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Hi Mommy


glad the tic is on the wane. Yes, we do have to be so very careful not to lose focus of our children by focussing so intensely on the tics! I learned that the hard way early in our TS journey, and thankfully my son patiently educated me on how I was only making things worse for him by it. I think the most important thing is to reach a balance of doing what we can to help them, without making it a focal point of their lives.


Did you watch the HBO documentary on TS? I would highly recommend it. Although I felt it was lacking in certain areas, yet it is by far the most accurate and real docu on TS in kids that I have seen, and is also getting a lot of media attention, so bringing the subject into public attention.


It premiered on the 12th, but is being repeated frequently, and the DVD is also available from the TSA at




My son is almost 16 now and was first diagnosed at age 10, although we now realise that he likely had tics from a very young age, and we just didnt realise that was what they were, although his ADD, CAPD and SID were diagnosed in kindergarten already

His TS/OCD was very very severe at age 10, but stabilised remarkably after we started natural treatments. He also appears to be one of the many people who show a marked decline in tics as they get older, and the pubertal years pass.




I saw the special on HBO and ordered a copy to share with my sons teacher and friends parents. My son didn't watch though, as he does not yet realize that he would ever have a tough time, socially because of his tics. We act like they are no big deal in our house and so far his fellow 3rd grade friends have been very forgiving...


Its funny, I thought nothing could be worse than watching my son shake his head all day until he started yelling out of the blue! None of the tics are any fun to watch or listen to, but he is such a happy sweet kid they don't seem to bother him one bit. I hope we are lucky enough that his TS does improve when he moves into adulthood. We have alot of years ahead of us...Again, as always, I appreciate your kind words.


Hi there,


I am glad to hear things are a bit better. My son is 9 years old and is in the 3rd grade also. He had a sudden onset of tics at the age of 5. He is a PANDAS kid and he also had a dx of rheumatic fever and sydenham's chorea...anyways...that was 4 years ago and a long story.


In the end lattitudes was a life line for me and changed our lives and I am happy to say my son is doing very well.




Hi Jean

I'm from Singapore too and i hv tics...i dunno where to start to improve my condition. I've seen the neuro n he gave me clonotril but i dun see any diff.

I am going to try the chinese cupping, accupuncture and see if it can help. How can i start taking supplements when i don't even know what is lacking in my body? pls help me. Maybe we could

talk on the phone about this since we live in Singapore or u can email me at debbielee73@yahoo.com


Thank you so much





Hi Mommy11


Dear Mommy11, i know how you feel, i was like that when my son just had his first head shaking tic last year in May. Me and my husband were so distraughted when our son had to spend three days in hospital under observation. Probably he started with eye tic but i did not notice or think it was serious. Just have faith and continue the supplements that Chemar has earlier recommended - she has a wonderful thread for newbies here on the supplements that helps TS. Try them as recommended. I follow the program faithfully, and my son has stopped medication (haloperidol) since last year (i cant remember the exact date - was it july or december last year)? Go thru all the old threads here from the very beginning for reference. In addition, the information and articles posted by parents with TS kids in Latitudes magazines/newsletters are very helpful too. You can order them thru Sheila.


My son used to have the head shaking tic too, but now he is completely out of it. His tics are now so mild and only come probably a few times a day that we or anyone hardly notice them. Just an update to those who remember me from Singapore, nowadays the tics my son display are mainly "checking on his fingers", "checking who is behind him when he is walking", or simply staring at space. But these are done only in seconds, when he is free from any activity and only once in a while in a day. I guess these tics are known as complex tics if i am not wrong.


Chemar and all the others here, i want to thank you all too for all your valuable advise. I dont exactly know which supplement is the one that really helps, but my son is now taking calcium magnesium (the amino acid type), lecithin (1200mg), chlorella, vit E (400iu), vit B Complex (50mg) , niacin and vit B6 and primrose evening oil. Oh yes he is also sleeping on magnetic mattress.


Cheer up. Mommy11, your son will get better. :)

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