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well we were warned about developing tolerance as well as a reverse effect if exceeding 6 wks at high dose..... and my son is still on it (only needs 1 gm a day now) and doing great!


Rick, are you taking B6 or P-5-P with it? Inositol needs sufficient B6 to function correctly


well we were warned about developing tolerance as well as a reverse effect if exceeding 6 wks at high dose..... and my son is still on it (only needs 1 gm a day now) and doing great!


Rick, are you taking B6 or P-5-P with it? Inositol needs sufficient B6 to function correctly


I'm with you on the inositol. I don't know if I really want to go to 18g/day, but I am trying it for now only while I look for alternatives so I can get off the stuff. I think I'm already seeing the reverse effect if whaty you mean by that is that it essentially stops working.


I am taking plenty of B6 vitamins (via bontech), but not familiar with the P-5-P. I believe the bontech has 2500% of daily recommendation of B6 per the label.


I did some digging on iherb today, and they carry two types of NOW jasmine oil. They are out of stock of the more expensive one, and still have the cheaper one. I suspect the more expensive one is the one you recommend as it is called "jasmine absolute oil" and the cheaper one is called "jasmine scented oil".


do you think the jasmine scented oil would be okay?


I'm also getting the lemom balm tea you recommend - couldn't find it at my local grocer last night.


well we were warned about developing tolerance as well as a reverse effect if exceeding 6 wks at high dose..... and my son is still on it (only needs 1 gm a day now) and doing great!


Rick, are you taking B6 or P-5-P with it? Inositol needs sufficient B6 to function correctly


I'm with you on the inositol. I don't know if I really want to go to 18g/day, but I am trying it for now only while I look for alternatives so I can get off the stuff. I think I'm already seeing the reverse effect if whaty you mean by that is that it essentially stops working.


I am taking plenty of B6 vitamins (via bontech), but not familiar with the P-5-P. I believe the bontech has 2500% of daily recommendation of B6 per the label.


I did some digging on iherb today, and they carry two types of NOW jasmine oil. They are out of stock of the more expensive one, and still have the cheaper one. I suspect the more expensive one is the one you recommend as it is called "jasmine absolute oil" and the cheaper one is called "jasmine scented oil".


do you think the jasmine scented oil would be okay?


I'm also getting the lemom balm tea you recommend - couldn't find it at my local grocer last night.


My wife was able to find pure jasmine oil today at whole foods. I'm trying it out now. nice smell :)


it wasn't NOW brand, but at least it's jasmine oil. She also found lemon balm - however, its not tea, but actually pills. The person at whole foods told her it's actually better. I don't know about that, but I was fine with the pills as I'm not much of a tea person anyway, and as long as it's the same as the tea, I'm fine with it.




Rick, if you have time, please post and let us know how the lemon balm is working for you. I'm curious since Chemar's son has had such wonderful success.


things seem to be showing some improvement. However, I'm not sure if it's because of the jasmine oil, the lemom balm tea (pills), or the fact taht I upped my inositol to 18g/day.


My plan is to try to slowly come off the inositol (get down to 1g/day) - however, I am going to wait until after the holidays, as I do believe there is an improvement, and don't want any major issues to deal with over the holidays.


Note: I believe Chemar stated somewhere before that the lemon balm tea and jasmine oil will take a few weeks to kick in, so if that's the case, it may be the inositol dosage bump that is helping.



Posted (edited)

well we were warned about developing tolerance as well as a reverse effect if exceeding 6 wks at high dose..... and my son is still on it (only needs 1 gm a day now) and doing great!


Rick, are you taking B6 or P-5-P with it? Inositol needs sufficient B6 to function correctly


hi chemar,


i've been on inositol for about 6 weeks now. i've been taking 1.5g a day (3 500mg tablets 3 times a day). i just received the capsules instead of the tablets (more potent i think). i may drop down to 1g a day with this. any recommendation on how i should be taking it? i don't want the effects to dissipate if i can help it.


on that note, i think inositol is working for me absolutely. at first i had to decide if it was helping or if i am just having a placebo, but i think it is helping now that it has been 6 weeks. it's hard to describe but it seems that when i feel an obsession coming into my head, i get that initial wave of anxiety that raises my heartbeat and i think, "i really hope i don't start thinking about this," and then it seems like i just forget about it very quickly thereafter instead of...well, for lack of a better term, obsessing about it. heh :) i don't try to push myself into those situations, like a lot of behavioral therapies suggest you do (since i'm not on such a therapy), but instead if i feel the obsessions come around, i feel like i forget about them much easier than before.


so far i really think it's helping me. i want to keep it up. do you suggest i should try the 500mg capsules twice a day instead of 3 tablets daily? i know you aren't a doctor, but you seem to have good insight on this at least. i have always heard capsules are stronger than tablets. thanks.

Edited by jellyz
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)




i am suffering from ocd from past 7 years from the past seven months i started taking inositol(12 grams a day) it was a great relief but inositol alone cant do anything i added b12 and bcomplex. its just because of this topic i am feeling that i am back at my own but recently i am facing some problems lowering inositol was a very bad idea as anxiety started creeping it and i was depressed again but i am very much confused about adding b6 to inositol please can you clarify about the same and the inositol reverse effect.




Edited by yash
  • 3 years later...

my apologies for bringing up an old thread.


i am a male in my late 20s and have had OCD most of my life. nearly everyone in my extended family has OCD (mother's side) and takes some type of SSRI for it. i am bit more stubborn and/or don't want to swallow my pride or an SSRI, so i have been researching the alternative natural way to reduce the OCD. this is one of many useful threads i have come across in regards to inositol.


i have read a few cases where people were taking as little as 1.5-2g a day in the pill form and seeing results. i don't know if these people were experiencing a placebo effect, but i recently started taking the 1.5-2g daily to see the results. it has only been one week, so i do not have any results. one thing i thought was interesting was that the previous page had a doctor's questionnaire and he indicated the brain didn't recognize inositol until 12g was taken in. does anyone know if this is true, or if smaller amounts of the inositol can help OCD?


really i'd just like to get more information on how much inositol really works. it seems like there is very little evidence supporting what dosage works and doesn't work. 18g just seems like a whole lot to take on a daily basis and the idea, even coming from a doctor, that OCD patients need to take precisely 18g a day and no more/less seems like a shortcoming to me. i feel like there has to be a greater variance of dosage depending on the extremity of the disorder in a particular case, just like there would be a variance on a dosage of an SSRI for the same reason.


thanks for any input.


I know this is an old post, but I wanted to add my two cents for other people reading this. 18 g was just the dose used in the studies. The effects on OCD are on a continuum (more than 18 g may work better, less may be less effective). 18g a day is the only dose studied for OCD, and although lower doses may help, it's not something that there's any literature on. SSRI's help with OCD at lower doses than the "official" ones, which likely means that you will get some benefit (although maybe not the most) from taking less than 18g a day. anything 12 g and above is probably close enough to give some benefit (just an educated guess however)


On the issue of whether 18 g is alot, whether something is a lot is relative to the substance. Inositol is a naturally occuring sugar and people eat way more than 18 g of sugar each day as part of thier diet. So there's no reason to think 18 g will be harmful as far as we know. Inositol is not well researched long term (most supplements aren't). But as far as we know , based on the current literature, there have not been any negative health consequences on 18g a day. I believe there is a 12 g a day study recently conducted which went for 2 years (for a different condition) which also did not show safety concerns at that dose. 12 g is not 18 g but it shows a higher dose over a 2 year period which apparently did not cause harm.


Good luck

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