momaine Posted August 27, 2011 Report Posted August 27, 2011 Hi guys, DD was on Diflucan the first year she was on antibiotics. Her liver enzymes crept up a little, but were still very close to normal, however, one of her dr.'s wanted her to try to go without it because it isn't great for the liver, so she stopoped it around 6 months ago. Dd is 14 and even though she did well off the diflucan for a while, as she started to get itchy in the genitals again, she didn't tell me right off and just kept putting on over the counter stuff. (but not treating internally) When we finally ran out of cream and she had to ask for more (I had had some on hand) she finally told me that it had been going on for a while. So, I called one of her dr.'s and he prescribed a month of Diflucan. It seemed like she herxed for two weeks then she got better than she had been in FORVEVER. It didn't last any longer than the prescription for Diflucan. As soon as the diflucan ran out, she was itchy again. The dr. didn't want to prescribe more unless it was confirmed in a lab that she had yeast. I took her to our local dr. (ours just quit and we had to use another at the clinic) She cultured her. (not pleasant for a 14 yo) and sent it in. She didn't know how long it would take to get it back. It's been 4 days so I called the lab and they haven't found any evidence that the test was even ordered. It's Saturday and dd is itchy. I am going to buy her a vaginal suppository that treats yeast this morning but I am frustrated. I can't call till Monday to find out what happened to it. Has anyone with a dd managed to stay off Diflucan and not get yeast issues on all these antibiotics? Has anyone had liver problems from staying on Diflucan for a long time? (how long?) Has anyone had a child herx from starting diflucan? Last night she told me she sometimes gets red spots on the outside of her gentitals. (in her pubic hair area) Could that be from yeast too? She has NEVER been sexually active in ANY way, I know for certain.
kimballot Posted August 27, 2011 Report Posted August 27, 2011 I think yeast is such a horrible, hidden problem for our kids. My son was on ABX the first 7 years of life due to sinusitis and we never even thought about yeast or probiotics (we also did not know he had PANDAS at the time). That was a mistake. He ended up with fungal sinus infections because the fungus took over the lining of his sinuses. (not to mention the red, itchy bottom that we kept thinking was pinworms even though we never actually saw worms). At age 7 he had a tonsillectomy and was able to come off antibiotics, and we dealt with a yeast mess. He was on diflucan for a while and we had to do lots of yeast diet stuff. After that, I always insisted on diflucan with every course of antibiotics. He started on long-term antibiotics last year and we did diflucan until June, 2011 when we changed him to doxy and minocylcine and we were afraid the diflucan would be too much for his liver (though his enzymes seemed fine). Lately, he has been really craving carbs and has had some meltdowns -especially when he hasn't eaten in a while. Just last night I was starting to think about diflucan again and now I read your post. I am wondering if other folks could recommend tests for yeast overgrowth. I know there is some type of spit test folks do but I am wondering if there is some way to test stool or if there is a blood test. Thanks for posting this!
sf_mom Posted August 27, 2011 Report Posted August 27, 2011 (edited) Momaine: I have/had a yeast problem... 4+. I am on daily Nystatin to treat. My understanding is once the yeast sets in it can take months to clear. A couple of things you might consider to contend with the ongoing yeast outside of prescription are the following. We did the following for me: lowered antibiotic regimen, I started taking Lauricidin along with the Nystatin and I also take hd probiotics. Those three things in addition to Nystatin have helped tremendously. Consider lowering antibiotic regimen with Dr.: Yeast can sometimes be the result of die-off "yeast may cannibalize dying Borrelia and that yeast is not always the result of antibiotic therapy alone" Take daily Lauricidin: "A number of fungi, yeast, and protozoa are also inactivated or killed by monolaurin. The fungi include several species of ringworm (Isaacs et al 1991). The yeast reported to be affected is Candida albicans (Isaacs et al 1991). The protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia is killed by monoglycerides from hydrolyzed human milk (Hemell et al 1986, Reiner et al 1986, Crouch et al 1991, Isaacs et al 1991)." Take a prebiotic, EpiCor: Good yeast to combat bad: Older DS took Epicor and he has never had a yeast issue. Take or use Garlic: Generally speaking, in order to cure a yeast infection completely it is essential to clear the body of the extra yeasts both internally as well as externally. This is so because sometimes the vaginal yeast infection or the oral yeast infection can be triggered due to the intestinal yeast overgrowth. Intestinal yeast overgrowth, if unchecked, can spread the infection to other parts of the body. It can also spread the infection into the bloodstream. Hence, while curing the yeast infection an attempt should be made to get rid of the intestinal yeast.For this an intake of garlic becomes essential. Since garlic can kill the yeast so its intake can do wonders in controlling the intestinal yeast overgrowth. Garlic can be used in the following ways to get rid of yeast overgrowth internally as well externally: One can add garlic in the food. A clove can be eaten raw. One can drink a glass of water after eating it to avoid its pungent taste. Enteric-coated garlic capsules