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Hey, I have had this head shaking tic for the last 3 and a half years. It is the only tic that i consistently suffer from. No vocal tics. On rare occasion, I may do a few other things for a few hours in a day tops (probably OCD related). When I was about 6, I rememeber having a vocal tic where i made a noise in my throat for about 5 months. This went away until I was about 10 and that tic came back until I was about 12. All tics than vanished for 3 years. At about 15, that head shaking tic emerged that I mentioned above, and it still has not gone away. I was interested in what i may have since I read that tics wax and wane and 1 tic replaces another. This isn't really the case with me and was wondering if this was TS or maybe something else like chronic tic disorder?


Also, it seems like my head shaking tic is the worst when I am lying in bed at night trying to fall asleep.. Right when I wake up, the tic is more milder than usual. Any ideas on that?




Hi Spartan,


I would guess that if you haven't had a vocal tic for a year, then you couldn't be considered to have TS. Did you have any vaccines at ages 9 or 10 & 14 or 15? If so maybe the vaccines triggered the onset of tics each time. Just a thought anyways.



Hi Spartan,


I would guess that if you haven't had a vocal tic for a year, then you couldn't be considered to have TS. Did you have any vaccines at ages 9 or 10 & 14 or 15? If so maybe the vaccines triggered the onset of tics each time. Just a thought anyways.




I have had vaccines my whole life and I think I was just ending my hepatitis vaccines at that time and also had a chicken pox one. I also had a vaccine about a year ago that wad required to start college. If vaccines do play a part, what steps could I follow to treat this?




I would get other persons ideas too and see if you can figure out any other triggers. It just seems like something triggered your tics at 6, 10, and again at 15. My thought was that maybe the vaccines triggered your tics, but after so long you were able to get the bad stuff out of your body and the tics went away.


I know that I drooled all the time as a child, but it eventually went away after several years. Now that I'm chelating heavy metals, I drool a lot which annoys the heck out of me. It's starting to get better though. I feel it will go away again, but was directly related to the metals.


If you think metals could be a problem, I'd consider getting a hair test done through Doctor's Data. Then use Andy Cutler's info on the internet to see if you are heavy metal toxic.




Hello Spartan,

I would say you are definitely in the category of chronic tic since you say you've had the same tic for several years. Just curious, when you say you did not have any tics the years in between 6 & 9 was it?--Are you sure you didn't have any, or possibly just something here and there that was very minor or mild?


That was a good thought about the vaccines that Carolyn had. However, if metals are contributing to your tics, I do think you need to see a naturopath about that aspect for there is a certain way to handle that and a naturopath can guide you on that. My son, who is seven, had a urine test for metals done through a naturopath and he did show some lead and mercury. The process of removing them from the body is called chelation and there are many different ways to do this, however, I don't think its something you can do on your own. There are some natural chelators you could use, but still think you need some professional guidance on this.


I noticed some of your posts from past and you were looking into some supplements. Have you tried some of the things recommended? Would you mind letting us know what your diet mostly consists of?


I'm glad to hear your head nod is not noticed too much by others, it seems your tics have been pretty mild for the most part.



Hello Spartan,

I would say you are definitely in the category of chronic tic since you say you've had the same tic for several years. Just curious, when you say you did not have any tics the years in between 6 & 9 was it?--Are you sure you didn't have any, or possibly just something here and there that was very minor or mild?


That was a good thought about the vaccines that Carolyn had. However, if metals are contributing to your tics, I do think you need to see a naturopath about that aspect for there is a certain way to handle that and a naturopath can guide you on that. My son, who is seven, had a urine test for metals done through a naturopath and he did show some lead and mercury. The process of removing them from the body is called chelation and there are many different ways to do this, however, I don't think its something you can do on your own. There are some natural chelators you could use, but still think you need some professional guidance on this.


I noticed some of your posts from past and you were looking into some supplements. Have you tried some of the things recommended? Would you mind letting us know what your diet mostly consists of?


