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Can anyone point me to studies or documentation about garlic, onions, and/or mustard feeding parasites? I see this mentioned on the board in several posts, but when I search I find that these are used to treat parasites, so I am confused and looking for the other side, so to speak B)



Not at all arguing- just want to read both sides for myself and then decide. We eat a TON of those things here because I thought they were good... and, well, let's face it, I'm a food blogger about this stuff and I want to inform my public! LOL


Thanks so much!



Can anyone point me to studies or documentation about garlic, onions, and/or mustard feeding parasites? I see this mentioned on the board in several posts, but when I search I find that these are used to treat parasites, so I am confused and looking for the other side, so to speak B)



Not at all arguing- just want to read both sides for myself and then decide. We eat a TON of those things here because I thought they were good... and, well, let's face it, I'm a food blogger about this stuff and I want to inform my public! LOL


Thanks so much!


I also was confused by that recommendation. I have read a couple books about parasites and garlic is recommended. It is also recommended for detoxing metals. I don't know the answer either.


As per my knowledge all three are fine and extremely beneficial. Garlic info: garlic has a natural compound called alliin which becomes converted to allicen in the mouth (saliva) and in the digestive tract. Allicen is what rips open biofilms, is antimicrobial, antiyeast and antiviral. Numerous research studies available on this. NOW, when garlic is excessively cooked the alliin can become deactivated and some reports say the cooking process can increase oxalates which are not beneficial at all and even considered harmful (google oxalate diet).

Onions and mustard help in the three phases of the methylation and liver detox pathways. Onions especially onion family- leeks etc, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and the like are beneficial as per my knowledge.

Again raw is better in salads and overcooked is not beneficial.

Mustard, parsley, sea salt, oregano,hot pepper, turmeric, cumin, coriander and other naturally made condiments (not bbq sauce, ketchup - KWIM), herbs and spices are beneficial when consumed daily in small amounts.

If the person is alreay being treated for Lyme etc, then these are not really a problem as long as on a good abx plus detox plus nutritional support regimen.

As per my knowledge.This is what I follow for my family and friends.



I imagine I am the only posting this recommendation, so let me explain further.


I got this idea from a Hulda Clark book where the topic was curing cancer. She is dead now, was an MD and researcher, had some fairly unique ideas about what caused cancer. She has a variety of books out there, I imagine most/all of them mention the onions/garlic/mustard.


The one I have in front of me that discusses it is "The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers". I borrowed a slightly different book from someone, then tried to buy it online and got this different one. What strikes me in reading both books is how different they are in terms of the information and recommendations. Of course plenty were the same, but they changed quite a bit as well. This woman was truly researching and finding things out and publishing them as soon as she could. In one book, we should avoid foods with malonic acid in them. In the subsequent book, it's really some other chemical that's playing more of a role in cancer than the malonic acid. (I compare this to the progression of, oh yes, borrelia/lyme causes tourette's symptoms for someone, it's not just some tourette's gene. But wait, why is it hard to get rid of the borrelia, is it heavy metals, is it worms farming the borrelia, and so on. And why are there worms. The point is, regardless of the explanation we have for something, there is always a deeper reason.) Anyway, it just strikes me as real research she was doing, meaning some may be dead on, but some needs to be figured out more.


In her books I have read, though, pretty consistent is the onion/garlic/mustard. She claims they contain food for parasites and worms. She claims 5 days with complete avoidance of these foods, and all the worms will be gone from your body, in a much more painless way than antihelmintics. I can assure you, this claim is incorrect, 5 days was not nearly enough for me. But, I found avoidance of these foods very helpful. I think it has probably been 4 months or so since I went down that path. It made the herbals for worms work better, it got me ready to take the biltricide. I have not completely avoided, I've had a restaurant meal on Fridays every week, regardless of what ingredients are in there. My experience confirms she was absolutely on to something here. I cannot assure you that this would be everybody's experience, but I would expect that most with parasites/worms would benefit from this avoidance. Perhaps it would depend some on the specific parasite/worm, there are many varieties.


