my grandson. He looked surprised!

I had brought with me the letter from the Department of Health&Human Services. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders. This Institute is in Bethesda, Maryland.

The Article is by ( Ismail Mohamed, MD ) RHEUMATIC ( SYDENHAM ) CHOREA.


I tried to explain to this Doctor, what the Article said!! THE Treatment should be for SYDENHAM CHOREA.

HE said that my grandson had PANDAS.

I said how would you know that with out doing any tests on him!!!!!!!!!!

I told him That Dr. Scott said he had SYDENHAM CHOREA.

HE said that Dr. Scott was not a Neurologist.............!!


I told him that Dr. Scott put him on penicillin and it stopped the tics and I did not what him to stop the penicillin and I thought the CLONIDINE WAS TO STRONG AND I DID NOT WHAT TO GIVE IT TO MY GRANDSON.


At that point our visit was over and Dr. John told me he would not be my Grandsons Doctor...!

I came home mad and called his Pediatric Doctor to tell him what had happen.

I was told that Dr. John had faxed over his results and that the penicillin would be stopped and more tests would be done on my Grandson.


The Tics came back too days later and I am so mad that I want to tare there heads off.


I have changed Pediatric Doctors we see him on Monday I have told the head of Kingman Hospital that I want a copy of the tape they took of my grandson when he had the seizure.


With out that video the Doctors have no CLUE TO what they are dealing with.......!


That Seizure started with the Chickenpox shot.

I am starting to think they are trying to cover up something.

I have talked to a Lawyer about this he said wait and see what the Doctor says on Monday.


The worst thing about this hole thing is my grandson is suffering and the doctors don't seem to care or they are hoping I will let them give my grandson drugs and not ask any questions about the drugs they are giving him.

I don't what him drugged out I what him back the way he was before the shot.................. :blink:


If you would like to read the Article by( Ismail Mohamed MD )

.Author: Ismail Mohamed, MD, Department of Neurology, Fellow, Children's Hospital of Michigan, Wayne State University




Go Google, Type his name in and the Article will pop up.




I am so sorry for you!!! The frustration can drive you crazy!!!! Look at your grandson and focus on the love :lol: you have for him!!!!! When you start to feel the frustration and the "tearing up" think about his best quality and zone in on it :blink: !!!!!


I wish I could give you some advice on the DR. stuff, but I gave up on DR's and now I just go off what I research!!! My son's tics do not bother him, just me..........so I will do what I can to make them better and live with the fact that I did everything I could to help him!


Good luck!!!



I am so sorry for you!!! The frustration can drive you crazy!!!! Look at your grandson and focus on the love :wuv: you have for him!!!!! When you start to feel the frustration and the "tearing up" think about his best quality and zone in on it :web: !!!!!


I wish I could give you some advice on the DR. stuff, but I gave up on Dr's and now I just go off what I research!!! My son's tics do not bother him, just me..........so I will do what I can to make them better and live with the fact that I did everything I could to help him!


Good luck!!!


I am with you about Doctors...........But I will get to the bottom of this if it is the last thing I do.

That shot did this to my grandson...

He was fine when he walked into that Doctors office for his well-check.

Now he is sick..... :lol:

And he knows it!!! And that is what is breaking my heart.




I think I confused your grandson with somebody else in the previous post, but my point is he was given the vaccine in error. Pease mention this to your attorney. I think this may be the basis for your case.





I think I confused your grandson with somebody else in the previous post, but my point is he was given the vaccine in error. Please mention this to your attorney. I think this may be the basis for your case.






You are so right!!

I received a call from VAERS yesterday asking me if I knew the address of the company where the vaccine came from...Talk about being blown away, I told him the manufacturer is Merck&Co. Inc.

That he would have to call the Doctors office to get the address where the vaccine came from :lol:

Like I would know where they get the vaccines :blink:




I reported my son's tic reaction for the CDC. My doctor (very nice) immediately said "no" when we stated that the ONLY thing that happened before the tics was the chicken pox vaccine!!!!! I even started to doubt it....but it was 2-3 weeks after the vaccine and I swear there were NO TICS of ANY sort before he got that vaccine. I don't know which name brand we recieved, but it was in late July/early August of this year! Both of my boys received it, but only one reacted. My older boy probably didn't get the full shot b/c they almost had to tie him down to get it into him. I remember thinking that there was a lot of vaccine that didn't get injected.....but never thought about it again. Strange that they are 2 years apart and one was 12 pounds more than the other (at least 20% more body weight) and they both get the same vaccine!!!!!!


FRUSTRATING!!! Why don't the doctors see it?????



I am a little confused about what you said in the first post above. You say Dr. Johns is the one who said your grandson has PANDAS? Then why is Dr. Scott (who said he has chorea) the one who gave the penicilin? What exactly was Dr. Johns' beef? If he says PANDAS, then why does he not agree with the penicilin given? Do you want the antibiotic or no? Also, it is certainly your choice wether or not to agree to the clonodine--was he annoyed at that?


Sorry, may I ask what exactly is the symptoms he is showing? Is it any better than that first week or so?




I am a little confused about what you said in the first post above. You say Dr. Johns is the one who said your grandson has PANDAS? Then why is Dr. Scott (who said he has chorea) the one who gave the penicillin? What exactly was Dr. Johns' beef? If he says PANDAS, then why does he not agree with the penicillin given? Do you want the antibiotic or no? Also, it is certainly your choice whether or not to agree to the clonidine--was he annoyed at that?


Sorry, may I ask what exactly is the symptoms he is showing? Is it any better than that first week or so?




Hi Faith,

I don't understand why Dr. Johns acted the way he did about Dr. Scott it was like he thought Dr. Scott was not in his CLASS OF DOCTORS.

