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I thought this might be of help to some people. It seems to me it was Jeff, and I may be incorrect, that posted a while back about this company called "The Squirrels Nest" . They sell all natural candy. The neat thing is they have specialized candy for different holidays including Easter.


I thought I should just let you know if you are looking for candy for your child, who cannot eat all the artificial candy that is most readily available, this might work for you. I just ordered my candy for Daniel for Easter and be aware they have a deadline for Easter orders. I believe it is March 8th and also note some of their Easter items are already sold out. Anyhow, here is the link http://www.squirrels-nest.com/index.cfm?ac...p;categoryID=42 .


I have to say, being this is my first order, I have no idea how it will taste. But from the post I recall it seems that it was satisfactory.


I was just excited to actually be able to get candy for an Easter basket that I do not have to worry about the chance of dramatically increased tics :D (mind you high levels of chocolate for some can be an issue so keep that in mind).


Hope this helps those in the same situation as me and not being able to just go to any old store and buy all the standard stuff. Speaking of standard stuff I am a HUGE Easter Peep candy fan. I think they are either one of those things you absolutely love or cannot stand even the sight off. Unfortunately, I know they are so full of artificial stuff. So it will be my first official Peep free Easter for me :o since my son cannot eat them :( . The things we moms and dads sacrifice for the love of our children :wacko: !

Carolyn N.


I was at work last week and put together some easter baskets loaded with Webkin's stuff. A webkin or lil'kin, clothes, bookmark, trading cards, figures, and charms. I also had the lip balm and body spray, but do not think that would be good for our kids. Anyway, the manager said, what made you think of that idea... hee, hee, hee...for us moms who don't want to do candy of coarse.


She thought I was brilliant.


Just a thought,



I have ordered from Natural Candy Store, and they were very nice and helpful. I definitely recommend them. Also, they ship to Canada if you contact them first, whereas last time I checked, Squirrel's Nest does not. Also, Natural Candy Store has some SUPER natural coloured sugars/decorations/colours for baking.








These junk food holidays are so stressful for me. It is very easy for me to rationalize that any dietary restrictions I have placed on my family are overwhelmingly beneficial, but when the holidays roll around and my kids don't get the special treats that others do, it starts to feel cruel and unusual.


I propose we start a thread for every major candy/food holiday and exchange recipes and ideas. (I'll bet Caryn knows a thing or two about St. Patrick's Day.)


Thanks. I'm off to cyber-order candy.





I thought this might be of help to some people. It seems to me it was Jeff, and I may be incorrect, that posted a while back about this company called "The Squirrels Nest" . They sell all natural candy. The neat thing is they have specialized candy for different holidays including Easter.


I thought I should just let you know if you are looking for candy for your child, who cannot eat all the artificial candy that is most readily available, this might work for you. I just ordered my candy for Daniel for Easter and be aware they have a deadline for Easter orders. I believe it is March 8th and also note some of their Easter items are already sold out. Anyhow, here is the link http://www.squirrels-nest.com/index.cfm?ac...p;categoryID=42 .


I have to say, being this is my first order, I have no idea how it will taste. But from the post I recall it seems that it was satisfactory.


I was just excited to actually be able to get candy for an Easter basket that I do not have to worry about the chance of dramatically increased tics :D (mind you high levels of chocolate for some can be an issue so keep that in mind).


Hope this helps those in the same situation as me and not being able to just go to any old store and buy all the standard stuff. Speaking of standard stuff I am a HUGE Easter Peep candy fan. I think they are either one of those things you absolutely love or cannot stand even the sight off. Unfortunately, I know they are so full of artificial stuff. So it will be my first official Peep free Easter for me :D since my son cannot eat them :( . The things we moms and dads sacrifice for the love of our children :lol: !

Carolyn N.

