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I am the mother of a fifteen year old boy diagnosed with PANDAS, who also has high levels of clostridia and yeast. I will be travelling to the U.S. in July with my son and will be staying for a total of two weeks in the New York/New Jersey area. During our stay, we will be seeing Dr T. as well as S.S. I would really like to make the most of our stay and would like to ask the advice of this forum about any tests we should do and any other specialist/doctor we should see.


Does anyone have any advice on tests which are indespensable, that we really should do? Also, are there any prefered labs in the New Jersey/New York area, where we will be staying? Furthermore, is there anyone else we should perhaps see during our stay, another PANDAS/autism specialist? This will be a long trip for us and I want to make sure that we make the most of it. Any advice appreciated.


Thank you


I am the mother of a fifteen year old boy diagnosed with PANDAS, who also has high levels of clostridia and yeast. I will be travelling to the U.S. in July with my son and will be staying for a total of two weeks in the New York/New Jersey area. During our stay, we will be seeing Dr T. as well as S.S. I would really like to make the most of our stay and would like to ask the advice of this forum about any tests we should do and any other specialist/doctor we should see.


Does anyone have any advice on tests which are indespensable, that we really should do? Also, are there any prefered labs in the New Jersey/New York area, where we will be staying? Furthermore, is there anyone else we should perhaps see during our stay, another PANDAS/autism specialist? This will be a long trip for us and I want to make sure that we make the most of it. Any advice appreciated.


Thank you

My DS is not a patient of Dr.T. But just knowing his good reputation on this board, and in the Pandas world. I am sure he will automatically run a full panel of blood work just to get you started. I am assuming this is your first visit with him since you are coming from abroad, but you might want to bring with you any labs you have from your other doctors. I believe you will be in great hands and it sounds like you are well prepared. Also, I know there was a thread on here a few weeks ago with others who were exchanging lists of tests to run. You may want to read back a few weeks and maybe you will find it. I am not sure the search feature will help because I have not had much luck searching with it. It may just take you a little while to find the thread.


You mentioned Autism. What about seeing Dr. Kenneth Bock? I think he may be concidered a DAN doctor. I think he is in NY. Not sure??? He wrote the book, "Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, & Allergies"


best wishes!



Scott smith is a very goodd PA (DAN) in NJ very close to DR T. DAN's have other modalities that can be of benefit. THis group also treats pans.

and they do ivig in house as well. I believe that might be that case for drT currently as well. Personally like that i have a few specialist as they sometimes have different takes and different ideas. i always let each practitioner know what i am doing or have done even if it is not with that one particularly. THey know you are fighting for your child.


"Full potential wellness" is the name of the center. depending on timeing you might be able to see both in the same day.


Good luck with your trip. We live in Ireland and are also thinking of travelling to NY. Could you please let us know how you get on. Thanks


Sent you a pm. Look in top right hand cornor for message!


I have also heard great things about Dr. Bock. We use Dr T, I am so thankful we found him. He is the most caring Dr. He sends me emails at all hours of the day forwarding me studies he comes across that might pertain to my DD. he never stops thinking of his patients and trying to complete the puzzle. He is also very generously sharing his time teaching other docs.

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