can be taken if you cannot tolerate the taste of garlic. The special enteric coating ensures that the capsule will open up deep within the intestines. This is effective in curing the intestinal yeast problem. Garlic paste can be applied in a diluted form on the infected skin. In order to get rid of the vaginal yeast infection a fresh clove of garlic can be placed inside the vagina. If the infection has advanced then one should increase the dose of garlic by cutting its clove into two pieces and then placing it inside the vagina. Hence, a controlled use of garlic both topically and orally can relieve you from the yeast infection Your DD liver issues might also be an indication of Babesia. I am positive you have already ran co-infection panel but... I have one child that continued to come up serologically negative for Babesia. He had only one symptom and then liver enzymes started to climb. His brother is confirmed positive and also an 'indication' he might have Babesia too. We were very worried about the possibility so we finally pursued ART muscle testing to confirm Babesia or not. Sure enough, he immediately came up positive. We started treatment about 5 weeks ago and there has been a dynamic shift in his recovery. He had only one symptom of Babesia infrequent 'dry cough' that has flaired as a herx response. Since you are dealing with TBI, I thought I mention the possibility that Babesia is the source of climbing liver enzymes. A comprehensive stool analysis is good way to test for yeast and determine overall gut health. You can have a herxheimer response from yeast die-off. Just do a google search for die-off candida. Red spots around vaginal area could still be a virus 'non sexually transmitted'. I would talk with LLMD about potential anti-viral protocol or testing. You can do a basic viral panel via Labcorp. You can pick up viruses via IVIG.... I am sorry, I know you don't want to hear that information as the IVIGs have been extremely helpful to your daughter's overall successful recovery. This particular information was provided by our LLMD throughout our discussions on IVIG treatments and the filtering process. So, please take this information as one Dr.'s perspective only and maybe just a reminder to check for potential viruses. -Wendy Edited August 27, 2011 by SF Mom
momaine Posted August 27, 2011 Author Report Posted August 27, 2011 Wow,lots of stuff to digest, thanks. Dd is on Nystatin and I take Epicor, so I could try giving herthat. I didn't realize it helped with yeast. I called the on-call dr. and found the results of her vaginal swab. Negative for yeast and vaginitis. Not sure what that means for her except that maybe we need to go back to the dr. and discuss the other possibilities. Thanks for your help.
philamom Posted August 27, 2011 Report Posted August 27, 2011 I think yeast is such a horrible, hidden problem for our kids. My son was on ABX the first 7 years of life due to sinusitis and we never even thought about yeast or probiotics (we also did not know he had PANDAS at the time). That was a mistake. He ended up with fungal sinus infections because the fungus took over the lining of his sinuses. (not to mention the red, itchy bottom that we kept thinking was pinworms even though we never actually saw worms). At age 7 he had a tonsillectomy and was able to come off antibiotics, and we dealt with a yeast mess. He was on diflucan for a while and we had to do lots of yeast diet stuff. After that, I always insisted on diflucan with every course of antibiotics. He started on long-term antibiotics last year and we did diflucan until June, 2011 when we changed him to doxy and minocylcine and we were afraid the diflucan would be too much for his liver (though his enzymes seemed fine). Lately, he has been really craving carbs and has had some meltdowns -especially when he hasn't eaten in a while. Just last night I was starting to think about diflucan again and now I read your post. I am wondering if other folks could recommend tests for yeast overgrowth. I know there is some type of spit test folks do but I am wondering if there is some way to test stool or if there is a blood test. Thanks for posting this! Our LLMD ran a blood test to check for yeast. He says it's reliable, but others disagree - so not realy sure. At this time, we really don't have a problem with yeast that I'm aware of. We did have some flairs when daughter was taking Augmentin though.
LNN Posted August 27, 2011 Report Posted August 27, 2011 My DD6 used to get yeast infections every 2-3 months and this way before she ever used abx. She too would be fine while on diflucan but it would come back immediately once we stopped it. When she went on long term abx, she also started TruFlora - a pre/probiotic with anti-yeast strains. We did 2 weeks of every day and now do twice a week, with Theralac probiotics for the other 5 days. She hasn't had a yeast infection in a year, despite combo abx.
momaine Posted August 27, 2011 Author Report Posted August 27, 2011 My DD6 used to get yeast infections every 2-3 months and this way before she ever used abx. She too would be fine while on diflucan but it would come back immediately once we stopped it. When she went on long term abx, she also started TruFlora - a pre/probiotic with anti-yeast strains. We did 2 weeks of every day and now do twice a week, with Theralac probiotics for the other 5 days. She hasn't had a yeast infection in a year, despite combo abx. That sounds like something easy to try. But now I'm confused as to what is causing the itching if her vaginal swab was negative. Does anyone know if doing a swab during your period changes the results? I asked the Dr. before we even went and she didn't know.
