P_Mom Posted November 17, 2007 Report Posted November 17, 2007 Hello, my name is Rachel. I am not well versed with online discusssion boards but I need desparate help. After a year of strep, signaled by behavior - no physical symptoms my daughter Sophie age 6 and my son, Boone age 4 have been diagnosed with PANDAS. They were diagnosed after they already had their tonsils removed. They had had strep 12 times before we were able to consider getting their tonsils removed. I tried to explain the behaviorial sypmtoms to the ENT specialist prior to surgery in fact I said they had strep the day we went to discuss the surgery. However, he did not have a strep swab in his office because he is concerned about the over use of antibiotic. I went to our family doctor who put them on the antibiotic which ended the day before surgery. This was August 22, 2007 and on that day I took my then seven month old to be tested for strep. After Sophie and Boone's tonsils were removed on Aug. 23 we thought we were done. On October 5, 2007 I noticed extreme behavior related to their strep. I didn't take them to the doctor til Oct. 9. They had no sore throat or fever, but after the swab, "You were right mom they do have strep". A week later a friend of mine found an article in in Prevention magazine October 2006 referring to PANDAS and my husband and I referenced the 1998 Susan Swedo article. First, we went to the specialist who was not supportive nor listening to me. I called the National Institutes of Mental Health and talked to clinical social worker in reference to the article my children's behavior. Then, we brought it to our general practitioner who started the next series of antibiotic. We tried amox. first, then ,PEN V, now my daughter is on zithromax (she seems to be responding ) and my son isn't. Now I suggested to my doctor to try him on amox. again so I can observe his sypmtoms without he and his sister antagonizing each other. In the meantime, per the recommendation of the 1998 Am. Journal of Psychology, Swedo article we saw a psychologist for remediation of behavior when they have an exaserbation. But not having any experience working with PANDAS she said I would be educating people about their disorder and recommended a book by Dr. Stanley Greenspan about "floor time". Then, she said this is a medical issue that has to be treated with antibiotic. When they had their tonsils I noticed an allievation of symptoms seven days after being on antibiotic. The antibiotic would end and within days symptoms would reappear. Now, since tonsils have been removed I am witnessing an ebb and flow of symptoms while constantly being on antibiotic. And, we are trying to find the right antibiotic. My doctor said if I can find an doctor that has treated PANDAS please let her know. Yes, we are taking fish oil, probiotic and an multivitamin. Right now, I'm considering the Feingold diet. I"m homeschooling and trying to figure out a routine in the midst of on-demand-living and behaviorial management. Any suggestions, love, and support? Thank you !!! (Emailing from library home computer on the mend - ugh.) Hi Rachel, Sorry to hear about your situation, although I know very well what it feels like. My 4 year old son developed severe vocal tics and ocd out of the blue this past August as well after a strep infection, which his older brother 7, also had. I remember standing at the counter picking up their anti-biotic when Ethan let out this huge grunt. The lady said, "oh my goodness," and he was so embarrassed and waved his hands and said "no, I didn't mean...." then he just hid. It was then I realized something was wrong because he didn't mean to do it. After starting Pennicillan that day I really didn't notice anything else and kinda forgot about it. After 10 days they went off meds. and everything was fine until about 2 days later when my older son said his throat hurt and the strep was back. (which it wasn't totally eradicated to begin with ) He went on med. again, but Ethan showed no signs of strep (typical for PANDAS kids), so he didn't go back on. I felt uncomfortable with it, so Ethan did go back on about 5 or 6 days later.(thank god) Well, within this time he was exposed to his brother and probably had strep with out symptoms and his anitbodies had time to increase over those days, and I remember on Aug. 15, it all "hit the fan." Explosive vocal grunts/ocd, it was the most frightening thing I or my husband had ever seen. We had no idee what was happeneing, and after extensive research we found PANDAS, it couldn't be anything else. Well, after about 2 weeks of this, ( I didn't eat or sleep and lost 15 pounds), the strep was eliminated and slowly over time his antibody levels came down as well as his symptoms. He is almost asymptomatic right now, lingering, very mild stuff that only I would notice. He is not on antibiotic but we do do the vitamins and fish oil. I need to mention that about 2 weeks after this stuff with Ethan just about ended, my older son developed two motor tics that came on suddenly one day. He did not have any behavioral issued like Ethan , but, I believe this is a milder form of PANDAS (so far and I pray it stays that was). Right now his tics are so mild and occur maybe once every other day or so, not noticeable. Anyway, my older son just had his tonsils/adenoids removed also, he had large blockage and needed them removed for breathing issues. (snoring, mouth breathing .) He is doing well, still occasional tics, but I feel good about it because this should help, I know not