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Got my CD57 results back...

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These were done at labcorp, I saw someone on another forum said to do this test there.


% CD8-/CD57+ Lymphs Result: 1 LOW -- Range (2-17)


ABS.CD8-CD57+ Lymphs Result: 20 LOW -- Range (60-360)


I haven't researched this too much, just know it's supposed to be suggestive of Lyme. Lyme doc said I could run this test if *I* needed more convincing of Lyme, even though during our call he seemed convinced based on my symptoms and Band 34 present on WB (not Igenex), high mycoplasma IgG and low antibodies to multiple co-infections.


Anyone know a good site to reference what the CD57 is actually checking for?

Edited by fightingmom
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These were done at labcorp, I saw someone on another forum said to do this test there.


% CD8-/CD57+ Lymphs Result: 1 LOW -- Range (2-17)


ABS.CD8-CD57+ Lymphs Result: 20 LOW -- Range (60-360)


I haven't researched this too much, just know it's supposed to be suggestive of Lyme. Lyme doc said I could run this test if *I* needed more convincing of Lyme, even though during our call he seemed convinced based on my symptoms and Band 34 present on WB (not Igenex), high mycoplasma IgG and low antibodies to multiple co-infections.


Anyone know a good site to reference what the CD57 is actually checking for?

Could not find any articles on my computer, thought there was one. But if it helps here are some comparisons for you:


My ds was 25 and diagnosed with lyme/babesia/mico/MaRCONS etc. My dh who just got checked was '90' and the doctor said he is showing minimal signs of lyme. Not sure if she is going to treat or not.

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Could not find any articles on my computer, thought there was one. But if it helps here are some comparisons for you:


My ds was 25 and diagnosed with lyme/babesia/mico/MaRCONS etc. My dh who just got checked was '90' and the doctor said he is showing minimal signs of lyme. Not sure if she is going to treat or not.


Thank you!! I was hoping someone would respond. I am usually pretty good and finding sites and info. to interpret things but am having a hard time with this one.

Your comparison is very helpful.


ALSO, I am asking to check for staph/marcons at our LLMD appt. we have both been battling chronic sinus infections for, well, EVER.

I just ended 14 days of Augmentin 2 days ago and I did not really feel relieved at all, but this morning I woke up with nasty frontal headache and sinus pressure. SO did my son, and he's in a bad mood today after 15 days of fantastic -- argh. None of the antibiotics seem to combat our sinus issues and we both tested negative for allergies in the past, and start more testing recently and so far that's all negative, too...so it's not allergies.


Think I'll have CD57 done on my son, too. I know they say it may not be reliable for kids, but my son is 14, so...

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If you search this board, at one time I posted a link about the CD57- thought it was a pretty good article-

Basically, < 65 indicates chronic Lyme-

Someone recently on here mentioned if it is in the 20's, could indicate Babesia.

FWIW, I had a positive Lyme and Bartonella tests, CD57 pulled at the same time, was 45.

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If you search this board, at one time I posted a link about the CD57- thought it was a pretty good article-

Basically, < 65 indicates chronic Lyme-

Someone recently on here mentioned if it is in the 20's, could indicate Babesia.

FWIW, I had a positive Lyme and Bartonella tests, CD57 pulled at the same time, was 45.



I have been sifting through some threads and haven't found it yet, but I'm learning a lot as I read the older threads, so that's good.


Hmmm, Babesia, my son and I both had titers for both types of Babesia. Not high enough to be considered active, but I still maintain that if the body shoes antibodies, there must have been the exposure. We've never been treated and we both have wicked symptoms, so...if the shoe fits, right?


Is Babesia the one that causes the rash with the little red dots? I have that, too.

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I'm sorry fightingmom, I know it's been tough going, and overwhelming-

Honestly, I don't know in depth about Babesia - but what you are describing rings true.

Are you with an LLMD yet?

Best wishes, and good thoughts your way---


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I'm sorry fightingmom, I know it's been tough going, and overwhelming-

Honestly, I don't know in depth about Babesia - but what you are describing rings true.

Are you with an LLMD yet?

