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DD8 has been battling chronic Lyme. DD3 had a picture perfect bullseye appear this summer. She started high dose amox that night for 6 weeks. She even did 3 days of Doxy because of a + RMSF IGG. As a precaution we bring her to Dr J, four weeks after finishing the amox so 10 weeks after the bullseye. He did an Igenex test and it came back CDC positive IGM bands 41 and 39 positive. I know 41 is not that relevant but per Dr J's sheet 39 is one of those bands that it if it shows up, you treat. She has recently been compaining of being tired, however she was very sick with croup and a respitory thing so I thought that was the reason. She has been fussy and I do feel her sensory issues are worse but other than that, no symptoms. To worsen things in the Lyme camp we just did an 8 day steroid taper because of croup and stridor (throat closing). I am waiting for a call back from Dr J but I feel lost. DD3 also has an immune problem that she is missing a protein that helps boost the initial immune response so everything gets her sick.

What do people think? Treat her? Wait? If the six weeks didn't work, what will?


Thank you. We are ending up putting her on two antibiotics, zith and omnicef. I am a bit worried because she is so young but I am more worried about what could happen if we don't. It just goes to show you how misunderstood this illness is by the CDC and mainstream medicine. this is a new case with a very localized bullseye rash, treated with six weeks of antibiotics, more than the guidelines say, and still it persists.


For what it's worth, i say treat.

you caught it early and you evidence.

Hopefully she will rebound strong,partially due to your quick action and the course will be short!


Just my 2 cents. Because she is showing symptoms, I would treat. Like Fixit said, because you have caught it relatively early on, it may not take long to make her feel better. I think if she wasn't symptomatic, I would still treat with herbals. I plan to keep DD11 on a long term herbal protocol if/when she is finished with abx.


DD11 gets 140 billion plus fermented vegetable 3x weekly. We have never had C. diff or yeast problems, but I feel it's better to be over-enthusiastic with probiotics, especially since we have not had problems with them. Some do, unfortunately.


DD11 gets 140 billion plus fermented vegetable 3x weekly. We have never had C. diff or yeast problems, but I feel it's better to be over-enthusiastic with probiotics, especially since we have not had problems with them. Some do, unfortunately.

Thanks, I give the 8 yo 50 BN per day in Klaire's probiotic, but wasn't sure how much to give my little one

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