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NAET can also treat OCD, Anxiety, Phobias....


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Just want to let you guys know that NAET can also treat emotional issues. As i have posted earlier, my daughter had a sudden onset (7/4/11) of anxiety, OCD, phobias which prevented her from eating, going to places, going inside places, touching anything, separation anxiety.... She was debilitated initially, so much so that i almost had to take her to children's hospital because she was hungry and couldnt eat more than a few bites of food all day. By the 5th day, she lost weight, hungry and no energy. So instead of taking her to the hospital, i decided to go to our NP for NAET.


We used NAET to treat my daughter's various emotions, worry, scare, digust, germaphobia, self-doubt....just to name a few, and now she is able to go back to school this Monday. She still have all of the above symptoms i mentioned but to a much lesser degree, and now she is able to go back to school.


NAET has helped both my kids tremendously. Just want to spread the word.



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Have not seen anything else neurological Pat

Mainly GIT disturbances, and one lady even posted she felt "poisoned" it was so dramatic an effect.


They also can cause drop in blood pressure and interfere with blood clotting


But most of the complaints are of digestive upset, some quite severe.

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