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Has anyone experienced this...

My DS 11 has been in a flare with his tics. He has this breathing tic going on. It was so bad right before we went to Mexico that his friends were commenting on the tic which has never happened before. We went to Mexico just last week and his tic completely went AWAY! GONE! The very next day we came back from vacation his tic started back up again just as bad as it was right before we left for vacation. What the??!! All I can think of is environment? Stress? Altitude? (We live in CO)

Any ideas or experience with this? Thanks a lot.


Given the abrupt response, I'd look for mold or other environmental allergy. If you have a finished basement, older rugs or rugs that may have pet stains, older bathroom, if you've ever had a leaky window or door casing where water got in - even for just a day or two...if you have a cluttered basement of junk, damp cardboard boxes. We found some mold in our attic right under the roof where the bathroom stink pipe vented out of the roof - the flashing had leaked and allowed water to drip onto the fiberglass insulation. I also found a lot of mold growing on the plastic outer drum of my washing machine.


Agree with LLM, but also wanted to add that spring allergies can also play a major role. I don't know how your weather has been or if there is anything starting to bloom in your area, but just something else to think about. At least you saw some relief, and know that his tics can subside, it just sucks that they returned- I know.


I am curious as to specific breathing tic? Is gasping for air or sighing 'air hunger' as this could indicate Babesia. Very specific symptom to infection.


Babesia thrives in higher altitude lower oxygen environments hence more symptomatic. Higher altitude in CO over Mexico could be the cause.


Salt water is also very detoxifying so if he was in the ocean or salt water pool a lot it could help decrease symptoms.


Thanks for responding. It's almost like he is laughing through his nose. Short bursts when he is exhaling. Could this be what you were thinking? Will his PANDAS dr treat it the same? We are due to see him soon and was wondering if he needs to go back on abx along with another steriod burst? He just came off abx two weeks ago but has not had a steriod burst since Nov.

The breathing tic progressively gets worse throughout the day. My DS is 11 and have been giving him 200 mg of Motrin lately. He's about 64 lbs. Thanks.


I would definitely consider abx, but I would not be so quick with the steroid burst. If it is babesia or some other tick borne disease, steroids can make it worse. Also, if there's a possibility of mold and/or allergies (I would agree with LLMD that it sounds like there is something environmental going on, too), you have to get to the source.


From what you are describing it does NOT seem to be 'air hunger'.


You might consider swabbing his nose for infection. It does seem there is something specific to your environment triggering TIC though. We have an LLMD in your area that we see about every six months for ART testing. My son is always more symptomatic while in CO but I do attritube that to travel, change in altitude and his known Babesia infection.

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