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I feel like my son's progress has stalled and am looking around at "what else can we do?" We see the LLMD in 11 days and I plan to ask him about KPU/HPU, as the white spots on his nails were pointed out by another doctor as a possible indicator of this. In trying to learn more about that, I've been reading about Klinghardt's ideas and watching his presentation which someone posted here. He keeps talking about EMFs and the extreme importance he places on limiting exposure to those. I just read an article about Ann Corson and she also places a lot of importance on this. This is an area I was avoiding, as our house has wireless and it just seems ubiquitous in general. So, how to get away from it or at least protect ourselves to whatever extent possible?


Has anyone here tried "unplugging" so to speak? Have you seen significant changes in treatment response? Any tips on how to do it? Michael, I'm going back and reading your posts as you've obviously done a lot on this front. Anything you have to add, or anyone else's experiences would be much appreciated.


I think if you search EMF on this site, you will see some extensive talk about them.



I feel like my son's progress has stalled and am looking around at "what else can we do?" We see the LLMD in 11 days and I plan to ask him about KPU/HPU, as the white spots on his nails were pointed out by another doctor as a possible indicator of this. In trying to learn more about that, I've been reading about Klinghardt's ideas and watching his presentation which someone posted here. He keeps talking about EMFs and the extreme importance he places on limiting exposure to those. I just read an article about Ann Corson and she also places a lot of importance on this. This is an area I was avoiding, as our house has wireless and it just seems ubiquitous in general. So, how to get away from it or at least protect ourselves to whatever extent possible?


Has anyone here tried "unplugging" so to speak? Have you seen significant changes in treatment response? Any tips on how to do it? Michael, I'm going back and reading your posts as you've obviously done a lot on this front. Anything you have to add, or anyone else's experiences would be much appreciated.


In terms of EMFs we have been advised to replace our cordless phone first. It apparently has just as much EMFs as a jet airplane! So we did get a cord phone that does not plug into electricity at all and did get my ds a hat to wear while he is playing Xbox live. We were recommended to paint my son's bedroom or the whole house with EMF paint. It was also recommended that we get EMF curtain and plug in air cleaner into a plug outside my son's bedroom. Also, stetzer filters, which you can get for each room of the house.


Have not done anything else yet as we are paying for a lot of medical/mold removal expenses right now. We also have jets flying overhead, quite a distance, every day quite frequently, which makes me wonder how good that can be for our health.


Ds energy is skyrocketing, but not sure what it is from since he is being treated for so many things at once. :)


Time to give an update on my story as it relates to EMF's here. I have been very sensitive and have done a lot of avoiding the exposure to wireless. When they installed wireless at work, I could no longer work, although disability was denied and several months later I was forced back to work when that happened. By then I had just started lyme abx treatment and had purchased GiaWellness products (pendant and home harmonizer system). I struggled and just made it through work well enough on return, but was very brutal. I am sure without GiaWellness products I would not have been able to do it. My short-term memory was that bad without these products, I could not carry on a conversation, forgetting what someone was saying by the time they finished a long sentence.


A few months ago, I added EarthCalm products (pendant and home system), and re-added Philip Stein watch (had used a year back but later it stopped working due to batteries and just set it aside). All these products helped, doing different things, and worked well in unison. For me, EarthCalm was strongest/best (for those wanting to try one brand and wondering which one was best for me).


Then, I addressed biofilm in the neck veins causing CCSVI (the cause for many/most neuro symptoms for those with lyme and MS), and around same time had NCR (neuro cranial therapy, which is basically having a balloon quickly inflated in nasal passage to move the cranial bones into better alignment). NCR can also help treat CCSVI as improper bone placement can help things get trapped in the veins. Biofilm treatments and NCR were both very powerful for me. Suddenly, my energy testing indicates I do not need these EMF products, and am better served without them. So, I have discarded them for now, and while I am still EMF sensitive, it is way less, amazing I can have conversations at work and so on, without these now. Sensitivities continue to improve slowly, it seems.


