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DD is about to turn 9 and currently on RIfampin/Zith and supplements. Integrative MD suggested Burbur to help with Bart die off, I ordered from Nutramedix and see that as it is a tincture it has 20% alcohol. I was going to give DD 4 drops/day - I realize that the amount of alcohol may not even be measureable but just am thinking for a minute about this because I know the abx combo she is on can be tough on the liver. Has anyone else given this to a child? any thoughts?


Hi Hopeny,

Yes, our DS10 takes Burbur, 15 drops per day. We initiated it with the blessing of our LLMD. It's for detoxification. He started taking it when he was 9 and weighed about 70 pounds. He takes Nutramedix Parsley as well, also for detox and our LLMD approves of that as well.


Hi Hopeny,

Yes, our DS10 takes Burbur, 15 drops per day. We initiated it with the blessing of our LLMD. It's for detoxification. He started taking it when he was 9 and weighed about 70 pounds. He takes Nutramedix Parsley as well, also for detox and our LLMD approves of that as well.



Have you tried other detox, such as charcoal or bentonite clay, and if so, how does it compare?


Hi tpotter, no we haven't felt the need. Our Pediatric LLMD likes to keep the protocol as simple as possible, with as few "extras" as possible. DS10 takes Burbur, parsley, multivitamin, cod liver oil, vitamin c, and a probiotic as well as methylb12 and methyl folate (the latter 2 are to address a single MTHFR 677 mutation). We also opt to throw in the occasional Epsom salt bath for good measure (for detox). So far it seems to be enough and DS continues to recover while on his pulse antibiotic treatment. Our LLMD runs safety labs every 3 weeks to check metabolic/liver function, which is very reassuring as the parent I can tell you! :)

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