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Below is what my girl is taking. During the day she is a bit better than she was, although you can tell that she is right on the brink of squirting you in the face with a hose, or whatever. Your on pins and needles waiting for something to happen. Come bedtime, after I give the seroquel she starts to get really uninhibited and starts putting on sexy clothes. She get really impulsive too. I am not sure what it is. Any suggestions are really welcome.


9:00am Nystatin

10:30am 2 Charcoal

12:00pm Azith. & Nystatin

12:30pm lamictal

1:30pm 2 Charcoal

3:00pm Nystatin

4:30pm 2 Charcoal

6:00pm Nystatin

8:30pm 1.5 mg. melatoin

9:00 pm 1.5mg melatonin

9:30pm 25mg. Seroquel


I wasn't able to pull up your list in the email you sent. Looking at your list, it seems that you could condense the schedule a bit, it's just dragged out all day long! Please check with Scott before making any of these changes, but couldn't you give the lamictal at the same time as the azith and nystatin at noon? Also, seems like you could condense the last 4 on the list to be given at one time. When you get your labs back I have a feeling you will be adding a lot to this list, so you want to make the process as streamlined as possible. Eventually you want to drop the charcoal and add probiotics (there will be die-off with probiotics, just be ready).


As far as your daughter having trouble sleeping and acting "sexual" at night, that sounds a lot like my 6yo when he has yeast. I suspect that you don't have yeast under control quite yet. When the labs come in, your daughter may be switched to diflucan. In the meantime, is there any way that you could give one last charcoal dose closer to bedtime? When my son can't sleep, I will give him some extra melatonin, and if he's not asleep within 20-30 minutes I will give him 2 charcoal.


I'm not really familiar with seroquel, but I know with my PANDAS dd we had disinhibition with SSRI's. So, that would be one thing to consider, lowering the seroquel dose.


I would also try adding on a dose of advil at dinner time.

  • 3 years later...

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