I'm glad to hear your head nod is not noticed too much by others, it seems your tics have been pretty mild for the most part.




Hey Faith thanks for the reply.


I am almost positive I had no tics between 6 and 9 because I remember my parents always telling me to stop when I was younger because they weren't aware of what I had. I asked my mom and she says that she doesn't remember me having any tics between 6 and 9 either. Between like 12 and 15, I was definitely clear from tics. I seemed to hit puberty a bit late (around 15) when they started back up again and have not yet stopped. BTW, thinking back, I remember I got strep throat around December of that year. The tics started up around April. I don't know if that could mean anything but I read that strep may cause tics. I also had strep as a kid a few times.


Some more background: I had one of those food allergy tests as a kid, (the immediate result ones where they prick your back) and was allergic to eggs. I have bad allergies that affect me every fall and spring to the point where I feel like I have the flu for a week or so. I also had asthma as a kid and still get tired easy when playing endurance sports.


I currently eat fairly "healthy." I try to avoid artificial ingredients, which is pretty tough being in college. I lift weights a lot so I try to eat a lot of oats, peanut butter, almonds, chicken, steak, fish, breads, eggs, organic yogurt. I also eat a lot of different kinds of fruits. It's tough when I'm out with friends and we go to a diner or a fast food place so I usually get something that isn't good for me. The diet restriction is also tough because I am trying to put more weight on since I have a naturally thin, ectomorph build. Now that I am aware a lot of these can cause delayed allergies, I am going to get the Alcat test done that I think you referred to me in another post.

For supplements, I take a multivitamin from TwinLabs which is said to have no artificial ingredients or allergens. I also just started taking magnesium taurate, calcium, flax seed oil, and zinc. (Zinc has been really beneficial for my skin too.)


Not many people know about my head jerking tic besides my 3 immediate family members, who barely even see me do it because I hide it well. Only issue is that when I am alone, it gets pretty bad. Especially when I am in my room for some reason. Maybe dust mites? I am going to get an air purifier to see if that helps.

Anyway, no one else in my immediate family has any signs of tourettes (my mom, dad, and brother). My dad shows signs of OCD but no tics. I am very interested in the getting heavy metal testing in addition to getting that Alcat test done. I have tried elimination diets and failed because it seems like you can be sensitive to just about anything. I'm in the process of also trying to eliminate screens which is almost impossible since I always have to do work for class on my computer.




have you ever had PANDAS testing done to see if you are possibly still carrying strep, which could be an explanation for the pattern of the tics if it relates to the strep being active or not during those times?


honestly, the way you describe things it really does sound like a tic disorder more than actual TS, and as you have likely learned by reading around here, tic disorders can be induced by everything from strep to allergies, pyroluria, photosensitivity, metals, candida, diet, stress/anxiety and a whole lot more. There is also the "transient tic disorders" that may or may not have a root cause beyond some internal changes in biochemistry (eg puberty, growth, etc)


so you could work your way thru checking and treating for these things and see if you find the tics go into remission


with you mentioning strep...that sure would be a good place to start IMO


Hi Spartan

Oreck products are usually good tho expensive


just a point to note...it isnt the same for everyone, but our family cannot use air ionizers! we all, but especially my son with TS, get negative reactions in interior ionized air


we use simple air purifiers with washable filters that clean the air without ionizing it



re the cal/mag/zinc combo..............my son used Country Life Target Mins Calcium Magnesium Zinc from iherb.com

there are other good ones, but important that the mag should be in forms other than just mag oxide as it isnt well absorbed



Since you said that you seem to tic more at night in bed, I just wanted to say that I, too, get a little twitchy (don't have TS, but I do get the restless leg syndrome) --and it is also when I am getting settled in bed at night. I move around on the pillow for a couple of minutes when I'm leaning back watching tv until I can get comfortable enough to relax. For you, it's probably more just getting it all out before you settle down, rather than anything in the room. But, cleaning and using a purifier is definitely a good thing to do too!



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