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Long time since I've been on here!

I've been haphazardly trying different things for my OCD and tics for years. I haven't found anything that works, or been able to track down any avoidable "triggers", and I'm about sick of it. I want to know what's the matter with me.


I'd like to try the allergy testing that "Natural Remedies for Tics and TS" speaks so highly of, and maybe some of the nutritional etc. tests too. The trouble is, I'm in England. Is there such a thing as an environmental doctor over here? If not, who do you go to for these things? (Or is there any way to do allergy or other tests by post?)


By the by, do any of you know anything about low serotonin or low serotonin-precursor diets, and whether there's anything you're supposed to avoid besides bananas, dates, pineapples, plums and pecan nuts? How long do you have to wait to see an effect?

Many thanks,




when I lived in England during the 70s-early80s I know there were options to see environmental and other more holistic doctors but I don't know if that is still so.

They were private doctors tho, not NHS


Hi Wombat140,


I believe that there are a couple of well respected Homeopathic hospitals in London. (I have an idea that the Queen has a link to one of them? or sees a homeopathic doctor? something like that!) So I reckon you should be able to find someone who can help. You could try searching under the following terms: integrative doctor, naturopath, homeopath. Dieticians are sometimes on the ball with allergies/sensitivities due to food. You could also try the Autism Research Institute (ARI) website for a list of practitioners in England - the DAN! practitioners tend to be more integrative and may well be able to help you organise testing. (Also on the ARI website there's useful info on finding a practitioner.)

Good luck.


Well aware of that, thanks - I'm seeing a homoeopath at present, wouldn't dream of asking her about it. (Though maybe I should, she might happen to know someone who knows someone. Alternative medicine is a small world.) Ozimum, thanks for the tip about the ARI, I'll try that.


if you are already seeing a homeopath then yes, you should ask about this, as the "alternative" medical community do frequently refer patients to one another, even if they are in different types of practice.


A box of SAMe I ordered has arrived, so I think on second thoughts I'll try that first (it seemed to help once before). But if not I'll ask my homoeopath. Thanks everyone.

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