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Posted (edited)

Here is what we use in order of least expensive:


Florastor- purchase from drugstore.com or local drugstore. I always print a coupon from their website (florastor.com) before purchasing. Most times I wait until I get a 25% off coupon from CVS and purchase a few boxes at their store. They allow you to combine coupons at the same time.


Culturelle- same as above. Inside every box is a $2.00 off coupon.


Integrative Therapeutic Probiotic Pearls- I order through amazon every 3 months - automatic shipment. These are very small round capsules that are easy to swallow.


Klaire Ther Biotic Detox Support- they are very expensive but also my favorite. 50+ billion cfu's per capsule.


*all strep therm free


I also think Jarrow is a good brand - esp. for younger kids.

Edited by philamom

In addition to wanting to avoid strep strains, if your child has any issues with histamine, I've found several sites that seem to confirm some probiotics raise histamines and some lower them. From this site (FWIW) http://salicylatesensitivity.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=2683


friendly probiotics
for Histamine Intolerance sufferers.

Regarding Probiotics My Findings Are:


Lactobaccilus Casei increases, Histamine and tyramine
Lactobaccilus Lactis
Lactobaccilus Fermetum/ Fermenti
Lactobaccilus Paracasei
Lactobaccilus Bulgarius , increases Histamine
Streptococcus Thermophilus
Enterococcus Faecium
Enterococcus Faecalis


Lactobaccilus Acidophilus
Lactobaccilus Rhamnosus
Lactobaccilus Salivarius
Lactobaccilus Sporonges
Lactobaccilus Gasseri
Bifidobacteria Breve
Bifidobacteria Longum
Bifidobacteria Infantis
Saccromysis Boulardii
Lactobaccilus Lactis
Lactococcus Lactis
Lactobacillus Planatarum, inhibits Tyramine
L.Reuteri … elevates Histamines short term but raises anti
inflammatory camp levels
Saccharomces- Boulardii


Many here like Florastor aka Saccharomces Boulardii aka Sacc B because it's a "good" yeast that's supposed to crowd out bad yeast like candida and because it's a yeast, you can take it at the same time as antibiotics - unlike any other probiotics, which have to be taken at least 2 hrs away from abx or the abx will kill it.


My DS, always the contrarian, can't tolerate Sacc B - it makes him very aggressive, impulsive. So when you start a new probiotics, be observant for a few weeks. Some things that might make you think you're seeing a small flare of Pandas could actually be a behavioral reaction to a new probiotic.


I've read lots of good things about the bifido strains and the need for balance between the lactobacillus strains and the bifdo strains (heavy on the bifido strains, which is what mother's milk is high in). My new personal favorite is from Kirkman http://kirkmanlabs.com/ProductKirkman/333/1/Bifido%20Complex%E2%84%A2%20Advanced%20Formula%20-%20Hypoallergenic%20-%20New,%20Improved%20Formula/ It's not "cheap" but it's not expensive as far as probiotics go and it seems to be agreeing with DS.


I am also interested in any suggestions for a cheaper but still effective probiotic. My son is currently taking VSL#3, however it is costing us over $200/month. This is obviously not sustainable. He will be starting treatment for lymes disease and therefore will still need a very strong probiotic.


We use the Detox support from Klaire. I think for less than $30 for 60 capsules it's not that expensive. I have certainly paid much more. Klaire also has another one that has 100 billion units per capsule that I sometimes alternate. It is more expensive but still affordable.

Posted (edited)

We use the Detox support from Klaire. I think for less than $30 for 60 capsules it's not that expensive. I have certainly paid much more. Klaire also has another one that has 100 billion units per capsule that I sometimes alternate. It is more expensive but still affordable.

I give between 2-4 detox support capsules a night, so becomes expensive. It seems to be working though- afraid to change it up. Our llmd recommends therelac, I believe. Edited by philamom
Posted (edited)

Here is what we use: 1 cap a day Healthy Origins with a Sacc B and two Inulin Prebiotics by sun down.


Healthy Origins, 8 strain, 30BU, 60 caps for $19.35 and 150 caps for $36.21. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00309ZDS2/ref=twister_B00309S4C4?ie=UTF8&psc=1


"A powerful blend of 8 friendly bacteria strains. Help support a positive balance of micro flora in the intestines. The stomach acid resistant to ensure that the maximum amount of friendly bacteria reach the intestinal tract to exert their greatest benefits. Stable at room temperature."


Lactobacillus acidophilus (La-14) 12 Billion CFU's † Bifidobacterium lactis (BI-04) 12 Billion CFU's † Lactobacillus casei (Lc-11) 1 Billion CFU's † Bifidobacterium breve (Bb-03) 1 Billion CFU's † Lactobacillus salivarius (Ls-33) 1 Billion CFU's † Lactobacillus plantarum (Lp-115) 1 Billion CFU's † Bifidobacterium longum (Bl-05) 1 Billion CFU's † Lactobacillus rhamnosus (Lr-32) 1 Billion CFU's




I will read over the other replies and see how ours compares :D.

Edited by Mayzoo



Yes, it does get very expensive. The entire supplement thing is about to wipe us out. I applaud your effort to find cost effective supplements that meet the requirements. I am interested in what Mayzoo posted. I haven't heard of that brand before but I think I may try it.



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