eliminate, future infections. We are considering it for Ethan based on PANDAS. What you need to do is get blood work done to check for ASO and ANTIDNAase B titers. These will measure levels of strep antibodies in your children and I will expect from what you described they will be significantly elevated, one or both. With Ethan his levels are now normal, which coincides with his symptoms being for the most part gone, but he didn't have strep nearly as much as your kids. (twice total) What I think happens is, the more they have strep, almost back to back, the higher and higher their anitbodies get without having a chance to come down,(it is the antibodies to strep that cause the problem, not the strep itself) and that is why ( I believe), even without active strep, they still show symptoms when off Anti-biotics, their levels are still high and, even given no future strep, it takes a while for them to return to normal, every kid is different and sometimes it can be very long. The anti-biotics modulate their immune system somehow and keep symptoms under control. There are other treatments: steriods, IVIG, that can be considered. Where do you live? Please go to www.webpediatrics.com, Dr. Kovacevic, out of Chicage, has special interest in PANDAS and has been very helpful to us and is more than willing to help. Check out that web-site and then get back to me, I'd like to know what you think. In the meantime, you are not alone, I know how scary this is, I willl be praying for you and your family. Something that may help, although this is new, it seems these kids eventually grow out of this, although you do need to manage it. This is what a MOM told me whose daughter had a bad case starting at 8, then it stopped when she had her period. Is this true for all PANDAS kids, I certaintly hope so. Hope to hear from you soon. Kelly Rachel, Just another two things. Being your kids have had so many strep infections so far at this young age, and the fact that they are home schooled and probably don't get exposed as much as other kids, you may want to check for a carrier in the house. Also, on the tonsil issue, yes, they can act as germ barriers but they can also harbor germs, become chronically infected, etc. Any study or ENT will tell you that in the event of recurrent strep infections, tonsil removal is recommended and reduces, not totally eliminates, future infections. A woman here, Ronna, has a son with PANDAS, with recurrent strep, who greatly benefited after tonsil removal. To try to cure or prevent PANDAS, well, that is when tonsil removal is not recommended, but it is also not advised against if there are medical reasons. (recurrent infections, breathing issues. etc.) I do not know of any study or info. where tonsil removal actually made PANDAS worse. Tonsils are necessary in the first couple years of life to fight off infections, then after a childs immune system develops, they MAY actually become a nuisance/problem. Take care! kelly
P_Mom Posted November 17, 2007 Report Posted November 17, 2007 Hello, my name is Rachel. I am not well versed with online discusssion boards but I need desparate help. After a year of strep, signaled by behavior - no physical symptoms my daughter Sophie age 6 and my son, Boone age 4 have been diagnosed with PANDAS. They were diagnosed after they already had their tonsils removed. They had had strep 12 times before we were able to consider getting their tonsils removed. I tried to explain the behaviorial sypmtoms to the ENT specialist prior to surgery in fact I said they had strep the day we went to discuss the surgery. However, he did not have a strep swab in his office because he is concerned about the over use of antibiotic. I went to our family doctor who put them on the antibiotic which ended the day before surgery. This was August 22, 2007 and on that day I took my then seven month old to be tested for strep. After Sophie and Boone's tonsils were removed on Aug. 23 we thought we were done. On October 5, 2007 I noticed extreme behavior related to their strep. I didn't take them to the doctor til Oct. 9. They had no sore throat or fever, but after the swab, "You were right mom they do have strep". A week later a friend of mine found an article in in Prevention magazine October 2006 referring to PANDAS and my husband and I referenced the 1998 Susan Swedo article. First, we went to the specialist who was not supportive nor listening to me. I called the National Institutes of Mental Health and talked to clinical social worker in reference to the article my children's behavior. Then, we brought it to our general practitioner who started the next series of antibiotic. We tried amox. first, then ,PEN V, now my daughter is on zithromax (she seems to be responding ) and my son isn't. Now I suggested to my doctor to try him on amox. again so I can observe his sypmtoms without he and his sister antagonizing each other. In the meantime, per the recommendation of the 1998 Am. Journal of Psychology, Swedo article we saw a psychologist for remediation of behavior when they have an exaserbation. But not having any experience working with PANDAS she said I would be educating people about their disorder and recommended a book by Dr. Stanley Greenspan about "floor time". Then, she said this is a medical issue that has to be treated with antibiotic. When they had their tonsils I noticed an allievation of symptoms seven days after being on antibiotic. The antibiotic would end and within days symptoms would reappear. Now, since tonsils have been removed