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Hey, love the site and information, it is extremely helpful. I am going to attempt a candida diet regimine. I picked up some "NOW Candida Clear" which has Pau D'Arco, Caprylic Acid, Black Walnut, and Oregano Oil. I am going to cut out carbs as much as possible and eat high protein. I also purchased a probiotic with acidophillius, bifidius, and others. I was wondering if using the candida clear at the same time as the probiotic will cancel each other out? Should I cycle them? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Hi Spartan


we have had excellent results with the NOW Candida Clear.


It is good to take the probiotics about 4 hours apart from the Candida Clear


Thanks for the replies. I am in the process of getting yeast/gluten/wheat free foods too. I was looking at the selection of www.foodforlife.com, but realized you can not order from their site directly. Also, the local stores which it lists, do not have the products that I want either. Any idea if I can order their food online or over the phone? Also, what products on that site are acceptable? Would the wheat, gluten, and yeast free bread be? How about the yeast free tortillas? Thanks

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