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Licking bottom of shoe


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My 8 year old son has a licking tic that he hasn't done since he was 6. But now he licks the bottom of his shoe! Has anyone ever heard of this before? Any suggestions on how to stop it? We are horrified at this tic and it is causing many social problems in school.

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My 12 y/o daughter who has PANDAS (or PANS - since we found out she is dealing with other infections besides strep) did this during her first major flair of symptoms. She was 5 at the time. She was licking everything. She was licking the bottom of her shoes, tables, under the chairs, doorknobs, etc. I took her to one of our pediatricians at the time, and he got down to her eye level and had a long talk with her about the importance of not licking objects and how her mommy was worried that she would get sick. He then asked her if she would stop licking things, which she responded yes. As he was leaving the examining room, she walked him to the door and licked the doorknob after he closed it. oh boy - I'll never forget that moment.


At the time we thought it was tourettes, since she was also doing constant knee bends (sort of like lunges). When people asked her why she was doing them, she would answer "doing what". She also had some continuous hand movements, throat grunting, and eye blinking. This flair eventually led us to a dx of PANDAS and treatment. I think the licking may have been more ocd related. The behaviors mentioned resolved with antibiotics, except occasional eye blinking.


Has there been any infections that you recall in the last few years?


Just wanted to share. hang in there!

Edited by philamom
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Your story sounds so similar to my experiences. He started right after he turned 6, 2nd week of kindergarten. He stopped licking after a year, but two years later Otis back. It's awful! My question is...how do they test for PANDAS and who do I see for that? Regular pediatrician? He Just currently started CBIT training, but too early to tell if it would work. Tonight he learned ways to reverse his tics and we walked out the door and did the licking....just like what you said :)) any other info would be helpful. Thanks!

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