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Anyone noted die-off from eating yogurt?


My son took probiotic for about 7 days and had die-off reaction that lasted for over a month. So i have been giving him yogurt almost everyday for the last 21/2 mos., and so happen his tics have been more sparadic. I am wondering if it is the yogurt? But i also suspect that the increased in symptoms may be due to chiropractic work or spring allergy.


Just trying to go thru the elimination process.






Hi Patty


I would suggest the spring allergies.....my son is having a flare as well and doc checked him yesterday and found his respiratory allergy indicators high


I dont believe yoghurt causes a die off reaction in that way............just do be sure to check the ingredients in the yoghurt to be sure there isnt an offending agent there


Thx Chemar,


We only eat yogurt w/o food colorings and other junks. I tried to give my son mostly organic yogurt, but he seems to like the Dannon ones which are not organic. Can the nonorganic yogurt be a problem?



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