I am witnessing an ebb and flow of symptoms while constantly being on antibiotic. And, we are trying to find the right antibiotic. My doctor said if I can find an doctor that has treated PANDAS please let her know. Yes, we are taking fish oil, probiotic and an multivitamin. Right now, I'm considering the Feingold diet. I"m homeschooling and trying to figure out a routine in the midst of on-demand-living and behaviorial management. Any suggestions, love, and support? Thank you !!! (Emailing from library home computer on the mend - ugh.) Hi Rachel, Sorry to hear about your situation, although I know very well what it feels like. My 4 year old son developed severe vocal tics and ocd out of the blue this past August as well after a strep infection, which his older brother 7, also had. I remember standing at the counter picking up their anti-biotic when Ethan let out this huge grunt. The lady said, "oh my goodness," and he was so embarrassed and waved his hands and said "no, I didn't mean...." then he just hid. It was then I realized something was wrong because he didn't mean to do it. After starting Pennicillan that day I really didn't notice anything else and kinda forgot about it. After 10 days they went off meds. and everything was fine until about 2 days later when my older son said his throat hurt and the strep was back. (which it wasn't totally eradicated to begin with ) He went on med. again, but Ethan showed no signs of strep (typical for PANDAS kids), so he didn't go back on. I felt uncomfortable with it, so Ethan did go back on about 5 or 6 days later.(thank god) Well, within this time he was exposed to his brother and probably had strep with out symptoms and his anitbodies had time to increase over those days, and I remember on Aug. 15, it all "hit the fan." Explosive vocal grunts/ocd, it was the most frightening thing I or my husband had ever seen. We had no idee what was happeneing, and after extensive research we found PANDAS, it couldn't be anything else. Well, after about 2 weeks of this, ( I didn't eat or sleep and lost 15 pounds), the strep was eliminated and slowly over time his antibody levels came down as well as his symptoms. He is almost asymptomatic right now, lingering, very mild stuff that only I would notice. He is not on antibiotic but we do do the vitamins and fish oil. I need to mention that about 2 weeks after this stuff with Ethan just about ended, my older son developed two motor tics that came on suddenly one day. He did not have any behavioral issued like Ethan , but, I believe this is a milder form of PANDAS (so far and I pray it stays that was). Right now his tics are so mild and occur maybe once every other day or so, not noticeable. Anyway, my older son just had his tonsils/adenoids removed also, he had large blockage and needed them removed for breathing issues. (snoring, mouth breathing .) He is doing well, still occasional tics, but I feel good about it because this should help, I know not eliminate, future infections. We are considering it for Ethan based on PANDAS. What you need to do is get blood work done to check for ASO and ANTIDNAase B titers. These will measure levels of strep antibodies in your children and I will expect from what you described they will be significantly elevated, one or both. With Ethan his levels are now normal, which coincides with his symptoms being for the most part gone, but he didn't have strep nearly as much as your kids. (twice total) What I think happens is, the more they have strep, almost back to back, the higher and higher their anitbodies get without having a chance to come down,(it is the antibodies to strep that cause the problem, not the strep itself) and that is why ( I believe), even without active strep, they still show symptoms when off Anti-biotics, their levels are still high and, even given no future strep, it takes a while for them to return to normal, every kid is different and sometimes it can be very long. The anti-biotics modulate their immune system somehow and keep symptoms under control. There are other treatments: steriods, IVIG, that can be considered. Where do you live? Please go to www.webpediatrics.com, Dr. Kovacevic, out of Chicage, has special interest in PANDAS and has been very helpful to us and is more than willing to help. Check out that web-site and then get back to me, I'd like to know what you think. In the meantime, you are not alone, I know how scary this is, I willl be praying for you and your family. Something that may help, although this is new, it seems these kids eventually grow out of this, although you do need to manage it. This is what a MOM told me whose daughter had a bad case starting at 8, then it stopped when she had her period. Is this true for all PANDAS kids, I certaintly hope so. Hope to hear from you soon. Kelly Rachel, Just another two things. Being your kids have had so many strep infections so far at this young age, and the fact that they are home schooled and probably don't get exposed as much as other kids, you may want to check for a carrier in the house. Also, on the tonsil issue, yes, they can act as germ barriers but they can also harbor germs, become chronically infected, etc. Any study or ENT will tell you that in the event of recurrent strep infections, tonsil removal is recommended and reduces, not totally eliminates, future infections. A woman here, Ronna, has a son with PANDAS, with recurrent strep, who greatly benefited after tonsil removal. To try to cure or prevent PANDAS, well, that is when tonsil removal is