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I upped her culturelle and she flipped out. She usually does well with this but I am noticing that their is inulin in this one that I bought. Don't remember seeing this ingredient before. Ugh!

The same thing just happened to me....they have 2 different adult versions. One has inulin and one doesn't. I believe the one labeled "Digestive Health" is the one that does.


did your child have a bad reaction? What does inulin do? Is it helpful. Perhaps I should give it for a few days?

It is a prebiotic. It feeds the bacteria. It helps it multiply more in the gut. ......is my understanding.


I was going to see if she tolerates it because I have to get something into her for constipation and heard the inulin (chicory root extract) was good for that. Not sure if its a bad idea. Perhaps I should put her back on the culturelle without the FOS, and add something else in for yeast, like aloe vera juice. Gosh, we can't seem to get a full week of any kind of progress! but I believe we are in the right direction now at least.


I was going to see if she tolerates it because I have to get something into her for constipation and heard the inulin (chicory root extract) was good for that. Not sure if its a bad idea. Perhaps I should put her back on the culturelle without the FOS, and add something else in for yeast, like aloe vera juice. Gosh, we can't seem to get a full week of any kind of progress! but I believe we are in the right direction now at least.

Lilly- I've never heard of aloe vera juice being used for yeast, but I'm certainly no expert in that area? I thought aloe vera juice was used for constipation.


I probably wasn't clear. I gave my girl culturelle, which she usually does fine with, but this particular box said 'Inulin" on the back and she had a horrible reaction. I hear the the "inulin" is good for constipation...so I was gonna give it a few days to see if she adjusts to this inulin stuff after awhile, since then I won't have to add the aloe vera for constipation. Of course if the culturelle with "inulin" is not good for her, I will stop it and add the aloe versa. She has horrible constipaiton and I need to keep her pooping to get toxins out. I am rushing with this message. Sorry if its confusing.


Lily- if you do purchase the aloe vera, you may want to get George's brand. It is tasteless & colourless. With that said, I tried it for my severe constipation (I have IBS) and didn't find any relief. I just picked up another bottle this week so will try again. I recently purchased some psyllium capsules (soluble fiber), so will try that on myself and dd shortly. Also mentioned on this forum was Metamucil colourless mixed with water. May try that as well - at different time. Too much at once will cause bloating. Good luck. We use the Culturelle chewables for kids.


Thanks for telling me. I may pass and go right to the metmucil. What ever I give HAS to be gentle. Im telling you...if the wind blows too hard on her face it triggers her off! Ugh!!! Thanks for the advice. She only drinks water, so I hope the metamusil is undetectable. Her senses are soooo keen, that you can't sneak anything into her.


Lilly - Powdered metamucil is quite detectable. It starts forming a gel almost as soon as you add water to it. If you use cold water the reaction is slowed a bit, but not much. In this case you might want to try the capsules with lots of water to swallow.

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