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Hi Everyone,


Just checking in to see if anyone saw the HBO special on Tourettes this weekend? I just went on the TSA website and ordered a DVD ($9.99 plus shipping).


For those that have seen it, would it be something you would sit and watch with your kids? Maybe even show it in the classroom to better explain it to schoolmates? My son (10 yrs old) is having some major ticcing going on right now and it might help to have his classmates understand whats going on. Just a thought and curious to hear what you all thought.





Hi Gina

I think they did a really good job of portraying TS as it really is, although I did feel a lot was left out and that it would have benefitted from being an hour instead of 30min, and also from having a broader spectrum of kids in terms of age and tics


still, it deserves much praise and especially because it is getting so much media attention and therefore aiding in public education about TS


My son, and many other people with Tourette's, do find that watching people tic can set off tics in them, either "copycat" tics, or just an intensification of tics in general......so I would urge caution for those who are susceptible to that because many of the kids in the show do have pretty intense tics.


Giselle made a really good point on BrainTalk as to whether watching this would be disturbing for a child who also tics, but has never really realised just what their tics look like. Could be a bit of an alarming thing for some.


On the other hand, for kids who feel isolated and lonely etc because of their TS, this is a wonderful exposure to a really great bunch of kids living with and rising above the challenges that come with TS


The name of the documentory "I have Tourette's but Tourette's doesnt have me!" is very apt!!


I certainly would recommend that every parent and teacher watch this documentary! and also all kids and folks with TS who are able to handle it. My son did tic a bit more watching it, but it was also a very positive experience for him, especially as he could look back on his own life and realise that things are sooooooooo much better for him now, and that, inspite of all the heartache and challenges, having TS has given him a very profound insight and ability to deal with life's challenges, while stimulating a compassion and an understanding for other people that may not have developed had he not been thru what he has with TS


I only saw the last 15 minutes, but it was amazing to watch those kids and how they are living their lives now. But did you notice that in the credits, Sheila Rogers was listed? That says something about Sheila--but we need to get her word out. I am sure the book will help.


Maybe the best advice on whether to show it to kids is to watch it first yourself and decide how it would help or be detrimental for your particular situation.


I have only seen portions of it -- was out when it was on -- but I think it could be discouraging or frightening to a young child if they hear the message that there is no help except meds, and no cure--or they imagine that they will end up with all the types of tics and other issues exemplified.


Readers on this forum know that there are real opportunities for healing. I felt the Oprah preview of the HBO program would have been discouraging, if not frightening, to a young child--but again, I haven't seen the entire HBO production.


I have heard from others about them "catching" the tics for a while by watching it.


It will be interesting to keep getting feedback on this! Sheila


I thought it was great, however I watched it alone and won't be showing my 8 year old any time soon. He has not yet realized that people could possibly look at him different or tease him for his tics. I don't want to scare him. I also worry about the "copy cat" tics.


I did buy a copy to loan out to his teacher, (and future teachers) his friends parents, and his grandparents.


I haven't seen the HBO special and I'm not going to. It does look good though from Oprah. I was one that caught tics from watching Oprah. Tics are calming back down now thank goodness. When I already know so much about ts I really don't feel like catching tics by watching the hbo special. 2 years ago I would have been so excited to see it though.




My husband and I watched it and we both were shocked. My son has done atleast one of each little tic the kids had. Just the little mild ones like touching his stomache and snapping his wrist. I'm so sad and ashamed that it took me 5 years to realize what was going on. I thought he just had weird little habbits because they were so mild and would eventually go away. It wasn't until the recent shouting started after a spell of what was obviously PANDAS that I realized there was something so much bigger going on. When the little girl shouted "I hate my life" I felt my heart sink. I have heard my son say this on more than one occasion. I could not figure out why a little boy with such a good life would say that. I now realize that he has been struggling with something that no one acknowledged for such a long time, not even himself.


I let him watch just one part. The little boy that plays the piano reminds me of my son. I fast forwarded it to that part to let him know that that "normal" little boy has tics too. My sons tics also vanish while he is playing music. When we read that Mozart had Tourettes, I think it was a little comforting. I really wish there was a program in schools to educate other children on Tourettes without spotlighting the ones that have it. He is in his first year of middle school, and you don't even have to be different to get made fun of there. He is either dealing with it really well, or he is in denial. He says the other kids really don't bother him about it. I know he is shouting in school because I have talked to his teachers. I pray to God the shouting passes soon. This is new and we are working with supplements and diet. I miss the sniffing. At least he could pass that off as allergies.

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