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One more thing and I think that's it for now. I was just asked by Dr. Neubrander's office if I would make a video of the progress I've seen since starting mb12 shots! I told them I would think about it. I haven't decided yet.



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I don't think I'm going to do that video because I don't like the fact that they only want to hear about MB12 and there's been a lot of other treatments I've used besides that.


I got my CBC, CMP, & RBC minerals results back today and talked to my allergy doctor about them. CBC & CMP results were fine. The RBC calcium level was 0. I'm supposed to increase my calcium supplement from 1,000 mg to 1,500 mg, and he also said cooked carrots are a good source of calcium. I see my new chelation doctor this week so I'm not for sure if I'll need to take a break from chelation until I get the calcium back up or not.



  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone,


Sorry it took me so long to update. I just got back from working at TS camp. I had a blast.


My doctor's appt. went good. My doctor is old, but he is very complete on everything. He said that the reason I'm getting sick, etc. so much during chelation is probably because I'm not drinking enough water. He said that's one of the largest issues he sees with chelation. He said since I'm not drinking enough water toxins aren't getting out and I'm making myself more toxic. He could tell that by the urine test result and by how much I filled the container. He said to start with really pushing fluids during chelation (4 cups of water every time I apply the dmps). It's going to be really hard to drink that much. He said lets start with that and if that doesn't work we'll cut back on dosage or switch chelators. He said we'll find what works for me. He said from the looks of my test results that when I start getting enough water the metal levels will probably be highly elevated.


The doctor was concerned about my thyroid because I have low blood pressure. He wanted to check that and adrenal issues, along with some other things. After he gets the results back we'll have an appt. He wasn't concerned about my calcium because it was normal in the cbc/cmp. I did have fluid in my ears.




thanks for the update Carolyn :)


hope you will also post some more about the TS camp


Your doc is sooooo right about the importance of drinking enough water, not just during chelation or acupuncture or any detox therapy, but just every day! I have to really push it with my son too as he actually doesnt like water but is working on reaching the required amounts...I have found that letting him have some purified seltzer water as well as the regular reverse osmosis water makes it easier for him as he actually enjoys the cool seltzer and so he will take some glugs of regular and then a few sips of seltzer and so get a lot more in than when he is just trying to drink the regular alone :)

  • 4 weeks later...

Just wanted to provide everyone with an update on my chelation process. I've had almost two really good months with chelation. I no longer have black specs in my urine or stool. I still have a feeling the specs were metals. The only things I've changed is I added the Echinacea & Goldenseal for a week each month and increased my water intake.



  • 1 month later...

Hi Everyone,


I saw my chelation doctor. As far as my fecal metals test I have elevated uranium showing up, quite a bit of Cadmium, Copper, Tungsten, Thallium, and Nickel. I also have some antimony, arsenic, bismuth, and lead showing up. I have hardly any mercury this time, and I had quite a bit last time. In the urine I had nickel and arsenic show up. The doc said that's okay because the elimination system of TDDMPS is mostly through stool. The red blood cell showed some cadmium & lead.


My thyroid test was fine except my reverse T3 was a little higher than he'd like to see so he said to fix that we'll just add in selenium.


For my adrenal stress test Cortisol was normal and DHEA was high. He said that's usually related to stress. I have a lot of stress in my life so that makes sense.


On my essential & metabolic fatty acids test I had high arachidonic acid levels. Low oleic acid. High elaidic acid. High Tricosanoic acid. I have excess insulin. High oxidative stress.


My stool test still came up with yeast and I'm low in bifidobacter.


I'm low in glutathione. I have problems with absorbing protein.


In my plasma amino acids test glutamine was low. High 1-methylhistidine. High threonine.


On my urine amino acids test I was low in Methionine, Threonine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Cysteine, Histidine, Aspartate, Cystine, Serine, Phospoethanolamine, and Alpha-amino-N-butyrate. High in 3-Methylhistidine. When the urine and blood tests are compared Threonine is high in plasma, but low in urine. For the most part, the ones that were low in urine showed up at the low normal range on the plasma test.


