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Hi There,

Thank you for your forum. I don't know where to turn. My daughter who has been a sniffer in the past, usually worse during this time of year, has changes her sniff/snort to a verbal tic. She doesn't tic at school (much) or around friends (just rarely) but at home aftr school, she's ticking (a sound like "Tuhh") about 4-6 times a minute..every minute until she's asleep. It's driving us nuts. We're trying to stay calm. She has a doctors' appointment next week, but I bet they aren't used to this and they'll say if it gets bad, to drug her. I don't want to do that. I will browse your forum for information, but I have a question.....


Have you ever heard of such a late onset for such behavior? DO you think it may be a teenage hormone thing, and do you think hypno therapy (for relaxation) will help?


This is all so new to us, I'm almost in tears wondering what has happened to my little girl......Thank you for reading this and thank you for any info you an throw my way.



I have a PANDAS child - recently after an exposure to strep he had a vocal tic that was constant - we tried l-carnitine (thanks to Chemar) and it was amazing.


Welcome Heather,


I know all too well what you were saying about "what happened to my little girl" though 2 years ago I said that same things except it was "what happened to my little guy". My son at age 5 started to display symptoms of TS and 2 years later he is doing great....we still go through seasonal stuff but for the most part he is doing great!!


This forum is a wealth of information with such great, compassionate people....without this website I wouldn't of learned all that I have learned! I'm sending you a cyber hug because 2 years ago that is what I needed!!!


My suggestion is start uncovering some food sensitivities!!! Start with Dairy, Wheat, Corn, Eggs, these are the big ones! I'm not the most knowledgable on supplements but plenty of other people here are!!!!


Good luck!! Stay positive!


Hi Heather M,

I deal with this same tic with my 8 yr old son. Since you say she was a sniffer, may I ask how long she had that? Did you ever consider that a habit or tic? Also, is it possible that she's had anything that might be considered a tic in the past, maybe something you never thought was a tic, even if it was short-lived? Does she have any environmental allergies? Is she aware that she is doing this? Its good that she has some control at school. I always worry about that.


Since she is older, hopefully this will not last too long.


Mom2a, did your son ever have a vocal?




Hi Heather M,

Since you say she was a sniffer, may I ask how long she had that? Did you ever consider that a habit or tic? Also, is it possible that she's had anything that might be considered a tic in the past, maybe something you never thought was a tic, even if it was short-lived? Does she have any environmental allergies? Is she aware that she is doing this?










She has seasonal allergies and would sniff snort off and on for years. So looking back, that was probably a tic, though we thought it ws a habit. She did have a short period of eye blinking, but nothing big. But this is driving us nuts, well, mostly me. I'm praying it goes away, but I'll be looking for some ways to hopefully lessen it or get rid of it. If not, I'll just have to learn to live with a noisy, (but still good) kid.


Heather M,


Welcome, I have been dealing with a very vocal 14yo for 2 1/2 years now. It still drives me crazy a lot of times too. I pray a lot and that has been such a great help to me.


My husband has TS too and he said he had a sniffing tic, after that started to really hurt the inside of his nose to do that he changed it to a vocal tic. My husband really belives he has more control over the tics then he knows. He feels the kids just get to an age where they want them to change and then they do it. I guess for him he believes it is a will of the mind more then anything.


Meanwhile, I have a 14yo who for the last 2 1/2 years must be deaf, I swear he can't hear himself sometimes. :lol:


Husband says, "Don't worry a cute girl will come along... He'll stop." ME... I'm waiting for the cuties to come out of the wood work. :D


I guess she has to have a bat/glove in one hand and a football in the other for my son to even think she is... uh... well... human. :P


Good luck,



ad cci, Can you tell me more about l-carnitine and its use for vocal tics. Did you use a particular brand? Also, what dose did you use, and did you use it long term? I know that I've heard of this -- do you mind telling if the l-carnitine stopped the verbal tics totally? Thanks, Em


Hi Em.


The brand I use is Goodn'Natural - and I was giving 500mg a day ( my label had actually been put on incorrectly - and I thought I had bought a 250mg bottle. The reduction in the vocal tic was dramatic and it eventually totally 100% went away. At the time he had a loud vocal squeak that was almost by the second at the time and very disruptive - he had been exposed to strep - once we started the supplement it did not take too long (there was actually an improvement over night - tics seemed softer and less frequent) - and each day it was less obvious. I do believe the l-carnitine was what helped as the reduction was so dramatic right after starting the supplement. As always there could have been other variables - one can never be 100% sure. We eventually went down to a 250 mg then reduced to every other day - then maybe once a week - the vocal tic went away for several months - just in the last week a slight vocal tic has started to come back - he was sick last week with a stomach flu and chills - and the vocal sound started the day before - we then started back up the l-carnitine and the sounds are very limited at this time.


different people react differently to the acetyl form of L carnitine


we used the regular L-carnitine with success. Others have preferred the acetyl form.


What is the different between the two forms of l-carnitine? Any restrictions/things to look for when using it? Thanks for the info on this! It sounds like it can be extremely helpful!

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