I was shocked to hear Dr. Klinghardt in May at his seminar say we should not use these things, and he referenced a study on chickens where those using these devices were happier but had more health problems and lived only half as long as those without the devices. I am still hoping to get this study to ponder more. His belief is that with these devices, the chickens did nothing to avoid/reduce exposure (by going to safe part of the lot, or whatever), so those with devices were exposed more to these harmful EMF's. GiaWellness has Kirlean (sp?) photography showing how energy flows better with these devices when exposed to EMF's, and someone pointed this out in response to his thoughts, and he replied, sure, but these devices do not fix the bloodwork and the effects that EMF has on the blood, so the help is limiting in that way.


Still, as someone who would have lost his job without these devices, I think he may not be in touch with how sick we can be and how helpful these devices can be. Or perhaps I am an extremely rare exception on the end of the curve, I don't know. But at a minimum, it is excellent warning, not to carelessly let use of these devices increase exposure to EMF's which are ultimately harmful, and use them to tolerate what exposure you feel you cannot control. But work to control exposure. That is where devices to truly block these things are better, where practical (avoiding in homes, turning off when can, paint to block, silver-containing sheets/curtains/clothing/hats to block, and so on).


Even with wireless phones, if you absolutely must, there are speaker devices so you can keep them further from your brain while in use. I'm not suggesting here the wireless things to plug into your ear, which would be worse, even though the phone isn't by your ear. But something truly keeping all wireless emitting devices further from your brain.


Julia--can you talk more about Stetzer filters? I have heard the term, but what do they do, what do they cost, where to get them, ...?


Julia--can you talk more about Stetzer filters? I have heard the term, but what do they do, what do they cost, where to get them, ...?

Thank you Michael for your insight on EMFs. It is a hard concept to grasp since we cannot see it.


Had to look up the stetzer filters so not sure where I found them but if you google them there are several articles/companies that carry them. It seems as though you needed a minimum of 4 in a home to really be effective and the price for 4 was around $300-400. Here is a quote from one of the overviews (www.stetzerelectric.com/filter/):

"The STETZERiZER filter is designed to filter harmonics and other high frequency current (trash) from the electrical environment, thereby reducing the potential for leakage into the human environment and creating additional trash in non-liner loads (televisions, computers, variable frequency drives, energy-efficient lighting, etc.).

Filters are designed to be installed throughout the home in a pattern that corresponds to the distributed nature of the need. For example, installing two filters close to a desktop computer or a television is normally appropriate and effective. Installing filters, normally from two to six, close to the input power panel is recommended to address high frequency currents entering on the power lines. The total number of filters required depends on the size of the home, the amount of electrical equipment, and the quality of the power from the grid. Twenty filters are normally adequate for a "typical" house.


Installing an inadequate number of filters tends to result in overloaded filters, leading to an ineffective solution. The preferred installation method is to be guided by the STETZERiZER Microsurge Meter, which measures the amount of high frequency energy present. Readings of 30 or lower indicate an acceptable environment, while readings of 50 or higher indicate a need for additional filters. Readings between 30 and 50 are marginally acceptable, but should be reduced if anyone in the area is electrically sensitive.


The reader is encouraged to review the STETZERiZER Microsurge Meter Product Description, the STETZERiZER Filter Installation Instructions, and the STETZERiZER Filter Frequently Asked Questions.



Thanks for the product recommendations and Michael, thanks for the update! I may look into some of these products, but am thinking about trying some less expensive things first, such as switching out our cordless phones for landline phones. Does anyone turn off breakers at night, as Klinghardt suggests? (I woulnd't even know how to do this!) Does anyone keep their wireless router off, or gotten rid of wireless computers in their house? Anyone seen any difference doing this?

