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Hi everyone! I've been reading this board for about 3 months and thought I would introduce myself. My son's first episode of tics started when he was 2 years and 3 months old. He had been sick for about a week and started watching a japanimation style cartoon. The show had lots of blinking and flashing images. His blinking progressed to facial winking, then neck stretching. My heart sank. I grew up with tics. I had facial tics, neck stretching, and shoulder shrugging, tics involving breathing and jerky diaphragmatic movements. Currently, I have very mild facial tics that flare up once in a while, but I can hide them fairly well. We finally found an environmental doctor in our area who prescribed a regimine of vitamins for our son. We have cut out television and computer monitors, artificial dyes and flavors, MSG, high fructose corn syrup, and have made many environmental changes. It has only been about two weeks since we've started the vitamins, but I already see a 75% improvement.


The major findings in his bloodwork include:

Low creatinine. .4L mg/dL

High BUN/Creatinine Ratio 30H

WBC 5.9L x10E3/uL

Creatine, serum 1.2H mg/dL


These are what's flagged by the lab on the report. He may have pointed out other things. Honestly I tried to write everything down, but I was completely overwhelmed and some things he said went in one ear and out the other!



His vitamin prescription is as follows:


vit B12 sublingual. 2 drops with each folic acide drop. 1mg/drop

Folic acid sublingual. 1 drop with B12 at least 3 times daily. 5mg/drop

---- Our environmental MD ordered this drop mixture every time he exhibited symptoms.



vit B6 25 mg. 2x/day

vit C 500 mg. 2x/day

Magnesium 100 mg. 2x/day

Taurine 250mg. 2x/day

Multi-vitamin with iron

Fish oil (checking dose with MD)

calcium 500mg 2x/day


Here's my question (finally! :P ) I was wondering if anyone could give me guidance on how much time we should allow for the vitamin therapy to take "full effect" before I take my son in to see his osteopath for craniosacral treatment. I have asked her the same question and she is consulting with the environmental MD. I just thought I would ask you all who have been through this for your thoughts. Have any of you found osteopathic treatment to be helpful in a preventative sense? Or have you found osteopathic treatment more helpful for symptom relief? I'm still trying to read all the old posts on this board, but are there more supplements considered to be part of the basic regimine for tics that we are missing?


I praise God that we have finally found someone to guide us. When I was growing up, I remember my mother taking me to see the pediatrician about my tics. He said something to the effect that I had a rare condition and wasn't going to do anything for it. I am so thankful for resources like this board. You all have given me much hope, not only for my son, but hope that I can finally learn to take care of myself as well! We are going green and organic, it's been a challenge, but I can already tell a difference in my tics!


Thanks for your time.






I just wanted to tell you congratulations on making the decision to investigate what is actually going on with your son. What a differance it will make in his life and in yours too. I cannot answer your questions regarding supplements, my son is using Bonnie Grimaldi's vitamin program. But I do want to encourage you to investigate all the differant names for MSG since it seems to be effecting your son. I just did a post regarding this not even a week ago.


Originally, I thought I was avoiding MSG because I specifically thought MSG would be called just that. But it is under so many differant names. The differance in my son has been remarkable since I now understand to avoid all the products with the differant MSG names. But also taking out Yellow Dye 5, Red 40, and High Fructose Corn syrup has made a great differance too.


At least for my son, and I know not everyone, the Magnesium Taurate in Bonnie's Vitamins has been essential in helping Daniel control his tics when does come in contact with one of the artificial foods.


Well praise God you are getting answer! I love hearing how God answers prayer.


Carolyn N.


Hi melanie and welcome


glad you are seeing improvements


the one thing I noticed was that your calcium dose is much higher than the magnesium (500:100mg) generally if extra calcium is needed beyond that from diet, it is usually in a 2:1 ratio with magnesium.


my son has benefited very much over the years from osteopathic and chiropractic treatment, both in relief of symptoms and their resultant effect on his musculo-skeletal system


You mention that you also had tics...was this TS or transient?





Thank you so much for your advice about Bonnie Grimaldi's vitamin program, and info about finding out the different names for MSG. I will definitely read your post. When his tics started up in January, I was consumed with worry. When I finally allowed God to take over, I experienced peace that I have never experienced before. There are days that are hard, but I am comforted by his presence in our lives and have really learned to trust that he is in control.





Hi Chemar,

Thank you for your insight on his calcium dose. I'll call his doctor and ask his rationale for the 500mg dose. I'll be sure to report his response.


My son has transient tics I believe. His first episode in January lasted about 2.5 months then subsided. He got sick again at the end of June and we've been seeing facial tics ever since then. We haven't received a diagnosis of Tourette's.


If I may ask, what type of manipulation did her receive from the chiropractor? I am a physical therapist, and am going through post graduate studies to become a certified manual therapist. It includes training on manipulation techniques and I am excited to find out what you have found to be effective.


Thank you so much for your time!



Hi Melanie


my son also has Crohn's Disease and so his chiro work is pretty complex as it forms part of his holistic treatment protocol


however, our NUCCA certified chiro primarily does cervical spine adjustment for the tic related issues

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