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Hi. I have been reading a lot lately about alternative treatment for Tourettes. I have had some success with alternative treatments for my 16yo daughter's Aspergers and thought it was time to look into it for Tourettes. My 16yo is also diagnosed with Tourettes, as is my 12yo. The 10yo is not yet diagnosed but has all the signs.


Anyway, I am looking into this now because my 12yo son is having so much trouble with his tics. He is having more vocal tics and is self-conscious about them. He was tried on medication briefly at age 7 (clonidine, I think). That lasted for about two days because he was so sleepy he couldn't function. I am interested in this for my older daughter too because she takes a low dose of Zyprexa (!). I would rather she have an alternative.


I have been hearing a lot about supplements and am interested in finding out where to start. I did order the book that is recommended on this site but it won't be here for awhile. Should I just start with magnesium (and what should the ratio of calcium to magnesium be)? I have read a lot about l-carnitine and wonder if that might be a good one to try too.

It might help to point out what tics are really bothering them.

12yo-vocal tics are almost constant these days

10yo-eye-rolling tic that can give her a headache at times

16yo-mostly muscles tensing up in different parts of her body


Sorry if this is kind of all over the place. I have looked up so much and tried to find doctors in my area that would take our insurance today that I am a little loopy. I am asking now because I am going to Whole Foods this weekend to get some different shampoo for my 16you. (Just found out that the sodium laurel, etc, in most shampoos are bad for people on the autistic spectrum.)





Hi and welcome, Becky G!


I'll start by pointing you in the direction of the "essential threads" post:


in case you haven't seen it yet. I think under "Claire's info for newcomers" there's some stuff on supplements.


The magnesium that seems highly recommended here is Kids Calm (by Peter Gilham). It contains magnesium citrate and magnesium ascorbate, plus zinc, and dissolves in hot water for easier absorption. I bought some just yesterday, gave my daughter a kid-sized dose, and me an adult-sized one, and we both slept like logs last night! (this is a rare occurance) So far, thumbs way, WAY up.


Calcium to magnesium can be 2:1 or 1:1 depending on different sources' opinions. The information on the website when you buy Kids Calm says that most diets are way too high in calcium compared to magnesium, so even taking the mag alone is o.k., but I think a lot of people here might argue the point.


The magnesium I had my daughter on before was Flora liquid magnesium (also a mag citrate product). I have to say, it tasted yummier than the Kids Calm, due to it being in a base of apricot juice among others. Avoid magnesium oxide.


Hope this helps!



Hello Becky and welcome,

I was wondering what type of natural treatments you have tried with your eldest--was it just for the asbergers symptoms or the TS? May I ask what ages your kids started with tics, and do they just have the tics you mention, or others at different times?


My son is now eight and he has a vocal sound he makes which has gotten less frequent in past couple months, but I still hear it a night, so I have been interested in trying carnitine too, but am a little shy on trying too many new things.


Yes, I would start with the magnesium. B complex and fish oil seem are ones that naturopath doctors would recommend too, but some don't do well on these so its a watch and see. I think you also have to look at their diets--do they eat lots of junk foods, especially the 12 yr old? I think I read somewhere in that someone found milk to be a trigger for vocals, so you could try removing dairy for a time. That seemed to work for my son last year, but when it started again, that didn't seem to help anymore, so again, try and see.


BTW, a good shampoo to try is Jason's brand (we use the natural lavender)--it has no sodium laurel sulphate, and they sell it at the Vitamin Shoppe and probably Whole Foods too.


Sorry, you have to go through this with all three of your children, though it sounds as though it is not too severe for any of them? May I ask if you or their father also has tics?




My 16yo is on a gluten free diet and that has made a dramatic difference for her. She has very little dairy too. I got some digestive enzymes from Houston Nutriceuticals that she takes when a meal might have a little gluten in it or if she wants to cheat a little. Another thing that really helps, when she takes it, is Omega-3s.


I actually have 5 children. The oldest is nearly 19 and quite ADHD and quirky but also a genius. He reacted severely to pertussis vaccines as a baby and has had no vaccines since he was a year and a half or so. Because of his trouble, none of the other children have been vaccinated. The TS comes from way back in my family tree and the Aspergers comes from my husband. The ones with TS all started at around 3 or 4 with vocal tics, like coughing or throat clearing. They were very mild until each child got to be around 8 to 10. The tics change and come and go. Mostly facial tics, a few quiet vocal ones.


The 12yo has cut way back on dairy for other reasons. But he is having a growth spurt and I have heard that can be a trigger. The girls' tics aren't bothering them much right now but my son is ticcing most of the time these days. It must get really annoying for him. He doesn't want to go anywhere because of it. And he is my most easy-going child.


Their diets are better than most kids their age but there is a lot of room for improvement.


I have heard good things about the shampoo you mentioned. I will look for it. Thank you for the advice on the supplements too.




Thank you for the link. I will post to you first before I read it. Otherwise, I may go off on a rabbit trail and forget to come back. ;-)


I have read a few things about the Kids Calm. Is there any reason that it is better than just regular magnesium and zinc? Is it the ratio or just the way it is delivered? Thanks. I will look for it. Also, my son is around 100 pounds. Would the kids' version still be the best choice? And would I be a bad mom if I gave some to my 2yo night owl to get her to sleep? :-) (Don't know how to add the smilies for the side yet.) Anyway, it would be such a relief to them to be able to get to sleep more easily. They don't complain but I know it can't be fun to try and get to sleep when you are ticcing.


Again, thank you. I will start slowly so I can see what is helping before I try something else.




Hi Becky and welcome


using supplements for tics and Tourette's is an individualized thing and I do always recommend that a supp program be worked out with qualified healthcare professionals


Magnesium does seem to be the bedrock supp when it comes to TS, but it really is important to ensure that when one is supplementing at correct does and in balance with the other minerals, especially calcium


although vitamin B and fish oil are extremely beneficial, not just for tics but for overall health.


there are some people, my son included, who simply do NOT tolerate fishoil well and who actually tic more when they take it.

For them, flaxseed oil is often a better source of omega 3EFAs However, if fishoil is tolerated, it is excellent


Similarly with B complex...some people can take their B vits in a single pill and feel fine, but for others, again my son (and me!) included, they cant take Bcomplex and rather need their Bs separately or in a sublingual liquid B complex.



I have documented the treatments that helped my son go from severe, debilitating and also injurious tics and OCD to a very mild situation which has been maintained now for 7 years


here is a link to my thread



we have a wealth of info here too from other members too on the supplement programs that have worked for them, whether the BonTech range of supps specifically formulated for TS or specific other protocols


hope that helps a bit



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