Posted (edited)

You should have an electrical panel in your home... with breakers for specific zones or areas like 'outside lighting' or 'bedroom lighting'. Panels are typically gray with a 1' x 2' dimension and located in laundry room, closet or similar. At night you could shut many to off position and then power back up again in the morning.


However, its like the power going off completely so certain clocks would need to be reset, etc. if they are not battery operated.



Edited by SF Mom

We turned off the circuit breaker at night for our bedroom for about a month. It was a little bit helpful. I don't think it's helpful these days, so we don't do it right now. We had already moved our bed to try to get it away from the worst electricity, but it is still near some. Our circuit breaker box is in our garage, so there is another place to look.


So interesting what klinghardt says about the emf protection devices. I was advised to

Measure emf levels in our house when my son was not getting well from Lyme. A holistic dr lent me his device from safe technologies and my son's bed had extremely high levels of EMFs-in the "highly abnormal" range. I was told Lyme thrives in high emf environments.we shut the power off to his room and remeasured-levels were normal. We kept the power off for months and then I got an electrician to run a new circuit in the room and instal a switch that shuts off the room at night. We also stopped using our cordless phone. My son was done w his Lyme treatment within six months so I think it helped. We have not used the emf devices with the exception of the Biopure device for cell phones. I also got earthing.com grounding pads for the beds and this apparently trumps Amy emf issue by grounding the bed. If this is true it may be a good solution with no side effects. There is so much to learn about this. I'd like to set up a server so we can use cat 5 wiring in our house for plug in Internet access because I am told the remov of wireless routers can have a dramatic effect so it must be very good for u.


I have used grounding in bed sometimes. My experience is that it is not quite a panacea or making other things non-issues, but has been helpful at times. My health situation and other devices being used/not used makes it difficult to say more about it than that.


Regarding the wired/wireless internet, we recently went to Verizon internet. All of their routers these days are wireless capable and wired capable. If you just use it as is, it will spew wireless signals all the time even if not using wireless. However, we had them turn the wireless aspect off, so we just use wired. It was relatively easy. They just did that to the box when they gave it to us. I put some wiring through the attic to get to other rooms in the house--not a professional job but good enough for the two of us, something I imagine an electrician or maybe a "professional handyman" could do a nice professional job of without too much trouble.


So interesting what klinghardt says about the emf protection devices. I was advised to

Measure emf levels in our house when my son was not getting well from Lyme. A holistic dr lent me his device from safe technologies and my son's bed had extremely high levels of EMFs-in the "highly abnormal" range. I was told Lyme thrives in high emf environments.we shut the power off to his room and remeasured-levels were normal. We kept the power off for months and then I got an electrician to run a new circuit in the room and instal a switch that shuts off the room at night. We also stopped using our cordless phone. My son was done w his Lyme treatment within six months so I think it helped. We have not used the emf devices with the exception of the Biopure device for cell phones. I also got earthing.com grounding pads for the beds and this apparently trumps Amy emf issue by grounding the bed. If this is true it may be a good solution with no side effects. There is so much to learn about this. I'd like to set up a server so we can use cat 5 wiring in our house for plug in Internet access because I am told the remov of wireless routers can have a dramatic effect so it must be very good for u.


I was at Dr. K's May seminar also. A home inspector spoke about EMFs and RF's in the home. When he spoke about the grounding sheets, he said that they do indeed bring body voltage way down, but unless you turn off the power to the room, your body basically becomes a conduit to ground all the extra EMFs in the room. So, he said both are needed. I don't really know where he got the information, but it did seem logical. I have a grounding sheet and haven't really noticed much improvement in my own sleep or pain levels. My daughter sleeps on one too, and her sleep patterns are no better. Maybe they're helping in some other way, so we keep using them.


We did switch to corded phone (at least for the bedroom).

Also, my left wrist kept hurting. Something told me to remove my watch. I have not used my wrist watch in a couple of weeks and the pain has gone away! Pretty amazing.

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