not recommended, but it is also not advised against if there are medical reasons. (recurrent infections, breathing issues. etc.) I do not know of any study or info. where tonsil removal actually made PANDAS worse. Tonsils are necessary in the first couple years of life to fight off infections, then after a childs immune system develops, they MAY actually become a nuisance/problem. Take care! kelly Rachel. Me again. I keep thinking of things I want to tell you! First, after course of antibiotics for strep, go back and make sure the infection is gone, otherwise it linger and continue to imerge, cause PANDAS symptoms, but no physical ones. Also, being PANDAS kids don't show physical sign of strep most of the time, whenever behavior/ocd/tics increase, get them tested for strep asap! The faster you treat the strep, it can stunt the production of antibodises. You can purchase strep testing kits on line to help you with this, I did. Last thing, you said after tonsil removal you noticed a flow of symptoms. I also noticed you said they had strep after tonsil removal. I would much faster attribute this increase of symptoms to the fact they had strep, not tonsil removal. Remember... more strep/more antibodies/more symptoms. Also, don't get overwhelmed with all the info., other things definitely may help to allieviate symptoms, but, your #1 culprit with PANDAS is infection, more so than allergies, food, etc. Although, like I said, these things can help. Personal disclaimer . This is just my advice after extensive research, consulting with Doctors, and my own experience. I am not a doctor, just keep that in mind. Every situation is different.
Dedee Posted November 19, 2007 Report Posted November 19, 2007 Sorry for the late reply, I have been out of town for a while. Rachel, I am so sorry for what you are going through with both of your children. I can not even imagine what it would be like to have two kids with PANDAS. You have my prayers and support. I noticed you said you started probiotics and fish oil. You may want to try cal / mag as that often helps a great deal with tics. The other thing that comes to mind is your other child who may be a carrier and exposing them to strept. Even if they do not actually aquire strept, just the exposure to the bacteria will cause their antibodies to rise and increase their symptoms. So I would take a look at everyone else they are close to and see if they may be getting exposure you are not aware of. I think you can expect to see some symptoms come and go through out childhood and then taper off and go away as they enter the later part of the teens and early twenties. The goal of course is to try to keep the symptoms to a minimum and as mild as possible. As far as whether or not I saw explosive symptoms in my PANDAS son. We definately did. But by explosive I mean that one day he was his normal every day self and then literally he woke up the next morning with extreme fears and constant hand washing and refusal to eat "dirty food". That was when he was five. He was absolutely a different child over night. I believe that is the defination of "explosive" in the PANDAS literature. Years later after several strept infections he had another over night change, where he literally woke up one morning (while on antibiotics for strept), with a horrible head jerking and eye rolling tic. It was so frequent, and abrupt that it almost looked like seizures. He had never ever had tics before that morning. It was very frightening. It wasn't until several days later that we got our PANDAS diagnosis. I still can not believe how many physicians continue to be ignorant regarding this disease and it's treatment. I'll stay off my soap box and save that for another post. It just breaks my heart to hear of so many children suffering because no one knows the proper course of treatment. Children have enough to deal with, they should not suffer the effects of illness needlessly. Oops sorry, still on the soap box. Well, that's all I have. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. For those traveling, be safe. Peace and Grace - Dedee
LisaM Posted November 19, 2007 Report Posted November 19, 2007 I am curious about the treatments for PANDAS. Dedee, do you go on a stronger antibiotic for symptom flare ups even if there is no strep? Like during a viral illness? If so, is it a longer run of the stronger antibiotic? And do you in fact see flare ups as a result of viral illnesses? Are there any PANDAS parents or suspected PANDAS parents who do not give antibiotics long term? Thanks Lisa
Dedee Posted November 19, 2007 Report Posted November 19, 2007 Lisa, Well, I am new to this antibiotic thing and have only had "permission" (from Dr. Murphy) for them for about 6 months. Prior to that, my pediatrician gave them to us reluctantly (sp?) for about four months while we were waiting for our consult. Now, Dr. Murphy did mention that if my son was exposed to strept that his symptoms would probably worsen even if he did not actually acquire the illness. She went on to say that he may even need a stronger antibiotic for a couple of weeks to alieviate those symptoms if they were extremely bad. So, all that being said, it has only happened once that I felt the need to increase the strength of his dose. At that time I was certain of his exposure to strept because his best friend was being treated for it and his mother told me he had been complaining all week with his throat. So I knew the two had been together. My son never complained of feeling ill, only had increased