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Classical Homeopathy

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It was over 10 years ago so I do not remember doseage.

Even the homeopath admitted it was likely the "wrong remedy", and to stop it immediately! verified by another I consulted with.

Both told me that there was not a way to reverse the effect. To me that sounds permanent and nothing we did stopped the severe symptoms.


And yes, as I mentioned, my son has genetic TS and likely had early tics prior.

But after the agaricus he manifest with SEVERE and very intense OCD and depression, anxiety, phobias...so bad that I rushed him to Shands to see Dr Murphy as it sounded like what I had read about dramatic PANDAS onset. He had always been very carefree and happy

After the agaricus, his personality changed, and although he is doing well now, he still struggles with OCD and depression etc, though nothing like it was then

Those were brought on by the wrong homeopathic remedy and have never gone away after all these years...so sorry, but that is permanent to me!

Your story is going to scare people away from a form of medicine that could really cure them better than any supplement or mineral could.



I don't quite see why you would say that pandas16??

Are you suggesting I should NOT post a negative experience when we clearly had one?

Others on this thread have also posted about their negative experiences.

I posted in my first reply that I was very much helped by homeopathy and that I know of others that were too


I have only suggested people not try to treat themselves, and also be sure to check into the remedy before just blindly taking it...same as I would suggest to anyone taking a supplement or a medication




Just because some have a bad experience does not make the treatment bad.

You, Stephanie and others are proof that it can and does work for many


But that does not negate others for whom it did not work, nor does it mean we should be silent about our experiences.


Someone posted that she could get your remedy on the internet, and that could be dangerous, as she has no idea how her child would react to it!

As you yourself have mentioned, remedies are chosen by the homeopath to be not just specific to the symptoms but also to the constitution of the individual


It would be wrong to let people only know the positives without also mentioning the negatives!


Again, as I said in my very first post on this thread, I am delighted to hear of your success. But others do need to understand that homeopathy is a very intricate treatment that can have very profound effects, both good and bad.


I think, like I said before, these forums are for US. Good, bad and ugly. WE need to know it all before we make educated decisions. I have started down paths that sounded perfect, then heard about someone having really a bad experience with that same path, and have hesitated. And vice versa. Maybe that has partially paralyzed me, or maybe it has protected my daughter. I think we all are sharing what is working and not working for US/OUR KIDS. Not making recommendations (although I do hear that on here quite often too). Sharing information and experiences. As I also said, it is helpful to know more about doctors as well. Again, the good and the not-so-good. Some people may like that one doctor does multiple IVIG's, some may KNOW that is what they are after, and want the doc most likely to give it. Others are searching more for a doctor that will tease everything apart before going the IVIG route. The only way to know that for sure, is from people sharing here.

I appreciate BOTH of you sharing your experiences...honestly.


I too appreciate hearing everyone's experiences, positive and negative. That is one of the things I value about this forum--that I can come here and find many different takes on a treatment, medicine, supplement, etc. I need that information in order to help make informed decisions. If I only read positive things about all the various treatment options, I would have no clue which way to turn. And if I only read negative things I would also be paralyzed with indecision. It is beneficial and valuable to know what others have experienced because no one treatment will work in all cases in the same way. I have considered classical homeopathy for my ds, but I would not make that decision based solely on positive or negative feedback. I am thinking about all the information I have read on the forum, and will continue to do so. The reality is that just like any other treatment option, it will work for some and not others. If someone has had a negative experience I need that information just as much as I need the success stories, for homeopathy and all other options!


Hello all,

I have not posted in a very long time, but I just had to chime in on this one...

We are working with a classical homeopath and like PANDAS16 said, she is being super careful about dosage. I believe she has hit the nail on the head with ds13, and he is doing very well. We have been able to discontinue antibiotics, praise God! He's been off since late May. He's had issues here and there but overall he is better than before. Just yesterday my 18-month old tested positive for strep (no symptoms except she would spit up her food instead of swallowing it!). Anyway, I just suspected something was up because of her own symptoms... My "canary" is no longer singing when there is strep in the house!!! In other words, I did not see the marked increase in OCD I would usually see before. So, to me, it is totally working, and sadly I am seeing symptoms in my other kids (actually on Friday my 15-yo told me he felt his strange thoughts creeping back up!). But I am encouraged and confident that we can manage with homeopathy.

I am not saying it's for everyone from the get-go. My son was on antibiotics for over two years, and the last part of that was multiple antibiotics for Lyme and co-infections. But we got to a point where they were not helping any more, yet he could not get off them either. That's when we started with homeopathy, and I am so glad we did, and so thankful those who shared their success stories.

I am so glad to see the exchange of opinions and experiences in this forum :)

  • 3 weeks later...

I think this post certainly speaks to the incredible power of homeopathy. I do have a few thoughts on what has been said.


First, I want to point out that there are different types of homeopathy, and many would agree that classical homeopathy tends to be the safer (and more effective) choice. Many people have reported incidents with sequential homeopathy that scared them. I even had quite an experience with my chiropractor (before starting classical homeopathy) which scared me half to death! He did a combo of accupuncture and a combination homeopathic remedy (had about 15 remedies in it) one day. By the time he was done I was practically in tears. By the time I got home I was literally in tears and telling my husband that I wanted to commit suicide and I told him to stay with me and make sure the safe is locked, etc. When I went back to the chiro and told him what had happened, he told me that he moved too fast and released too many emotions all at once (emotions that NEEDED to be moved out, after having spent 4 years on lexapro, but were moving out too fast). Later to find out that if you are going to have accupuncture done you need to see someone who has had YEARS of training, preferrably in china. Same with homeopathy, YEARS of training. Did I ever take that homeopathic remedy again? No way. But my chiro was not a trained classical homeopath. He took a certification course at Univ of Miami School of Medicine :/


On the flip side, just the other night my 3 year old was having a SEVERE asthma attack and I was the only one home. I turned on the nebulizer and literally had to sit on him to try to get him to breathe it (husband wasn't home), but his adrenaline was pumping and I was no match for his super human strength. I gave up and ran for a high potency asthma/croup remedy, I popped a few granules in his mouth and within minutes he was not gasping for breath and he was barely wheezing. A few hours later he woke up wheezing/coughing/choking, another dose of ashtma remedy and he was asleep again within minutes. Seriously, this was a severe attack which would have landed us in the ER administering steroids, even if I HAD been able to do the neb. I know this from experience. And this is not the first time I have had this scenario play out.