I wanted Dr. Johns to keep my grandson on the penicillin, but I thought the Clonidine was to strong and I asked if we could cut the dose.

My grandson was doing so much better with the penicillin the jerking had stopped and he could do his school work his little hands were not shaking.

He has been off the penicillin 9 days and the jerking and twitching is back and his little head just jumps around.

I am so mad about this hole thing, I don't get it why would they put him thou this if it can be stopped.

Judy :lol:



I reported my son's tic reaction for the CDC. My doctor (very nice) immediately said "no" when we stated that the ONLY thing that happened before the tics was the chicken pox vaccine!!!!! I even started to doubt it....but it was 2-3 weeks after the vaccine and I swear there were NO TICS of ANY sort before he got that vaccine. I don't know which name brand we received, but it was in late July/early August of this year! Both of my boys received it, but only one reacted. My older boy probably didn't get the full shot b/c they almost had to tie him down to get it into him. I remember thinking that there was a lot of vaccine that didn't get injected.....but never thought about it again. Strange that they are 2 years apart and one was 12 pounds more than the other (at least 20% more body weight) and they both get the same vaccine!!!!!!


FRUSTRATING!!! Why don't the doctors see it?????


Hi Tracey.

My grandson got his shot 1-21-08, 16 days later he had a seizure. That me make this clear, he became very sick the night of the shot. He ran 104.8 he was staring into

space he did not know me he was crying and he did not know where he was.

I got his temp down to 102 it stayed at that for over a week, it would go up and down 101.1 to 102 I could not get it undercontrol. His ped Dr. told me not to worry about it. Don't bring him in unless he had green stuff running out his nose.

His temp stayed at around 99.9 to 101 for 8 more days and that is when I saw him jerking his head and he could not write his name on his paper for school. I asked him if he was just playing around he said no grandma I can't hold the pencil. Then his speech was off he was slurring his words and the jerking became more violent and that was when we ran him to the ER.

If you need more info on vaccines go to this web-site.

www.cdc.gov and look up vaccines.





Forgive me if I missed this part, but did your Corbin have strep at the time the vaccine was given, or very near the same time?



Forgive me if I missed this part, but did your Corbin have strep at the time the vaccine was given, or very near the same time?


Hi Kim,

Corbin was running a 100.1 fever when he got the shot. He should never got the shot with a fever. He said his neck hurt, he did not know the pain in his neck was a sore throat.

I asked the nurse at the time of the shot was Corbins temp ok. SHE SAID YES. I PULLED HIS MED RECORDS AND GUESS WHAT HE WAS RUNNING A FEVER.





Do you think that was the onset of the strep, at the same visit? Was a culture or anything done at that time? Also, you mentioned the ANA antibodies with a lupus underline. Had he had evidence of autoimmune issues?


When my son was ill recently, with strep and what we are assuming was an intestinal viral illness, he exhibited symptoms that would be along PANDAS lines. He was given an anti biotic. The symptoms were only for one day. I don't know which caused it. Since varicella is viral and the anti biotic is helping, do you think his problem is related to the strep or a combo of strep and the vaccine?


BTW, it was a single varicella vax, not a MMRV combo right?




My theory is that if he did have strep, the adjuvant in the vaccine would not only do its job (cause an excessive immune response to chicken pox), but also to anything else circulating in the immune system. I have researched aluminum adjuvants fairly well, and what is known about them is that they heighten and enhance immune response for an extended period. They do not know exactly how this works but it does. And since they have been used for over 80 years they are safe. ( :lol: I paraphrased that last sentence, but no kidding that is the theory.)


The other thing that science will concede is that if aluminum adjuvated vaccine is injected into the right arm, and another antigen is injected into the left leg, the adjuvant will kick up the response to both. This tells me that adjuvants are particularly dangerous when there is existing infection or autoimmunity.


Having said that, I don't even know if aluminum hydroxide is in the Varicella vax. I would assume all vaccines have an adjuvant though. By the way, they are working on a new adjuvant, can't remember the name, but its approved for use on animals, and it promises to be much more reactive than aluminum.






I'm pretty sure that there isn't an adjuvant in varicella. MMR either. From what i remember, I'm quite sure with the tetanus booster (TD which still contains full thimerosal) that the D is added for an additional immune response, so the D virus is used as an adjuvant of sorts in that particular shot. Since these vaccines bypass the mucosal barrier and all of the natural defense mechanisms, though, if there is unexcreted metals accumulated in various tissue, I suppose you could have additional problems that would go for wild caught illness too.


I have posted before about my daughter's reaction to the varicella vaccine. She received it at age one, had a high fever and rash the following week. When she turned 10 she had a full blown, horrible case of shingles. Now if the vaccine was supposed to keep her from getting chicken pox, then how did she get shingles? Shingles is a reactivation of varicella in someone who has HAD chickenpox. I feel that the varicella vaccine is one of the most dangerous ones out there. I just registered my third child for kindergarten and was very upset to see that the CDC is now recommending the first varicella vaccine at age one and ANOTHER DOSE of VARICELLA VACCINE between the ages of 4-6, pre-K. The thing that horrified me the most is that they are saying it is perfectly safe to give the first at age one and the second as few as 4-8 weeks later. I feel this will devastate many, many children, to be injected with varicella twice and so close together. I did not, nor will I, vaccinate my other three children. On the note of non vaccinated children, and this is ONLY my experience, I am not suggesting it is right for others, BUT my vaccinated 11 year old and my unvaccinated 7, 5, and 1 1/2 year old recently had pertussis and made it through perfectly fine. It was one of the diseases I most dreaded and feared when we decided not to vaccinate the younger three children. They were all over it within less than two weeks and now they should be covered for life.

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