tics and very emotional with some behavior issues at school. Since I already had a two week course of "samples" at my house, I didn't even think twice, I immediately made the switch and he improved within a day. Now, there have been other times that he has had some mild return of symptoms but nothing that I felt like deserved more antibiotics. I would just increase his supplements in some way until things got better. I really don't notice any relationship to a virus much. Mostly only strept. I know there are alot of parents who do see that. I think it is most likely the stress on the immune system. I believe that is why it is important to use vitamins and supplements to keep the immune system strong. Probiotics are very good for that as well. I am sure that there will be times in the future that this will be challanged. My daughter is now 4 and she is just starting school and getting exposed to strept and bringing it home and so forth. So I would imagine that between her and my other son, they will expose him enough to challenge this theory. We will see as the winter progresses. Keeping my fingers crossed. Dedee
Rachel Posted November 25, 2007 Report Posted November 25, 2007 Thank you ONE AND ALL for your insight and support!! I'm sorry I'm not alone but I am glad to be in the same boat with knowledgable, capable and caring moms like you!! Some of my concerns were allivated like "were we wrong to have their tonsils removed" and the answer is nebulous as the disorder itself; other fears of ever getting back to normal were abated about the success story of the preteen who survived PANDAS. And the fact that there is a doctor actively pursuring a greater understanding of PANDAS - yeah, Dr. Murphy is hopeful. She became a doctor after working through Tourett's (I do have a call into her office to try to connect Dr. Murphy to our family physician Dr. Harbor.) One of the most interesting pieces of information was the intensity of PANDAS that it can be extreme and mild and not necessarily go away. Which (prior to getting their tonsils out) WOULD go away after seven days of antibiotic. Currently, I am assessing Sophie (who exhibits more OCD sypmtoms like checking, becoming more clumsy, regressing to baby talk, losing concentration, disinterested in the things that she loves like drawing and singing) and Boone (who exhibits more ADHD sypmtoms like agressive behavior, extremely impulsive, but hyper focused on other things). And, I'm considering the cost-benefit ratio like which antibiotic maintains a more steady effect of symptoms. Soooo, Boone (age 4) is back on Zithromax because his impulsivity on amox. was very difficult to circumvent. Now, I need a sit down with Dr. Harbor and hopefully Dr. Murphy about the effects of long term antibiotic, which is the best to consider for long term ... A primer so to speak of the cost-benefit ratio. Also, one thing that I am considering is homeopathy or acupucture. Has anyone explored these areas for presenting symptoms? Plus, I am trying to be aware of environmental triggers. Upon seeing the psychologist, she was intrigued and very encouraging about trying to understand the effects of PANDAS and encouraged me to read a book by Dr. Stanley Greenspan about "floor time" and engaging them outside of their "episode". She said she would like to see a video of the "worst" behavior, only upon leaving the office did I realize that I barely have time to take family video for prosperity sake. Besides, upon their worst times I am not necessarily "on" myself. So, I am aquainting myself with cognitive behaviorial therapy. Reading Thom Hartmann's the Edison-Gene. Excellent. So, speaking of enduring the behaviorial deviations how have you managed? Like I said, I just recently became educated about PANDAS so I'm explaining now to my friends the intensity of their behavior and WHY I've been elusive. My mother has been especially understanding but other grandparents don't quiet get it. How have y'all kept in tune to the rest of your world? Again, thank you for your patience and insight. So Sincerely, Rachel
LisaM Posted November 25, 2007 Report Posted November 25, 2007 Rachel, You may want to post again under the new topics stating you are new here, need advice etc. so that even more people can read your post and respond. Lisa
P_Mom Posted November 25, 2007 Report Posted November 25, 2007 Hi Lisa, Hey, could you let me know if you are successful in having Dr. Murphy speak with your family doctor? I may try to do that as well if she is willing. Take Care! Kelly
kkver Posted November 28, 2007 Report Posted November 28, 2007 My heart goes out to all the kids suffering from this and It is hard to digest that handfull of docs only beilve in this . Agreed this is a debatable thing but when kids improve overnight or with the use of antibiotic wonder why do they just ignore it . I had very hard time arguing with doctors on this in my area including a Head of Neurology in UCI. No wants to understand or listen. Dedee What is the dose of antibiotic you give to you son when he gets exposed to strep. thanks
Caryn Posted November 28, 2007 Report Posted November 28, 2007 Okay, I don't want to freak anyone out, but while researching Tiggers gut issues on Celiac.com I ran into an article that claims overuse of antibiotics can lead to crohn's disease: Card T, Logan RF, Rodrigues LC, Wheeler JG. Antibiotic use and the development of Crohn's disease. Gut 2004 Feb;53(2):246-50. http://gut.bmj.com/cgi/content/abstract/53/2/246?ck=nck Is everyone also using probiotics?
