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Has anyone here ever had to pay $ 500/hour (NOT covered by insurance) for a phone consult to receive results of labs for their child from a doctor's office? This is a doctor we have seen (or I should say, has seen my daughter) and are seeing currently.


Yes I was seeing someone who wanted a phone consult to review labs. I felt that the results should have been included in the previous fee when the labs were ordered. Needles to say,I no longer see him. They should be able to mail or fax results without going over them for a fee.


That would upset me!

I always have our test results emailed to me- that is your right!

My insurance is not covering any of our treatments, but, I don't see how if you are getting insurance coverage through this Dr., why in the world another appointment would not be covered? Sounds strange.


In a sense, we pay to get results because they are often reviewed during an office visit and we pay for the talk time. I think if it's a general test that requires little interpretation or explanation, I would be upset. But if the test required a doctor to put the results into context or tie them to my child's medical picture (well, we suspected 1 but this result indicates 2 or may mean 3) then I can understand how a doctor may feel it's important to have a consult and would therefore want to be compensated. I can see both sides.


At the moment, I think I'd pay since bloodwork was ordered on Mar 9th and I've been trying to get the results ever since. I've surely paid for the testing though. :angry: I'm feeling your pain.


Ok... cleaned up the inbox a bit. Hers were drawn on Feb 15 and still no info on results from that office. I was able to get some of the results (the ones that were in the computer) from our wonderful Ped last time we saw him. I have signed a release for them to send labs to our Immuno here... slow going - I certainly hope they will be here early next week. Our Immuno will call us with results or I'll stop by to get them.


Even though our specialist has ordered the tests, our pediatrician get's the results as well (except for IgeneX). I often just call there to get the results (without interpretation). They have more office staff (some who know us better than others) and a "records" dept. So they will either read results over the phone or print out copies for me.


I agree with LLM that if the doctor has to spend more than a few minutes time interpreting and having a phone consultation, it is like a follow up visit. The amount would therefore correspond with how much time the doc has to spend...


I have had a phone consult that was not covered by insurance (I think we use the same doc). It wasn't to review lab results specifically, but to try to determine what was causing exacerbation in my daughter and determine next steps. I think it was between $200 and $300. It stinks that it wasn't covered. But on the other hand, we usually have to travel and stay overnight to see the doc, so out of pocket we probably spent less than we would have on a o visit.


i believe this office charges $ just to get a copy of the labs..i don't believe that is proper..at a certain points in treatment you don't need "interpretation"... you just need a copy


Honestly, that is insane. I know the argument is you are paying for that dr's time but really unless it warrents a full consult and not just a 10 minute followup call I would not even think about paying that. I would insist on a copy of the results and take it elsewhere. I don't know why just because these doctors are considered almighty pandas experts (assuming that I am correct in that you are seeing one of them) that they should get to do this. I have had bloodwork done before on myself or my children not pandas related and then called the dr. for the results... They don't charge for the results or run it through insurance and I don't get why this would be any different. I can understand if they call with the results and keep it brief and then say you need to make an appointment for farther consult but to get test results and their basic opinion of the results.. it's insane to expect $500.00.


Yes ajcire... we are seeing one of the known PANDAS specialists. I forced the issue... went to local docs office, signed release for ALL records (I think labs is all we got, but at least we got those)... then I called an clearly stated that I understood they were legally obligated to send them since I have a signed release - that was being faxed again that day (this was end of last week) since they 'lost' the first one.


They were faxed to my local doc on Saturday. :)


I just posted to ask questions about the Igenex... that was my main concern.

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