If you want to come up to my house I'll keep a secret stash for you! Griffin is NOT a huge candy person but my husband and I are! Griffin will get a ton of candy for Halloween or Valentines and he'll eat one piece and not ask for another for another 2 months or so! Of course, by then it's all gone b/c I have eaten it :P ! Thanks for the link, I'll go check it out!


my son really appreciates the Natural Candy Store , as they have natural gummi bears, the one thing he has really missed since going "artificial additive free" :lol: 18yo but still a gummi lover!


they started the site due to the overwhelming response to the few natural things they carried on their sister site and have a varied large selection, which is why we like them too.





I have ordered from Natural Candy Store, and they were very nice and helpful. I definitely recommend them. Also, they ship to Canada if you contact them first, whereas last time I checked, Squirrel's Nest does not. Also, Natural Candy Store has some SUPER natural coloured sugars/decorations/colours for baking.






I just ordered from Natural Candy Store. Thank you. I am so excited about the natural food colors. I have been experimenting with green in my lab (kitchen) using crushed spinach and algea.


Feel free to mock me, but I WILL publish a successful green frosting recipe before St. Paddy's Day!


Lurker, that is exactly the kind of thing I would experiment with myself. When I was in my early 20s, I used to do all kinds of kitchen experiments, many of which ended up as horrible failures. I am considering doing natural egg dyes this Easter, with beets, onion skins, and blueberries.


No mocking here :lol:




Thanks for all your responses. Thank you also Chemar for the name of the other company. It honestly is a relief to know that there is alternatives.


Tami, you sound like you have an adventuresome spirit to you. You will have to let us know if you succeed. Also I like the idea about the thread for various holidays. It is difficult when everyone else around your child is getting their yummy "treats" and your child is looking at you like what about me. I really try hard to find out what food is being served at homes or parties we are attending to I can plan ahead to give Daniel a comparable alternative.


ilovedogs, I may take you up on your offer. I am a real sweet tooth (unfortunately). This past few weeks I have been on a kick for Trader Joes Chocolate Covered Pretzels and also the Panda's Black Liquorice. I am paying the price though. I just got on the scale and I have gained 5 pounds. Time to lay off the sweets!


Carolyn N.


Yes, I'm probably the one who mentioned The Squirrel's Nest. I'm lucky - the store is only about 20 minutes from my house! Nancy was the person who told us about the Feingold Program, and gave us a lot of good advice when we first started down the all-natural road. In fact, I was looking for some all-natural Easter candy when I discovered her store.

One thing I really like about The Squirrel's Nest is that she makes a lot of the candy that she sells. She's been making them for years, and they are delicious... chocolate butter creams, coconut creams, turtles, etc. She makes a lot of her own Easter candy too, and in various shapes, like rabbits, crosses, lambs, and in milk chocolate, dark chocolate, or white chocolate.

Happy Easter!!


I feel the need to point out that even though the candy doesn't contain artificials and is made from natural, it still may contain some things that are on your restrictive list, such as milk, corn, fructos, etc., so check the ingredients.




Thanks for all your responses. Thank you also Chemar for the name of the other company. It honestly is a relief to know that there is alternatives.


Tami, you sound like you have an adventuresome spirit to you. You will have to let us know if you succeed. Also I like the idea about the thread for various holidays. It is difficult when everyone else around your child is getting their yummy "treats" and your child is looking at you like what about me. I really try hard to find out what food is being served at homes or parties we are attending to I can plan ahead to give Daniel a comparable alternative.


ilovedogs, I may take you up on your offer. I am a real sweet tooth (unfortunately). This past few weeks I have been on a kick for Trader Joes Chocolate Covered Pretzels and also the Panda's Black Liquorice. I am paying the price though. I just got on the scale and I have gained 5 pounds. Time to lay off the sweets!


Carolyn N.

Oh my! I just had a handful of chocolate pretzels from Sprouts and I love the Panda's black licorice. Of course, I worked out for the past 3 days hoping to offset the extra calories!!!


BTW: I love the idea about the Webkinz easter basket. My son would love that since he's already eyeing some new Webkinz for Easter!

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