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Hello All,


I'm not sure any of you remember me, but I was on the Pandas board for a short time last year. My DS (5) had a somewhat sudden onset of tics and mild OCD in April of 2010. We immediately started him on supplements & diet changes. I believe the supplements definitely helped eliminate the mild OCD, so all we have been left with are tics. He was diagnosed by the neuro as having "a tic disorder". He has no other P.A.N.D.A.S. symptoms -- he has no rage, he is not moody, no meltdowns, sleeps great, etc. etc. So, I ruled it out and never pursued it further. Also, to our knowledge, never had a strep infection. Although I had PLENTY in my life.


Anyway, he was recently diagnosed with bronchitis & possible asthma, the doctor put him on his first dose of antibiotics ever this past Tuesday. Well, I noticed his tics have been non-existent and his personality has been "more chipper". I haven't said anything to anyone, but then MY HUSBAND said something to me about it tonight. Now, you have to understand, my husband does not have the same emotion about my son's condition & rarely even talks about it because he thinks I over react, so the fact he said something is huge & frankly shocked me!


All this said to get to my question --> does this mean anything as far as P.A.N.D.A.S? Is it meaningful in any way that he is having this response to antibiotics? Or is it just a coincidence or can that happen with tics/Tourettes too (I don't remember reading in any of my research that antibiotics help with TS)?


Thanks for ANY input...




I think when symptoms (in this case tics and mood) resolve or improve w/ abx its a pretty good sign that the symptoms are infection and/or inflammation related.


Can I ask what abx your son was put on? Some of them are said to have anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects....we too have tics that are not responding to low dose zithromax....curious what helped?


Thank all,


I just don't know what to think, I've never really thought he fit the pandas profile or even the TS one for that matter, although he has both vocal & motor tics. This is all so confusing, frustrating & all consuming.


As for the abx, it's nothing special just amoxicillin, but something has definitely reduced the tics & although he's never really moody, his personality just seems more evident. I know that sounds strange, but I don't know how else to explain it.


I wouldn't rule PANDAS out just because he doesn't have all of the symptoms. My son (age 10) started with mild OCD, then tics. He was also clingy and somewhat moody, but that wasn't unusual for him (he's always been a tad moody). He never had any sleep issues either, and has not had any focus issues, he has been doing great in school. It was when the tics (that actually seemed more OCD as they were in a pattern) got worse that we suspected something medical was causing this behavior. i took him to his Pediatrician and demanded bloodwork to check ASO titers, Anti DNase. etc. The ASO titers came back high. He showed vast improvement after a 20 day course of antibiotics for a sinus infection (in August). He was diagnosed with PANDAS in September. We have had ups and downs...he was completetly symptom free for a 6-7 week period, then a lot strep was going around. I agree with everyone else, it doesn't seem like coincidence to me.

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