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Should I stop ts-PLUS EPA/DHA from Bonnie and continue ts-PLUS only ?


I heard somebody here talk about the Omega-3 can actually increase tics . I don't have ADHD , just tic . Recently I found my tic gets worse. So , I suspect it's the Omega-3 offset the effect of ts-PLUS which I found helpful to my tic .


Should I stop taking EPA/DHA for while to see what's goin on ?

Can somebody let me know how to judge if Omega-3 really makes my tic worse not by just feeling ..






I would suggest stopping the EPA/DHA and continuing the ts-plus alone and see if if your tics decrease. If they do decrease then its probably the EPA/DHA. To be sure you can try re-adding the EPA/DHA in and see if you then notice your tics to increase.






I may have asked you this already, but I'm wondering if you are also using the Bontech Mag Taurate for times of symptom flairs? I just recently ordered this, not because oldest son is having any flair ups, but because I have read some pretty great things about taurine. I have only given him about one a week. He is not ticcing, so I don't want to over do anything. By the way, he actually did better, when I cut back fom 16 to ten of the TS Plus. I was busy working my way up, and he was too hyper, possibly from the B vits? I think he got sick, I cut way down from 16 to 12 and found he did really well, then we went to 10 and have stayed there. He is an adult size and weight. On days when he takes his morning 5 and forgets his afternoon 5, the teeth grinding starts up like clock work, so I don't think we can reduce any farther. I don't think I have given Bonnies vitamins enough credit. Yesterday I got oldest son final report card in the mail. His grades went from D, A,B,D,D+,B+ in the 4th marking period (prior to starting the vitamins) to A,B,A,B+,B,B-,B+ for the last marking period. Mostly his grades suffered from being late, with the morning body aches. I don't think he has taken a Mortin since he started those vitamins. This alone is a God send.

Is there a possibility that you need more of the fish oils? I don't know how much your taking, but it seems kind of funny, that you would do well, and just start reacting to the fish oil negatively.


Hi Simon


it is not that the OMEGA-3 fatty acids increase tics for some, it is SPECIFICALLY the FISH OIL derived supplement that seems to be a problem. Not for everyone, but for a large enough group for it to be carefully evaluated.


I would suggest stopping the fish oil for a bit (say a week or 2 ) and see if your tics decrease.


If so, you may be sensitive to the fish oil and so should continue to take essential fatty acids but use flaxseed oil for your omega 3 source, and borage/evening primrose for your omega 6.

Some health professionals suggest also taking the non-essential fatty acid...oleic acid, to provide the balance of omega 9


Chemar and others, My son has recently (last 7 days) had a very big increase in his tics. I have been wondering If I should decrease or stop his fish oil. He takes Bonnie G's brand. He has been on it for 2 years with very mild ticcing. After all this time do you all think it is possible to now be causing problems Robin.


Hi Robin :) nice to see you


it would be very unusual for him to now start ticcing more because of the fish oil when he has been on it for 2 years, but stranger things have happened. My son used to be able to take L-carnitine with no problems to help with tics, but then became hypersensitive to it.


You could do a trial by removing the fishoil for a week and seeing if the tics decrease.


I would personally suspect that there is something else triggering the tic increase...has he been swimming ie chlorine?? exposed to pesticides in the home or yard or park or playing field?? any other recent chemical/paint etc exposure??


any change in diet?? or anything new (carpet, car, furniture etc)??


you may want to go thru the tic trigger list in Sheila's excellent article too to see if anything rings a bell




I am sorry but I dont remember if your son has tourette or a generalised tic issue....if it is tourettes...this may well be one of those mysterious waxing phases that can be triggered by some internal mechanism that is not yet fully understood.


Kim - just wanted to say that is great news about your sons grades. You must be so happy to see such improvement in black and white! Also so great he is not having to take pain medication for his aches.


Just wanted to add as well there has been a lot of talk about flax seed etc in recent days ( Cheri - thanks for clarifying the info re:prostate cancer, with three boys alarm bells started to ring) Anyway - my son does take fish oils EFAMOL with no problems, what I have been doing for all the kids is adding ground flax seed into all of my baking - no matter what I am baking, be it cookies, bread, pizza dough, granola bars, I add a few tablespoons into it. No one seems to notice. I had tried the flax oil but they noticed it in their drinks and would not drink it.


Things continue to go well here - still awaiting the EEG results.




Glad to hear things are going well for your family. You make me feel guilty with that baking. The thing I was best at baking used to be those little Microrave cakes. They quit making them a few years back, I was bummed.


Yes, the report card really made me want to call Bonnie and Dave, and say thanks again. Then I read Robin's post and got a little nervous. It would break my heart to see him back slide, and I know that's a possibility. However, even if that happens, I'll know his body is changing and we'll deal with it then. I will never feel helpless, like I did for so long.


The other great thing about that report card was one of the remarks was-above average attitude, and-student is a pleasure to have in class.


I wanted to thank Chemar for posting that link too. I hadn't read that before. I have to go back, and reread the part about the EFA that is found in cooking oils. I'm assuming, the people who supplement with that one, don't use cooking oils? It appeared to me that a person with an ordinary diet gets an overload of that already, however we had some really bad storms today, and I read it quickly-hoping I wasn't going to power surge and end up lap topless again.


Hope your sons test result is back soon. Still waiting for yeast test, it will be 4 weeks this Thursday.




Thank you Chemar .


I think I'll try to discontinue the Bonnie'sEPA stuff for a while .


I wonder why the young guy is so sensitive for the supplyment . The effect after taking something can be seen clearly . For me , I feel , as an adult , it's not easy to see clear progress . Maybe , we are stable with that . and the reflection between the musle and brain has been very stable and very hard to break .


and I feel it's different for the so-called getting better/worse between any TS's parent's observation and the true feeling from a real TSer himself .


Another thing , I take TS-control 10 in the morning and 8 before I go to bed arround 12:00pm . Is that a good idea ? I mean , should I take some in the morning and others in the afternoon rather than right before sleeping .



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