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I think we are going to Mayo Clinic...

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OK guys, My ds has been in a Horrible episode for about 2 weeks now. This was not to be since he had the IVIG. The abx is not working either....His pediatrician, agrees that Mayo might be a good idea. If you all had your druthers, where would you take him for a collaborative approach. I want ALL the tests runs, MRI, etc.....He is becoming non functioning even at school, something new.....UGH. Worried.

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I am sending our records to Mayo since Pandas diagnosis. I assume, since they are a collaborative diagnostic clinic, they will approach this form all perspectives....at least that is what I hoping for. They said they will review our records and get back to me. I have been told that they are not Pandas friendly, but I have shared with them that I am looking to rule out other disorders, I am not looking for a definitive Pandas diagnosis.

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Slightly increased sed rate and positive ANA, led to testing and finding positive RNP and anti-cardiolipin antibodies.

Autoimmune Encephalitis ABSOLUTELY looks like severe PANDAS.

OCD, delusions, movements, you name it.

My daughter is getting treatment to suppress her immume system and is doing much better.

Joybop, with that hashimoto's you must make sure your kids are getting checked thoroughly! Also having multiple kids affected. I have/had two severe kids and two not so severe ones. All are getting checked!

We do have a strong history of autoimmune diseases on my (maternal) side.

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Slightly increased sed rate and positive ANA, led to testing and finding positive RNP and anti-cardiolipin antibodies.

Autoimmune Encephalitis ABSOLUTELY looks like severe PANDAS.

OCD, delusions, movements, you name it.

My daughter is getting treatment to suppress her immume system and is doing much better.

Joybop, with that hashimoto's you must make sure your kids are getting checked thoroughly! Also having multiple kids affected. I have/had two severe kids and two not so severe ones. All are getting checked!

We do have a strong history of autoimmune diseases on my (maternal) side.

PowPow- curious what treatment you are doing?


My dd's ANA has been positive for 2 years now. Her Sed Rate ranged from 96 to 55 between Nov 2011- June 2012. Normal in a child is below 10 or 14, I believe. Her sed rate is normal now, but goes up when d-nase increases -assuming due to inflammation. Dd is dealing with lyme, bart, strep.


C-reactive is another blood test you may want to run along with sed rate.

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Cellcept (oral)

Monthyl ivig 1g/kg

1g solumedrol monthly

6 months total for infusions.


We have talked before, about lyme stuff a few years back. Has the ANA ben thoroughly checked out?

dsDNA, ENA, ace, has it all been checked?

Antiphospholipid antibodies?

My daughter had lyme and babesia but treating it was the not ticket to recovery for her. This seems to be!

Not sure if the lyme was a contributing factor or just coincidental, but unfortunately there is another disorder at play . so glad they found it though!

Edited by PowPow
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I am confused. Our Dr says PANDAS is autoimmune encephalitis. There also is a great discussion about this on Radio PANDAS WITH DR T, the author of Brain on Fire, and the Stanford PANDAS clinic.


I also just read an article in the NIH from 09 how mycoplasma has been causing encephalitis in children since the 40's and most of those hospitalized children were asymtomatic which was the case with us along with viral and strep. I got a positive culture with Lyme just recently with the new test but previously always tested negative so that may be an issue too.


The article also mentioned a mycoplasma Penetrans in urine. Said it was of uncertain pathological significance in immunodeficient virus infected people. I have never gotten an answer to why so many kids have urinary issues and I know of moms who even did the penile scope. Could this be a piece of the puzzle? 3bmom

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