I already posted my organic acids profile in another location on the forum so I'm not going to repost that again. However, via the organic acids test he wasn't concerned about my vitamin c (ascorbic) levels being high. For one of them it suggests using NAC. I know I've seen this mentioned a couple times on the board about people taking NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) . My doctor said NAC causes mercury to go to the brain. So if you've got heavy metals NAC and ALA are not a good idea.


So the changes in supplements after this testing is going to be to add Alpha-Ketoglutaric Acid, Betaine HCL, P5P, Biotin, B-100 instead of B-50, increase Calcium and Mangesium levels a bit, add in Carnitine in addition to the acetyl-L-Carnitine I'm already taking, CO Q10, 5HTP, extra folinic acid, a different type of probiotics, reduced L-Glutathione, Selenium, olive oil, glutamine, and methiomine. He's also increasing my MB12 shots to every 2 days instead of every 3 until I use them all up and then is increasing the amount in the new shots. My doctor is very thorough with everything. He went through each test explaining them all to me and wrote down a very organized sheet on which supplements to take. He's a PPO provider so he's covered great.


I asked him about the craving for the Earth Balance butter and he said I'm probably low in something, but without seeing the label he couldn't tell me exactly what it would be. I also asked him about Nebraska raised fish & mercury. He said mercury probably isn't a problem with the fish, but other toxins probably are.


That's all the updates for now. Next time I'll just do a fecal and urine heavy metal test along with a CBC & CMP. He also wanted me to redo the delayed food sensitivities panel since it's been two years. I wasn't planning on it, but since he knows how to file my insurance for these lab tests I'm going to go ahead with it.




Wow Carolyn, that's a lot of info. to absorb.


I bet you're thrilled to see the metals comming out, and get the adjustments needed to keep the improvements going.


Thanks for posting the amino acids results. Btwn your results and Claire's post, I guess I would feel o.k. about just doing urine initially.


Could you tell me which test indicated the problem with protein metabolism?


It sounds like you have a really good Doctor. I'm so happy for you, and insurance coverage to boot!




Hi Kim,


Yes, it is a lot of info to absorb. I just went through my results and the urine amino acids test by Doctor's Data is the one that shows signs of protein issues. For me I get plenty of protein so we're assuming it's a problem absorbing protein. For me it said the low Threonine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Histidine, Aspartate, Cystine, and Serine can be caused by this protein issue. There may be others on this test, but those are the ones I showed up low in that are linked to the protein issue.


Yes, I'm really glad to see the metals coming out. I'm very curious to see what happens with the mercury in the future being that I had quite a bit coming out three months ago, but barely any this time.






This is wonderful information for you to share. Glad you are monitoring things so closely!


Re glutathione, you might want to ask your doctor about Kirkman's glutathione lotion instead of reduced glutathione. We did the reduced glutathione for a year with no change. I have read many places that it really is only absorbed well dermally. When we switched, my son's glutathione levels finally went up.


The antioxidant glutathione is so important to moving metals and reducing oxidative stress. Even the DAN chelation protocol that someone posted (I think it was Sheila or Kim?) a while back showed they added the glutathione lotion to the standard chelation protocol.


Interesting re the protein...what does your doctor say about Houston Peptizade? It is supposed to help with all protein digestion, not just gluten and casein. I give it to my son with eggs when I can. Though I haven't retested his amino acids in a long time (if you remember, he was deficient in them also).


Interesting the other similarities, my son was low in bifido also. He also showed hyperinsulinism. I can't remember the fatty acid results, but he had issues when we tested back when.




Hi Claire,


I'll mention Kirkman's glutathione lotion next time I see him. When he said to add the glutathione, I asked if he meant oral or transdermal. He specifically wanted me to do oral. I didn't question him on why that was though. My Transdermal DMPS has glutathione in it, but I'm still low.


My doctor didn't mention Houston Peptizade. For the protein he said to take the Betaine HCL.



  • 5 months later...

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