By the way, from my readings of her books and various other places, it appears to me that she was the one who pioneered the wormwood/black walnut hull/clove combination that has become quite popular in treating parasites/worms. BioPure has made a very excellent ozonated form of these things, and I took the Gamma Rizole for 1-2 months and then Zeta Rizole for 1-2 months after that. Again, they became much more powerful for me when I started avoiding these foods. My progress was VERY slow without this avoidance. There was about a 1 month period in there where I could tell this avoidance was more important for me than the abx I was taking, even though the abx were quite excellent at the time. Now, after about 4 months or so of these products and avoidances, and biltricide for a couple days, I am finding that I can do well and eat these foods again more frequently, a few meals a week now. I am just this morning starting on other antihelmintics, and they are strong for me, indicating I still do have some worms I am working on.


My point in bringing up the wormwood/black walnut/clove thing, though, is, she definitely got some things right. For those with the time to read one of her books, I promise you, if nothing else, a very interesting read. You will find some of her conclusions and recommendations absolutely crazy. And I bet some of them are, and yet perhaps a few are quite brilliant. You will likely walk away with a couple good take-aways as well.


By the way, before I ran across this recommendation, I did take some garlic supplements. I have taken them for a period of time when energetically test as are good for me. Perhaps a month here, and a couple months there. The quality supplements are really only one or two chemicals--allicin or whatever, and perhaps they do not feed the parasites/worms like the whole foods do (don't know for sure). I know the garlic supplement was helpful for me when I took it, but really it was just "oh, okay, a little good", and not absolutely powerful/wonderful.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for posting this Michael.Its great info and I will look into this further.

It never ceases to surprise me how much people differ in their approaches and beliefs and internal physiology. Holistically for each and every yay sayers of a method there are an equal number of nay sayers and both have tons of experiences, data, research etc. What works for one doesn't for another. I've been brought up vegan and with an ayurvedic plus homeopathic approach to maladies rather than allopathic unless essential. All vegetables, roots and herbs are ok with me- from bitter melon to turmeric root raw. They all have their good points. Never been hurt by any edible fruits and vegetables. Never tasted meat, eggs, fish or dairy products or alcohol. No health reason just mom brought us up that way due to religious beliefs and it stuck with me.

Poor communities around the world have little else to work with and on a couple missions to rural Kenya I observed mothers washing with warm water and then covering open wounds and scrapes with onion paste, turmeric paste and or Fuller's earth.

I guess its a journey, very individualistic and unique. I find it hard to believe anybody's body of work outhere to be the absolute. I've found a few clinicians whose work has inspired me and saved my son's life and thats what Im going with.

Would love to peek at your blog once you've completed your research Manda!

Edited by sptcmom

Thanks! Will definitely keep reading and check out her works.


My blog link is in my signature at the bottom of each post, although it is mostly how to cook GF at this time. We follow Nourishing Traditions, so most things are very meat/dairy heavy, though there are some veg/vegan items there, and some discussion of herbs/spices as I learn more about them.



  • 2 months later...

Bumping up for ShaesMom.


I haven't re-read the other threads I have just bumped up, don't know how much parasites are covered in them, but parasites and the Dr. Klinghardt's protocol (primarly non-antibiotics) are topics on their own. Treating parasites is an excellent first step, there are some excellent herbals for this as a good place to start. Eventually prescription antihelminthics can help as well. Dr. Klinghardt has entire protocols, if you can find them on the web. I have some on pdf, so don't know how to post them here, but could send them to anyone interested. They are probably dated now, as his techniques evolve, but a lot of good ideas.


Another thing you can look at is Dr. Burrascano's "Treatment/Diagnosis Guidelines/Hints" from the ILADS website. There are a lot of supplement recommendations there.


Looking for sensitivity to fluorescent lights and wireless devices and EMF's is another thing to really consider. Some of this can be hard to evaluate if people are exposed all the time, and if you are dealing with rages, you might try getting rid of as much of this stuff as you can, or at least turning it off when possible. Sleeptime is particularly important. Circuit breakers can be turned off for the bedroom at night. Fluorescent lights can be replaced with incandescants. Land-based phones still work. Remember that cordless phones work on the same principle as cellphones and are no better. Routers for internet can also run on wires, we had the wireless aspect of our Verizon router turned off. I know personally that exposure to these things can cause rages for those with lyme, not everyone for sure but something to think about.

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