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questions about new tic in 7 yr old


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My 7 year old son started having neck jerking motions 3/15 for the first time. He was diagnosed with strep throat 3/13 and has been on Amoxil since 3/13. I'm very worried about PANDAS and I'm not sure how to proceed next. I spoke with his pediatrician today and he is going to refer my son to a pediatric neurologist, but says it may be 8-12 weeks before he'll be seen. His tic has become more frequent and repeated even since 24 hours ago. Do you think it's PANDAS or TS? What can we do between now and this specialists appointment? Any advice to help would be appreciated.

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Welcome Nurseq,


Epsom salt baths are very tic calming. 2C of salt per bath. Soak for 20 minutes. And drink purified water after to rid of toxins.


Magnesium creme on the neck is also very helpful. You can get it from Kirkman Labs.


Also, Kid's Calm is also very helpful.


In the meantime, avoid anything artificials, additivies, preservatives & MSG.


Good luck and keep reading the posts here.



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Hi nurseq


when tics manifest after strep, PANDAS is a very real possibility


Most neurologists and mainstream doctors do not yet acknowledge or understand PANDAS, so even if you go to the pedoatric neuro, he may do no more than tell you your child has a tic and wither wait it out or medicate it with a neuroleptic etc. However, do be careful re the meds (apart from the antibiotic) as the std meds for tics may not be a good thing in PANDAS cases


In the meantime the things Patty has mentioned sure may be helpful, and if you look at our sticky 101 thread here, you may get some more pointers



our other parents dealing with PANDAS will be able to guide you more in that area too

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Sorry to hear about your son... I have written much about PANDAS in this forum. If interested, please click on my user name and then click on "read members posts." The posts will give you info. on PANDAS and the tests you need to get done, etc.

Hope this helps.



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