Best wishes, and good thoughts your way---



Thank you. We are traveling to an LLMD on May 11th. It was the soonest anyone could get us in, certainly not the closest doc (14hours round trip) but we need to get the show on the road!

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My son's CD57 is 24. His % is 1%.

He was negative for babesia microti, but we are waiting for results on babesia duncani (WA1). My LLMD said she sees #s in the 20s with babesia. Should have results this week. Will post.


I have read everything I can find on the internet about CD57. What else can cause such a low CD57? My son is only 5 years old.

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My son's CD57 is 24. His % is 1%.

He was negative for babesia microti, but we are waiting for results on babesia duncani (WA1). My LLMD said she sees #s in the 20s with babesia. Should have results this week. Will post.


I have read everything I can find on the internet about CD57. What else can cause such a low CD57? My son is only 5 years old.



I am trying to find something concrete, but from all the searching I have done, the only other thing I have seen mentioned that could possible cause low CD57 is HIV, but even that doesn't seem accurate, because it seems that HIV does cause a decrease in natural killer cells -- but not specifically CD57. I don't think CD57 could ever be diagnostic in of itself, but if you already have other positive indicators, symptoms, etc. for lyme and this comes back low, it's a good marker for chronic lyme.


I have seen many references saying it's not reliable in children though and that their numbers tend to go higher as they age. So maybe don't be too worried about our son just yet?

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20's are low, epecially in a 5yr old.


My (not dd) CD57+ Lymphs was 59 (range 60-360) from LabCorp. Positive Igenex.



Really? Crap. I need to go do more reading then. I interpreted my reading that children often have low numbers and as they age they increase, so a low number at 5 would not be as worrisome. I guess I had it backwards?

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Just found some of my old notes on CD57. Think we deleted article on laptop a while ago. Here are what my notes say:


Low #'s may occur with:


-XMRV & Borrelia

-Chlamydia pneumonia (my ds had this)

-Herz or die-off



We are doing a bunch of blood work next visit after 18 months of treatment. This will probably be one of the tests done since we have not checked this since the beginning of treatment.


My son had a deep nasal swab done while he was getting tonsils removed and it came back positive for MaRCONS. Dr. was surprised because she said it usually takes several swabs to get a positive. We decided it was probably because they could go really deep while he was asleep. Used BEG spray to treat for 3 months. Hope that it is gone. Have not retested.


Best healing wishes for your family!

Edited by JuliaFaith
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Just found some of my old notes on CD57. Think we deleted article on laptop a while ago. Here are what my notes say:


Low #'s may occur with:


-XMRV & Borrelia

-Chlamydia pneumonia (my ds had this)

-Herz or die-off



We are doing a bunch of blood work next visit after 18 months of treatment. This will probably be one of the tests done since we have not checked this since the beginning of treatment.


Best healing wishes for your family!


JF- remind me what Chlamydia pneumonia is again. My daughter's was 1:128 IgG - very high

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JF- remind me what Chlamydia pneumonia is again. My daughter's was 1:128 IgG - very high

All I know is that it is another pneumonia (article below). After 18 months of treatment (iodine/garlic in nebulizer), that one is not showing up on energy testing anymore but the Mico. still is.




Signs and Symptoms

Illnesses caused by C pneumoniae can cause a prolonged cough, bronchitis, and pneumonia as well as a sore throat, laryngitis, ear infections, and sinusitis. They usually start gradually with a sore throat that is followed by a cough about a week or more later. The cough may last for 2 to 6 weeks. In some cases, the child may get bronchitis or a mild case of pneumonia. While some infected children have only mild to moderate symptoms or no symptoms at all, the infection may be more severe in others.


How Is the Diagnosis Made?

Many cases of C pneumoniae are diagnosed by a pediatrician after doing a physical examination of the child and looking at his symptoms. The doctor can also order blood tests that detect antibodies to the bacteria. However, it can take a week or more for the antibodies to show up in the blood. Although there are special laboratories that can evaluate swab specimens from the nose or throat, there are no reliable commercially available studies at this time.



Recovery from a Chlamydia respiratory infection may be slow. Your pediatrician can prescribe antibiotics such as erythromycin or tetracycline to clear up the infection and help your child get better faster.

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