emma1 Posted December 3, 2007 Author Report Posted December 3, 2007 I followed this link, but could only get to the abstract. I wanted to bump this up to see what other moms with PANDAS children thought of this. I think I started this thread, but missed this crohn's/antibiotic connection. I am not freaking out (well, not quite anyway) but antibiotics are the only solution we've found so far. Without them, the other supplements don't really cut it at all. And, I am feeling extra bummed out because the one supplement everyone seems to agree is helpful for this autoimmune disorder -- omega 3 -- has not been tolerated by my daughter very well (I realize she is reacting to the fish oil and not omega 3, but we haven't found a good substitute yet). Anyway, does anyone have any better/additional info on this crohn's/antibiotic connection? Do probiotics play a part? Does this mean we are better off with a lower dose antibiotic, or perhaps less strong antibiotic. I was just wondering because my daughter is on Pen VK right now -- and I keep thinking I should push for something stronger, or for a stronger dose. But this crohn's thing does have me concerned. I have a friend with it, and I know it is at times very, very difficult for her (although she is not exactly "perfect" in doing what is best for her health). So, does anyone have any thoughts?
emma1 Posted December 7, 2007 Author Report Posted December 7, 2007 Chemar, Bumping this for you! What do you think?
michele Posted December 7, 2007 Report Posted December 7, 2007 I could tell my son was having a flair up of symptoms beginning Sun. night. None of us are sick that we are aware of. He started the emotional rollercoaster, making sounds, talking about bad things, obsessing, having to go toilet repeatively, talking excessively, hyper, cracking joints. I called the ped. She called him in the omniseph and in two days he is much better. She didn't even want to culture the rest of us. Yesterday he kicked someone on the bus was still emotional but today he is calm, no tics, stll toileting alot but amazing how much the stronger antibiotics taper symptoms off. I did read Augmentin long term could discolor teeth. I wish we could stay on the omniseph or get the azithromycin if they work so much better. If kids can manage without daily antibiotics they are fortunate. I am afraid in our case the episodes seem to come to frequently and last too long to go antibiotic free. Maybe after winter when there is not as much strep. Dr. Murphy said to give stronger antibiotics during flair ups. She really didn't comment on the daily antibiotic prophylaxis but I think she would have said to stop it if she was opposed. She did say stop the ACTOS. This is an interesting thread. I am glad the topic was brought up. Also could you list the probiotics not to take. We take primadophilus by Natures Way. Is this one okay? I didn't see a listing about strep on the bottle. Michele Chemar, Bumping this for you! What do you think?
Chemar Posted December 7, 2007 Report Posted December 7, 2007 Chemar, Bumping this for you! What do you think? my 18yo son, who has genetically inherited Tourette Syndrome, was dx with Crohn's in 2006, but I believe he has had it since 2004. He was dx with the TS in 2000, altho we know he has had tics since very young he has hardly ever had antibiotics in his whole life and has never had a strep infection, altho my older son did have strep throat in the late 90's. He is 21 and has no tics, OCD etc . My son went on a mission trip to Nicaragua in 2003 and had to have vaccinations. There was a cover story in our local paper about new research pointing to Crohn's possibly being triggered by a bacterial infection. My son has found MonoLaurin (lauric acid supplement, made from coconuts) to be very helpful during crohn's flareups. It is a natural antimicrobial. He takes other gut protective and antiinflammatory supplemtns only for his crohn's and is doing a lot better than folks we know on steroids etc for crohn's. The doc's did want him on antibitotics for that too, but we declined and used the monolaurin instead re Probiotics, we have only ever used natural kefir and yoghurt with live cultures. and not supplements. I can sure see why any probiotic that may contain what are usually helpful strains of strep cultures, would nevertheless be a trigger for kids with strep related PANDAS
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