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My son is REALLY benefiting from fish oil


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I had talked about this a bit a few weeks ago in a thread called "Omega 3", but I wanted to make it more visible.


In September, I started giving my son 1/2 teaspoon a day of Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil (Wyatt turned 9 in December). It took about a week and a half and his tics lessened by about 80%. I'm truly delighted by the effect. :D His teacher has also reported that he has been much less distractible at school. I should mention that Wyatt's tics were never too frequent. His TS at this point would be considered mild.

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that is good that he is one of the kids with TS that can tolerate getting his omega3 from fish oil :)


as you may have read, some people with TS seem to react to fish oil sources of omega 3 with increased tics even though they can eat fish with no problem


For them, flaxseed oil is a better alternative supplemental omega 3 source

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Hi Cloudy,


Since August or so, his most common tic is a heavy exhale, often when he is eating. Prior to that his most common tic was blinking. He also rolls his eyes and turns his head like he was following a bird in flight. Those are the most common. There have been others.


He takes it willingly. It is lightly flavored even though it is not a children's product. He preferred the lemon flavored to the peach flavor we now have.



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