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Finally got myself in with our new LLMD and he started me on Doxy 100mg- 1 in the morning, 2 in the evening.


Also on:


milk thistle

drinking dandelion tea


activated charcoal


Complex Detox powder (for mold)



and will start Cat's Claw next week.


He ran about 10 vials of blood- co-infections, Lupus, thyroid, Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever, IGG, etc etc etc


I'm allergic to almost every abx, so I made it through day 1 of the Doxy without a rxn, and I am soooo happy!! He said he would add in Azith for me, maybe next month.


Great news! I hope you handle all the meds and any herxing well. It will be good to hear your progress. I Herxes a lot on cats claw. So much so that I decided to wait until I was more stable from the other things I was taking before trying again. It's powerful stuff!




Night 1- woke up on the verge of falling asleep w/panic attack type symptoms- heart racing, VERY restless legs and emotional. After about an hour, decided to take melatonin (it makes me groggy the next day, so I rarely use it.) Finally went back to sleep, but alternated b/t feeling too hot and too cold, and horrible headache.


Day 2- Headache in waves- very sharp pains running through head. Felt like I had cotton balls in my head. Spent a lot of time with herx protocol and in the tub in epsom salts. Dull headache and exhausted by evening.


Night 2- Slept better. None of the symptoms of before.


Day 3- More tired than usual and dull headache off and on. One brief moment of severe nausea early in the day, but passed quickly. Stabbing pains in calf muscles briefly after dinner. One wave of unbearable exhaustion, but passed after lying down with closed eyes for about 15 minutes. VERY fatigued.

Posted (edited)

By the way... some of these symptoms are very specific to Bartonella. I was told when they build protocol for me, I might become more symptomatic for Bartonella due to cross over treatment. Panic attacks, increase in anxiety, stabbing headaches, facial pain.... are typically Bartonella. I can't remember if you've been tested or not yet.



Edited by SF Mom

Just had the blood draw for co-infections. He said he would be shocked if I didn't test positive for Babesia due to my history of "sleeping sickness" as an adolescent/teen, where I would sleep for 16 hours/day and still be sleepy. I'm really curious to see what does show up.


Nausea today right after taking doxy, but I tried to take it on empty stomach. I had to eat a piece of cheese because I seriously thought I was going to faint. Passed pretty immediately. It's like weird things are coming in waves- here one second and severe, and then gone the next like it never happened! I didn't expect to herx this soon or this badly.


I also had a 10 minute rash this morning on my chest that I had Pixie snap a photo of. It was already fading in the photo- when it first showed up, it had a clearing off to one side like a very distorted bulls-eye. It was itchy though, so not sure what that means.



Posted (edited)

I'll be shocked too if you do not have Bartonella. That is a strange rash but I'm resolved you'll see and feel some really strange stuff while being treated. I've started anti-malaria herbs for Babesia and was killing me yesterday and I was told I'd feel much worse. Today, I am forgetting that I have LD!!!!!!


Thank goodness for the good days to keep me motivated. When I feel good, I feel better than I have in years.


p.s. I couldn't take doxy and had to switch to Doryx... I had too much acid reflux with doxy.



Edited by SF Mom

pixiesmommy- I am on day 69 of doxy (although, the dose is too low -- 100mg am/pm) and go thru cycles of different symptoms. First it was severe thigh pain, then it was oval shaped itchy rashes, and now I am getting constant headaches. I still have achy pains and itchy rashes...just not as bad.


I also get very groggy in the morning with the use of Melatonin, but I've been using Source Naturals Melatonin Sublingual with no problems. I just use one tablet (1 mg). Of course, if you are in a lot of discomfort I doubt it would work.


Wow!! I can't wait to have my first "good" day. The best day I have had in years was the first time I got biofeedback- I had 2 really awesome, energetic days immediately after. The second time did hardly anything for me though :(


Melatonin never did a THING for me. So consider yourself lucky! Hahaha. To avoid that groggy feeling I'd suggest trying some Valerian root. After being prescribed practically every benzodiazepine known to modern medicine with literally zero success, Valerian root did the trick the very first night! Definitely worth looking into.


So glad to hear about your treatment! It's awesome to have someone starting at almost the exact same time as me, hahaha. Are you doing TOA free Cat's Claw? Mine is called Samento & I can't remember if I told you on FaceBook it not, but, it's a killer. (get it...? Cos it's killing spirochetes..? Hehe. :P) I know for me & Linda both it has been... Gnarly. Can't think of a better word, hahaha. So, good luck with that! Are you doing the uphill dosage?


So happy for you guys! Best of wishes from Texas. Y'ALL ( ;) ) know you can shoot a message to your Southern treatment buddy whenever!


Oh yeah! Forgot to ask... Will you be pursuing ART testing if the co-infection tests come back negative? I've heard those are just as 100% reliable as the Borrelia Burgdorferi ones! Yippee! ;) except not really, just kidding, hahaha. Also, antibody screens or PCRs? I was lucky enough to test positive for Lyme & Mycoplasma the first time we ran a blood test, but it missed the Bartonella & Babesia. As far as I'm concerned, ART is the way to go!


Interesting. I had not heard that about ART testing. Not sure what I will do if they come back negative, actually. My brain is not that far yet!!


I have a bottle of Cat's Claw- just the regular thing you buy at CVS or whatever. It's capsules. It's just sitting there and I'm terrified of it. I might take one next weekend and hope I don't die. I'm only half kidding. :mellow:


I hope your herx ends soon. (((Hugs)))

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