Anyway, I read these accounts of homeopathy-gone-bad and really I can't say it surprises me. There are so many homeopaths out there, doing so many different types of homeopathy. Homeopathy is trial and error. Just like in conventional medicine, I suppose the wrong remedy given at a high enough potency for a long enough time can cause permanent damage (although I suspect a good classical homeopath could reverse it). Just like in conventional medicine, it is IMPERITIVE that the patient be educated about homeopathy and how it works and what the path toward healing looks like and what symptoms indicate that something is not right, etc. Just like in conventional medicine it is so important to talk to other moms, do your research in choosing a practitioner, and whether it be your gut feeling or guidance from God that you rely on, go deep and seek out the path you should be taking for your child.


I have been sitting here trying to figure out what happened in Chemar's case and quite honestly am considering running it by our homeopath b/c I know she would be able to tell me. But if I had to guess, my guess is that the remedy stimulated the path-to-cure in the opposite direction than it should have been going (I'm thinking agaricus was chosen, not based on the overall constitutional weakness of the patient, but on the physical symptoms, tics/add...what have you. if this is true, this is very dangerous and not the proper way to do homepoathy at all). I tend to think that the remedy must have been administered in very high potency and the symptom picture was not being monitored closely enough.


Interestingly, many an autism patient has been cured only to later develop pandas. My 3yo included. I have seen this happen during homeopathy with several kids, but it happened with my son just on diet and supplements alone. He abruptly came out of his autism world and literally one month later had his first pandas exacerbation (sudden onset and very severe). My only guess as to why this happens is that, according to Herring's Law of Cure, symptoms move out from the most severe to the least severe (and later out of the body leading to permanent cure). Is pandas a "stop along the way" from autism to neurotypical?


On the flip side, treating my older son's PANDAS made his AUTISM much worse (antibiotics killed good bacteria, leading to clostridia, leading to the worst autistic features I had ever seen in him). This would be (if you believe in Herring's Law of Cure) b/c we were "suppressing" pandas and driving his illness deeper into the body, creating more serious pathology. Thanks to homeopathy, we no longer need antibiotics...for strep OR clostridia.


With all of that said, the following link explains Herring's path, or law, of cure. Very thought provoking.


This brings us to the work of Constantine Hering, a student of Hahnneman. Hering brought homeopathy to the United States in 1833, and became known as the 'Father of American Homeopathy'.1 He formulated a Law of Cure, based on what homeopaths were able to observe about the path of healing in successful cases. The law states generally that as cure progresses, symptoms move away from the vital center of the individual, to manifest in less dangerous ways. This is based on three observations:

• As cure progresses, symptoms tend to move from the center towards the periphery. In other words, from inner organs out toward the skin.


• Symptoms tend to move from above downwards and toward the extremities. For example, a case of psoriasis formerly seen on the neck and trunk but now seen only on the hands and lower legs has progressed toward cure.


• Symptoms tend to move from more vital to less vital organs. For example a child who formerly had a neurological disorder but now has seasonal allergies, with no remaining neurological symptoms, has progressed toward cure.


Understanding Hering's Law of Cure is crucial so that not only the practitioner but also the health care consumer can assess whether any therapy is beneficial to overall health.

One implication of this law is the idea that suppressing a set of symptoms can lead to a deepening of disease, because removing symptoms means blocking the safest 'vent' available to the vital force. Because the underlying disturbance is still present, the defense mechanism will be forced to go to 'plan B' to cope with it. For example it is commonly observed in homeopathy that children with asthma often have a history of eczema which was suppressed with medications. When the correct remedy is given, the asthma disappears and the eczema often returns briefly. When and if it does come back, interfering with it once more by suppressing it, for instance with cortisone cream, can cause the asthma to return, whereas letting the eczema run its course as the body heals itself can result in permanent cure of both conditions.





Photo by jurvetson more

Note that because orthodox medicine does not recognize the Law of Cure, a child who once had eczema and later gets asthma is considered successfully cured of eczema, while the asthma is seen as a new problem – bad luck! This is a result of treating diseases, not people. If a homeopath were working with a child with eczema, and the eczema left but later asthma developed, the homeopath would understand that she had failed to help that person. To stimulate the vitality in the right direction could not result in the development of a deeper problem.

Understanding Hering's Law of Cure can lead us away from a quick-fix mentality, toward an appreciation of the healing efforts of our bodies and a respect for symptoms as 'best attempts of the vital force under the present conditions'. It can lead us from an emphasis on blocking those attempts to assisting the defense mechanism by boosting it in the direction it has chosen. In doing this, we provide the extra energy needed to allow the vital force to complete a measure of cure. Each time we do so, the burden of disease is lessened and vitality increases, making the next healing step easier and at the same time raising the threshold of susceptibility to new stresses. In this way we enter one of the most rewarding paths imaginable: the upward spiral of healing.

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