sf_mom Posted August 28, 2011 Report Posted August 28, 2011 (edited) I am not sure about your question but I definitely wait a week and see if the itchiness continues. Does anything else itch? Often the bottom of my feet will itch. Does she have a white coating on her tongue? If her tongue has a white coating, other areas itch and the itchiness is still there in a week I definitely pursue yeast further. Again, a comprehensive stool sample is the best way to check for yeast. Some of the side benefits of doing comprehensive stool analysis: You'd understand how good her gut is holding up with all the antibiotic use.... it will give you the amount of good bacteria. You'll understand if she requires any digestive enzymes. You'll know if she has any type of parasite in her intestine. "Sometimes" they are able to pick up Babesia this way. The result would typically read unknown parasite for Babesia but at least you'd have a clue to investigate further. We had a positive "unknown parasite" with older DS and we also did other confirmatory testing with ART. I've attached a PDF of the results sheet for Metametrix. You can order test kit and have pediatrician sign off on request. -Wendy Edited August 28, 2011 by SF Mom
momaine Posted August 28, 2011 Author Report Posted August 28, 2011 I am not sure about your question but I definitely wait a week and see if the itchiness continues. Does anything else itch? Often the bottom of my feet will itch. Does she have a white coating on her tongue? If her tongue has a white coating, other areas itch and the itchiness is still there in a week I definitely pursue yeast further. Again, a comprehensive stool sample is the best way to check for yeast. Some of the side benefits of doing comprehensive stool analysis: You'd understand how good her gut is holding up with all the antibiotic use.... it will give you the amount of good bacteria. You'll understand if she requires any digestive enzymes. You'll know if she has any type of parasite in her intestine. "Sometimes" they are able to pick up Babesia this way. The result would typically read unknown parasite for Babesia but at least you'd have a clue to investigate further. We had a positive "unknown parasite" with older DS and we also did other confirmatory testing with ART. I've attached a PDF of the results sheet for Metametrix. You can order test kit and have pediatrician sign off on request. -Wendy Thanks Wendy. Last night she used an over the counter vaginal yeast product so I'll have to wait a little while. We also lost our family dr. so now I've got to convince a new one to listen to me. oh joy! I see Dr.'s J and B in a couple of weeks, so I can ask both of them about this too and about how she responded to the Diflucan. Lots to digest here. She does have a white tongue. She and I both have that issue despite Nystatin and sometimes using Diflucan. Hmmm,.....
GraceUnderPressure Posted August 30, 2011 Report Posted August 30, 2011 One of my boys, as a toddler, tested negative for yeast but had a white coating on his tongue. Dr. said that the tests are notoriously inaccurate because yeast is so hard to culture (begging the question - why did he bother to test?). Then he went ahead & treated my ds for yeast & it went away (though he develops acetone breath everytime we eat carby food so I suspect it is only barely under control). So it seems like you can have a fairly blatant case of yeast & still test negative, FWIW.
philamom Posted September 4, 2011 Report Posted September 4, 2011 I think yeast is such a horrible, hidden problem for our kids. My son was on ABX the first 7 years of life due to sinusitis and we never even thought about yeast or probiotics (we also did not know he had PANDAS at the time). That was a mistake. He ended up with fungal sinus infections because the fungus took over the lining of his sinuses. (not to mention the red, itchy bottom that we kept thinking was pinworms even though we never actually saw worms). At age 7 he had a tonsillectomy and was able to come off antibiotics, and we dealt with a yeast mess. He was on diflucan for a while and we had to do lots of yeast diet stuff. After that, I always insisted on diflucan with every course of antibiotics. He started on long-term antibiotics last year and we did diflucan until June, 2011 when we changed him to doxy and minocylcine and we were afraid the diflucan would be too much for his liver (though his enzymes seemed fine). Lately, he has been really craving carbs and has had some meltdowns -especially when he hasn't eaten in a while. Just last night I was starting to think about diflucan again and now I read your post. I am wondering if other folks could recommend tests for yeast overgrowth. I know there is some type of spit test folks do but I am wondering if there is some way to test stool or if there is a blood test. Thanks for posting this! Our LLMD ran a blood test to check for yeast. He says it's reliable, but others disagree - so not realy sure. At this time, we really don't have a problem with yeast that I'm aware of. We did have some flairs when daughter was taking Augmentin though. Maybe the blood test (Candida Albicans IGG) is reliable since my daughter's Quest result just came back High. It was normal in January. I need to ask the doctor if it should be treated.
911RN Posted September 4, 2011 Report Posted September 4, 2011 Mycelex troches work great for Oral candidas- white tongue. Consequently, goes throught the whole system and seems to help with vaginal and or perianal yeast also. I used Mycelex troches after several months of antibiotics for septic kidney stone. I had taken several rounds of Diflucan and it not seem to be doing much...white tongue kept returning. The Mycelex troches worked great. Solved the yeast once and for all. Probably one of the most underused of the antiyeast meds- cheap, effective and suck on it just like a losenges- not bad tasting, either. HTH:)
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